Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two Practitioners from Hebei and Hubei Provinces Die from Persecution
2006-05-0555-year-old Ms. Pang Xiurong, was a practitioner from Hubei Province. She began Falun Dafa practice in 1997 and became healthy both in body and mind. She was detained for exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa after July 20th, 1999. Thereafter, officers from the 610 Office monitored her. Her family members, who did not understand about Falun Dafa, also put pressure on her. She suffered a great deal both physically and emotionally. She died on May 23rd, 2005.
60-Year-Old Ms. Li Gaizhen Persecuted to Death
2006-05-04Ms. Li Gaizhen, 60 years old, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. Officials from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have persecuted her many times. Police arrested and beat her, stripped her of all her clothes on a cold and snowy day and poured cold water over her. After being sentenced to 3 years in a forced labour camp, where she was brutally tortured, Ms. Li died on April 6th, 2006.
Mr. Zhang Hongwei Dying in Jilin Prison
2006-05-04Mr. Zhang had been tortured by being handcuffed on the "Death Bed" for more than 50 days and the "Big Hang Up". At the beginning of 2005, he was locked in a small cell for three months, and his health was failing due to this brutal torture. He was sick with tuberculosis at the beginning of 2006, and he has no energy to talk now. When he was checked on March 8th, 2006, the doctors found he had third degree TB, pleurisy with pleural fluid, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Mr. Zhang cannot eat because the medicine has ruined his stomach.
Mr. Zhao Wenbo Tortured to Disability (Photos)
2006-05-04On January 14th, 2002, Mr. Zhao was detained in Beijing by police. He broke open the door and escaped. In order to avoid being arrested again, Mr. Zhao went back to his hometown. On the way home, he felt extreme discomfort due to the torture he received in Beijing. His condition worsened, and he became paralysed after two months. His family sent him to the hospital, and the doctor found many injuries, including a leg bone fracture, deformity of the lower spine, a chest injury, brain injury, and other problems. His wife wanted to divorce him since he was disabled. Mr. Zhao did not agree to the divorce, but the neighbourhood administration helped his wife divorce him with only one excuse, that he practises Falun Dafa.
Chinese Prison is Hell
2006-05-04"I was in prison because I believe in Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance. However, my monitors were in prison for corruption, robbery, and drugs. This world is upside-down this way. Besides the inmate monitors, there were also electronic surveillance devices in each cell. When I was first put into that prison, I was asked to fill out some forms, which I refused to do. My inmate monitors immediately reported this to the prison guards. The guards punished me by forcing me to squat for a long time, which made my feet numb."
Mr. Lu Mengxin Dies From Torture Sustained in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Mengxin was 42-years-old and was a lecturer employed by the Northeast Forestry University. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa on October 10th, 1999, and was arrested. He was detained for 16 months and sentenced to three years in prison. Mr. Lu was beaten and had his food taken by other inmates. He was as thin as a skeleton due to starvation. Mr. Lu Mengxin was arrested again early on April 3rd, 2005 and detained. On February 27th, 2006, Lu Mengxin died from multi-organ failure as a result of torture in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
Atrocities Perpetrated in Langfang City: Cao Baoyu Persecuted to Death; Yang Jianpo in Critical Condition
2006-05-03On April 27th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Cao Baoyu, 56, was persecuted to death at Guangyang District People's Hospital in Langfang City. At the same time, Dafa practitioner Yang Jianpo remains in critical condition from the persecution. On April 19th their family members went to the hospital and spoke to Director Liu of Guangyang District Governor Office. The family members said, "They did not kill anyone or set fire to anything, why should they be treated like this?" Liu answered: "I can't tell you. If you killed or set something on fire, you may actually be excused. Practising Falun Gong is more serious than killing or setting fires."
On the Anniversary of His Death, More Information About the Persecution of Mr. Cheng Xueshan
2006-05-03Mr. Cheng Xueshan was arrested when he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution on April 5th, 2005. In only one week, a once healthy person, Mr. Cheng Xueshan became a handful of ash. Nothing else was left. He did not even get a chance to see his family a final time. Mr. Cheng's wife was very upset. "This is too ruthless. Such a healthy person was beaten to death in only a few days." When his son held his father's head in the morgue Mr Cheng's eyes half-opened and then closed. His son cried out that his father was not dead! But the family were dragged out of the morgue.
Police in Shenyang City Brutally Torture Falun Gong Practitioner Li Guanghao
2006-05-03In the evening of April 5th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Yang Xuebao and Li Guanghao were arrested. On the morning of April 6th, handcuffed Li Guanghao to the back of a chair and tortured him. Because he could not extort a confession, he threatened Li Guanghao, "It's nothing if I beat you to death, because it'll be counted as suicide! We'll cut out your heart and liver, like at Sujiatun Concentration Camp!"
Persecution-Related Deaths of 14 More Practitioners Verified in March 2006
2006-05-02The genocidal persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP has continued for close to seven years. The regime has brutally tortured Falun Gong practitioners to death and also imposed tight restrictions on information related to the persecution. The torture deaths reported publicly on and verified through public channels are only the tip of the iceberg. Recent news of the atrocities in Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang City revealed that the CCP has not only illegally detained a huge number of Falun Gong practitioners, but also reaped huge profits through the appalling practice of harvesting organs from live practitioners and disposing their bodies immediately.
Cruel Persecution in Xindian Women's Labour Camp in Shanxi Province
2006-05-02Falun Gong practitioners who are currently held in the Xindian Women's Labour Camp are enduring the persecution in great pain every day. The police often incited drug abusers to beat the practitioners, making their faces become swollen and leaving black-and-blue marks all over their bodies. Practitioner Jin Jing was forced several times to wear nothing but thin underclothes in freezing weather because she cried out, "Falun Dafa is good!" Officer Liu Zhongmei brazenly yelled to practitioners, "Our responsibility is to persecute you to death."
Brief Information about Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Hubei Province in 2005
2006-05-02Recently, the police in Xishui City, Hubei Province colluded with some local thugs and arrested many practitioners. A truly inhuman thing happened when the police arrested practitioner Mr. Zhong Quier. A group of policemen attacked him and beat him unconscious on the ground. His mother, in her 70s, went out to protect her son; however, the police even beat the elderly mother so badly that she went into a coma. Afterwards, they put Mr. Zhong into a police car and left.
Ms. He Maofen Persecuted Severely in Shandong Province
2006-05-02Ms. He Maofen is about 60 years old. Because she exposed the persecution, Ms. He was brutally persecuted. She was arrested, tortured, fined, and subjected to brainwashing. Her family members were also harassed. He Maofen was arrested on November 10th, 2004, when she explained the true situation of Falun Gong in her town. Her home was then searched and she was sent to a detention centre. The inhuman detention centre authorities denied her food for nine days. Later, one of her relatives paid 5,000 yuan to the detention centre. He Maofen was later released. She was arrested again on March 30th, 2005, for distributing Falun Gong materials. Recently, Ms. He has been in the Yishui Detention Centre.
Young Medical Doctor Du Juan Died as a Result of Torture Suffered in Chongqing Women's Labour Camp
2006-05-01Ms. Du Juan was a medical doctor in Chongqing City. After four years and six months of torture suffered at the labour camp, her spleen, lungs and liver were all badly damaged. Only then did the police agree to release her. After Ms. Du returned home, the local police still frequently harassed and monitored her. She was forced to leave home. Du Juan passed away on April 14th, 2006 at the age of 29.
610 Office in Xinjiang Arrests about Twenty Practitioners and Injects Them Daily with Unknown Drugs
2006-05-01Since March 29th, the 610 Office in Xinjiang has arrested twenty Falun Dafa practitioners and sent them to the "Transformation Base" in the Banfanggou Public Health Centre in Urumqi County. It is said that the local officials hold different levels of meetings. At the meetings it has been emphasised that no one must ever let out this news, but instead they are required to tell outsiders that ordinary classes are being held. The Falun Dafa practitioners have been on a hunger strike for twenty-six days. They are being injected with unknown drugs every day.