Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ms. Zhu Chengying from Sichuan Province Has Been Unjustly Sentenced to Ten Years
2005-10-12On August 26th 2005, the Jinjiang District Police Station in Chengdu City, the Jinjiang District Procuratorate, the Jinjiang District Court, and the State Security Brigade from the Leshan City Police Station arrested 54-year-old Ms. Zhu Chengying from her home. On September 15th she was sentenced to ten years in prison without a fair trial and is now being held at the Chengdu City Detention Centre. What was her crime? She told the facts of Falun Dafa to the authorities and to others who had been misled by the government propaganda and so was considered a criminal.
Tears and Blood of Dalian: The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Yan, Part 1
2005-10-1137-year-old teacher Ms Sun Yan benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Gong. She was arrested and persecuted several times for believing in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Her workplace sent her to a brainwashing class, even though the company had awarded her the title "Model Young Worker". In November 2001 she was sent to Dalian Forced Labour Camp and was savagely tortured.
Intensified Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-11A relative recently went to visit Qi Mingli, but was not allowed to see him. This relative tried to tell the truth of Falun Gong to the police at the labour camp. Li Fenglin, who is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong, said, "If you keep talking, I will put you in the labour camp too." After asking the police on several occasions to see Mingli, his family members were finally able to see him. They saw that Qi Mingli's legs were paralysed, as he walked only with heavy support from others. This is the real reason why the forced labour camp doesn't want people to visit him. They are afraid of their crimes being exposed.
Practitioners' Family Members Expose the Underhanded Dealings of a Detention Centre Shop in Harbin
2005-10-11Family members came to the shop to learn news about the practitioners being held there. The shop's prices are extremely high. A box of instant noodles costs 20 yuan at a regular shop but is marked 60 yuan there. Some items are 50 percent more expensive than regular prices and some are twice as much as the regular price. Some family members asked the clerks if their family members were still detained here. The clerks told them, "Yes," so the families bought several things and asked the clerks to send them in. But when the clerks came back, they did not give the family members any receipts. When the family asked for the receipts, the clerks said that the practitioners had been transferred.
Remembering Fellow Practitioners Ms. Shi Shengying and Ms. Ren Shujie
2005-10-11On August 25th 2005, Ms. Shi Shengying was tortured to death in the Shenyang Women's Prison in Liaoning Province. On September 4th 2005, I again heard the news of Ms. Ren Shujie's death as a result of torture. I recalled my short acquaintance with them. I now dedicate this article to these two practitioners, Shi Shengying and Ren Shujie. Ms. Ren Shujie radiated a righteous field around her. Ms. Shi Shengying was frequently tortured until she fainted. It is my regret that I can no longer see Shi Shengying.
Daqing Prison Prohibits Falun Dafa Practitioners from Leaving the Prison Building
2005-10-10In Daqing Prison, practitioners are deprived of their basic freedom. Prisoners monitor them around the clock. The Daqing Prison prohibits Falun Dafa practitioners from leaving the prison building to get fresh air outside. Practitioners Mr. Zhang Zidong, Mr. Li Huifeng, and Mr. Wang Yudong left the prison building, resulting in the prison guards beating them severely. Mr. Zhang was tortured into partial paralysis, his lower back was injured. As a result, he can no longer stand and take care of himself. Mr. Zhang has been in the hospital since August 31st.
Update on Falun Dafa Practitioners from Helongjiang Province Suffering from Persecution
2005-10-10The following is an update on the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners from Fuyu County in Heilongjiang Province. Ms. Zeng Fenglian was tortured so severely that she can no longer walk. Mr. Xu Guoxiang was arrested when looking for work out of town. Without him, his wife and son are living a difficult life. Ms. Lu Guizheng has been persecuted. She and her family's whereabouts have been unknown for nearly three years. Mr. Zhai Yuzhu was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison.
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province
2005-10-10The police closely follow the persecution policies against Falun Gong initiated by former leader Jiang Zemin and his regime. They illegally search Falun Gong practitioners' homes, brutally beat them, and subject them to all manner of painful tortures including burning practitioners with cigarettes, nailing bamboo spikes into practitioners' fingernails, and beating them with electric batons. In the authorities' efforts to try and "reform" Falun Gong practitioners, practitioners are severely tortured both physically and mentally. Some have been forced to leave home to avoid persecution.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in a Military Enterprise in Anshun City
2005-10-10At the Fenglei Air Force Equipment Manufacturing Factory in Anshun City, Guizhou Province, where I work, the authorities have closely followed former president Jiang Zemin's regime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. From 2001 to 2004, six practitioners from our factory were arrested because they told the facts about Falun Gong and two died from illnesses that arose as a result of a long and severe persecution.
September 2005: Deaths of an Additional 44 Falun Gong Practitioners Confirmed (Photo)
2005-10-09The deaths of another 44 Falun Gong practitioners have been verified in September 2005. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang'Zemin's group launched the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th 1999, to date 2,742 Falun Gong practitioners have died, most as a result of torture. 58-year-old Mr. Jia Junxi was beaten to death around August 29th. The police threatened his family, "Nothing will happen, even if you sue us in Beijing"
Exposing the Dark Side of the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-09We are the family of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Guifu. We are writing this appeal letter in a state of grave concern because we cannot accept that she is at this moment being tormented in a Chinese government facility because of her firm belief in Falun Gong and her unwillingness to be "transformed" and thereby manipulated to deceive other people. When we saw her, Liu was as thin as a stick, and we could hardly recognise her. She used to weight around 154 pounds and now she looked less than 110 pounds. Her hair had turned grey.
Frenzied Arrests of Dafa Practitioners Took Place in Qingdao City Just Before the October 1st National Day
2005-10-09The Qingdao Police started an intensive manhunt of Falun Gong practitioners on September 26th 2005, in anticipation of the upcoming National Day on October 1st. Ms. Cui Weirui, from the Shibei District and approximately 56 years old, was arrested from her home in the early morning hours of September 20th 2005. The police also ransacked her home. She is now imprisoned and being forced to attend a brainwashing class in Qingdao City.
Dadong District Court of Shenyang City Put a Good Person in Jail
2005-10-09On the morning of September 20th 2005, Falun Dafa practitioners Mrs. Wang Jinping and Bai Min were on trial in Dadong District Court of Shenyang City, and were sentenced to eight and four years of prison respectively, for "disturbing social order and endangering national security." During the trial process, there was no defence lawyer and no chance for them to defend themselves. The verdict was pushed through as if it was part of a mechanised process.
Government Officials in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Arrest at Least 16 Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-10-08On September 23rd 2005, a large number of Daqing City policemen were sent to arrest many Dafa practitioners. At least 16 practitioners from the city were arrested. It started about five a.m. The Head of the Daqing Development Zone Police Sub-bureau led 7 to 8 policemen to break into the house of elderly Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Guifen. The policemen cut her telephone line and disconnected her mobile phone to cut off all communication to the outside. They ransacked her house and confiscated her personal property. At about 10 a.m. the policemen took Ms. Gao Guifen, who is nearly 70 years old, to criminal detention.
Facts about the Recent Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-08Falun Gong practitioners' work units start work at 6 a.m. and work for more than ten hours a day in the forced labour camp. Practitioner Liu Jilian, though very weak, was forced to collect scrap, but was not allowed to rest. He was forced to perform the work one-handed, because the other hand was disabled. The guards treat practitioners as the main production force and get bonuses if production is high. As practitioners are released, the number of people working is reduced, but the work quota is not reduced. If the quotas are not met, the deputy captain puts pressure on the guards.