Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mother Tortured, Police Send Homeless Child to Orphanage
2004-10-18Yu Yaojin is a 48-year-old mother from Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested by police because she practised Falun Gong and sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. As a result, the police sent her four-year-old daughter to an orphanage. During her detention Yu underwent severe torture and ended up with heart problems; yet she pined to see her daughter. Because of her determination, the labour camp allowed her to visit the orphanage. Sadly, the little girl had been so traumatized by her mother's sudden arrest and suffered such separation anxiety that she was no longer able to recognize her mother.
"I Have Lost My Mummy, I Cannot Lose My Daddy" (Photo)
2004-10-17Little Yuanming's father is a Falun Dafa practitioner named Zhao Yougang. Even so, in June of 2003 Zhao Yougang was arrested by the Nanjing police while he was composing materials to tell people about Falun Gong. In jail he has been constantly subjected to inhumane torture. Little Yuanming went to Wuxi Prison hospital with her maternal grandmother to see her dad, who has become now virtually unrecognizable due to the torture. Even though Yuanming is young, she can still understand, "I have already lost my mummy, I cannot lose my daddy."
Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Haibo and His Wife Suffer Abuse at Sichuan University
2004-10-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Haibo was an associate professor in the Mathematics Department at Sichuan University. His wife, Ms. Fang Hui, was a lecturer in the Foreign Languages Department at Sichuan University. They are both about 40 years old. The couple was sentenced to three and a-half years and three years in prison, respectively, for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to others. Both were fired from their jobs. Sichuan University has not paid Fang Hui any salary and she and her twelve-year-old son did not even receive a minimum living allowance in the last year.
Qinhuangdao City Court Frames Good People - Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal
2004-10-17Shanhaiguan Court held trials for practitioners on August 24 without legal basis, just because they clarified the truth about Falun Gong to people. These so-called "court trials" were held in secret. At around 8:00 a.m. on August 24, four policemen tried to force practitioner Mr. Wei Danquan, who was in life-threatening danger, to the court for trial, but Wei's family strongly opposed it and argued with reason. They requested that police sign a statement assuming responsibility for the consequences if they insisted on taking Mr. Wei, but the officers were afraid to do so and left empty-handed.
Persecuted to Death, Dafa Practitioner Li Jingdong's Leaves Two Teenage Children Orphaned
2004-10-17Li Jingdong, 41 years old, began to practise Falun Gong in 1998. In 2001, Mr. Li was arrested after appealing in Beijing. He was sent back to the local police station in Shandong Province and handcuffed to a tree and left there for over 10 days, enduring insults, beatings and being kicked. He was persecuted to death, leaving behind two children, one 16 year old daughter, a 19 year old son and a 79-year-old mother.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Minqiu Tortured to Death in Beijing
2004-10-16Ms. Zhang Minqiu was a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing, around 60 years old. She died in the autumn of 2002 from being subjected to torture in Beijing Labour Camp Distribution Centre (details unknown). On August 22, 2002, I saw Ms. Zhang Minqiu. Her mind had become unstable because of the torture she endured in the labour camp. She was transferred to Tiantanghe Hospital in September, 2002. Drug addicted prisoner Gao Lei (female) tells how Zhang was tortured in the hospital.
Practitioners Liu Ping and Guo Jianxuan Tortured to Death at Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp
2004-10-16Liu Ping and Guo Jinxuan were both incarcerated in Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp and forced to pick out plastics of certain colours from the rubbish. Under such harsh working condition, Liu Ping collapsed. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis. In the winter of 2001, Liu Ping's condition suddenly worsened one night. As soon as he was sent to the hospital, he died. Guo Jianxuan developed scabies all over his body. He was also beaten very often. He was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away not long after.
Police Knock Practitioners Off Their Motorcycle on the Motorway in Guizhou Province
2004-10-16In the evening of June 28, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Xinping and his wife Lin Shusheng, were riding their motorcycle on the motorway. Police concocted a story, saying both husband and wife were suspected to have posted about 200 banners exposing the persecution along the highway. To catch them, police blocked the road. As a result, Wang Xinping and his wife were knocked off the motorcycle while they were driving. Police stepped on them with their boots. Lin Shusheng had injuries on her face and chest. Wang Xinping was severely injured, sustaining a fractured pelvis. Even faced with these injuries, the police did not take them to a hospital. Instead, they took them back to the police department for more questioning.
My Experience Being Tortured in Miyun Prison, Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp and the Jilin Public Security Hospital (Photos)
2004-10-16On October 25, 1999, I was abducted for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and tell the government the truth about Falun Dafa. I was taken to Miyun Prison in Beijing City. Police held me down to the ground and put their hand-made handcuffs and shackles on me, weighing forty pounds. The handcuffs and shackles deeply cut into my flesh; my feet were badly mangled. Even so, they did not remove the handcuffs and shackles for six days. Later I was detained in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp where I was brutally shocked with electric batons for three hours. In the evenings, my body and face ached as if they were burning.
Suspicious Death of High School Teacher Mr Xiao Guobin from Jilin Province
2004-10-15Mr. Xiao Guobin, 31, was a chemistry teacher. Because he was resolute in practising Falun Dafa, he was subjected to detention and torture. On May 26, 2004, Xiao Guobin was arrested on the street by police. The police then took Xiao back to his home to watch them ransack it. During the search, Xiao "fell" out of a window in his home located on the sixth floor. The details of his fall are yet to be investigated. Xiao passed away despite an emergency rescue. The police guarded the hospital and did not allow other people to come see him. Later someone overheard police chatting with each other, "If Xiao's family members were resolved to find out the reason of his death, we would have to pay lots of money to them."
Products Packaged with Slave Labour at the Beijing Dispatch Centre (Photos)
2004-10-15All detainees held in the Beijing Dispatch Centre there are forced to engage in various kinds of slave labour, such as packaging chopsticks, folding booklets and papers, folding flyers advertising brand-name mobile phones, packaging sample packs of "Hua'anshi" Feminine Wash, and various other items. They work from six o'clock in the morning until very late night. Here we are focusing only on the slave-labour packaging of the "Hua'anshi" Feminine Wash.
Luo Zhixiang's Husband Talks About How Authorities Killed His Pregnant Wife for Practising Falun Gong
2004-10-15"The police said that my wife, Luo Zhixiang, had attempted suicide. It is well known that Falun Gong prohibits killing life, including your own. Besides, she was pregnant. Luo Zhixiang had even called her mother-in-law in Shandong Province to tell her about her pregnancy. With one female and two male guards in the room and her sister Luo Zhifen in a deep sleep, how was it possible for this deathly ill person who had been on a hunger strike for 11 days to jump from the window of the toilet the on third floor for no reason. In addition the two sisters had been under surveillance by the "610 Office" 24 hours a day including visits to the toilet."
Ms. Wu Guifang's Account of the Suffering She Endured in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2004-10-15Ms. Wu Guifang, in her 50's, is from Hebei Province. She was abducted and twice taken to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where she experienced extremely cruel torture and brainwashing. In mid-August of 2004, she was tortured to the brink of death. Afraid of being held responsible, the labour camp authorities released her on medical parole. The two years of torture turned her into skin and bones. She was extremely weak and pale. She appears to be a different person compared to two years ago, when she was a healthy woman. Many people cannot even recognize her anymore.
Urgent Appeal to Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioners in Danger of Dying Due to Brutal Persecution in Jilin Prison
2004-10-14The authorities in Jilin Prison have used all kinds of torture methods to persecute the practitioners. In the past few months, several practitioners who are dying due to the brutal persecution at Jilin Prison were moved to Jilin Railways Central Hospital in Jilin City for so-called treatment. Word has it that a 36-year-old practitioner, name unknown, died in the hospital due to the persecution. The authorities tried to cover up their crimes and blocked the news from going out.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Ms Wu Shujie and Ms Wang Fang from Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2004-10-14Heilongjiang Province practitioner Ms. Wu Shujie, 47, was tortured while detained in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre for two years. Her health deteriorated due to the torture and later she was found to suffer from lung cancer. She was sent home on January 2, 2004 and died on September 8, 2004. Ms. Wang Fang lived in Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province. She was first tortured in Harbin City Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, and the labour camp only released her when she was close to death. Less than two months after returning home, on September 24, 2004, she passed away.