Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
A Hundred Tortures Illustrated (33 - 37)
2004-10-06Torture method: "Roasting A Whole Lamb": This torture method was used in Xuchang City's No. 3 Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province. After the torture, the practitioner was unable to leave the bed for several months. The wounds were still filled with pus and festered.
Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Brutal Persecution in the Harbin Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province
2004-10-06The Harbin Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province brutally tortures Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Wang Ying, Ms. Guo Meisong, and Ms. Qu Jie have been tortured to death there. In addition, Ms. Bi Yunting and Ms. Wang Fang were brutally tortured. At present, we do not know if they are still alive. Falun Dafa practitioners were detained for a long time in solitary confinement and brutally tortured. When the prison police force-fed practitioners they inserted dirty tubes into practitioners' throats for several days without taking them out. Practitioners Wang Ying and Guo Meisong died from lung infections caused by the unclean feeding tubes. Guo Meisong was tortured to death in May 2003.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ma Xuejun Suffered Brutal Torture in the Jiamusi City Police Department
2004-10-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ma Xuejun of Heilongjiang Province has been determined in practising Falun Dafa. He has been illegally detained for his practice many times and forced to leave his home. In December 2002, he was abducted again. He was detained in the Jiamusi City Detention Centre, was tortured there and became emaciated. At that time, he was near death and his battered body was a gruesome site. Because he suffered such long-term torture, he was seriously injured, and barely breathing. His legs were twisted and stiff, and could not change position.
Falun Gong Practitioner Huang Guohua, Whose Wife Luo Zhixiang Died from the Persecution, Escapes to Thailand and Calls for Urgent Help
2004-10-05"I didn't have a place to live in Guangzhou City and the "610 Office" was after me. I secretly returned to Shandong Province and got my passport. I received my visa through a travel agency and on August 20 I went to Bangkok, Thailand on a travel visa in order to avoid further persecution by persons from the "610 Office." If I return to China, I will be in extreme danger. I urgently need help from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or other governments and organizations."
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Biqiong from Sichuan Province, Forced to Have an Abortion by Local Government
2004-10-05"My name is Luo Biqiong. I am thirty-six years old. When I was unjustly detained, police asked me repeatedly whether or not I would continue to practise Falun Gong. I kept quiet so they continued to beat me without stopping. I was four months pregnant at the time. They hit my face, hands, and head and my whole body was cut and bruised, my mouth was filled with blood, my head and my hands were swollen, and both my legs turned purple. Eventually I couldn't stand the torture anymore and wrote a statement giving up Falun Gong. I regreted my action terribly and soon after revoked it. Just because I wrote, "I want to practise Falun Gong," I was subjected to a forced abortion that ended an innocent four-month-old life."
Brutal Torture at Shaanxi Women's Labour Camp Causes Practitioners to Suffer Mental Collapse
2004-10-05The authorities at Shaanxi Province Women's Labour Camp laced the food of Falun Dafa practitioners Liu Chenxia and Fan Shuilian with drugs. Ms. Liu and Ms. Fan refused to eat upon realizing this. Thus, the labour camp said they had mental problems. Ms Liu was eventually tortured until she became mentally imbalanced was sent home in February 2004. The local authorities then sent her to a mental hospital, where she remains.
Practitioner Ms Li Xiulan Is Framed in Court
2004-10-05Ms. Li Xiulan of Yunnan Province, was arrested for practising Falun Gong. Yuxi City Court illegally tried her on September 9, 2004. The public prosecutor raised three charges against Ms. Li Xiulan including: 1) She had advocated Falun Gong to other teachers where she worked and verbally "assaulted" the national leaders 2) She wrote the three words, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" on the blackboard in school ; and 3) She wrote to four policemen at the Kunming Women's Labour Camp to clarify the truth of Falun Gong, the persecution and declared that "transformation" is wrong.
Eyewitness Account of the Torture Death of Mr Peng Min and the Lie That the TV Station Fabricated
2004-10-04Peng Min was tortured until he suffered a cervical vertebrate fracture, which caused the paralysis of his whole body. The police were in the next room for 24-hour monitoring. After being bedridden for so long without treatment, there was a large bedsore on his buttocks and the tissue had begun to deteriorate to the point that the bone could be seen. However, the police did not provide any medical treatment or nursing care and let the condition worsen. A policeman even said, "I hope it will be over soon so that we do not need to stay here and monitor everyday."
Dr. Dong Cui Beaten to Death as Beijing Prison Management Bureau Encourages and Rewards Forced Brainwashing
2004-10-04An extra reward of 2000 yuan (later increased to 2500 yuan) will be given to any staff member who forces a Falun Gong practitioner to give up cultivation practice and betray his or her conscience. Dr Dong Cui was detained in Beijing Women's Prison and beaten savagely. When Ms. Dong became too weak to call out for help, a prison guard announced "almost enough now," but the prisoner who helped torment Ms. Dong said, "Not yet--we're going to take this to another level." Although she was rushed to hospital, she sadly died in March 2003.
Police in Dalian City Invent New Torture Method to Use on Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-10-04Torture method: Police force a person to kneel on a plank, roughly one meter long and five centimeters thick, and then place a wooden rod, about a meter long and four centimeters in diameter, across the ankles. Two people then step on either side of the rod to press it down. Though only two ordinary pieces of wood are used, the ability of this tactic to cause severe injury is far more potent than many other methods of torture.
Exposing Several Tortures Used in Chinese Labour Camps
2004-10-04Torture method used in brainwashing centres: Psychotropic Drugs: The victim is injected with drugs typically used on mental patients. The drugs damage the neural system and make the victims sleep lethargically for long periods of time. The brain feels blank, the neck becomes stiff and the tongue turns numb. The victim speaks incoherently and drools uncontrollably. The fingers and shoulders twitch. One shoulder faces forward and the other shoulder backward. The victim also feels pain all over the body and suffers from amnesia.
Ms. Yang Lixia Illegally Arrested and Tortured Once Again in Heilongjiang Province
2004-10-03Ms. Yang Lixia is a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province. having already spent a term of imprisonment in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp and subjected to inhuman torture and brainwashing, she was arrested again on August 15, 2004 when she was distributing truth-clarification materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. During her imprisonment, the police have interrogated her many times, trying to force her to reveal where she got the truth-clarification materials. They brutally beat her when she refused to tell them.
Graphic Illustrations of Torture Methods Used at the Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City (Photos)
2004-10-03Torture method: "Wearing a tall hat":The perpetrators would make a paper hat and put it on the practitioner's head. They would hang two pieces of fruit from the sides of the practitioners' head and then comb the practitioner's eyebrows to humiliate him. They also would fold a paper bullhorn and scream Dafa-slandering words through it into the practitioner's ears. Some determined practitioners were on the verge of a nervous breakdown from lack of sleep and this abuse.
Belated News: 73 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Jing Haizhang Died as a Result of the Persecution in 2002
2004-10-03Mr. Jing Haizhang, 73 years old, was a resident of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. On August 8, 2002, police arrested him as he was distributing Falun Dafa truth clarifying materials at Bitang Park. After being illegally detained in the police station for 48 hours, he was bailed out and fined 50,000 Yuan. Two weeks later, he passed away.
Three Forms of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners (Photo)
2004-10-03Method of torture in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and Dalian Forced Labour Camp: A specially designed "bed," called the "death bed" by some practitioners in Shenyang. The "bed" consists of a metal board, with a hole at the position of the hips. The victim's hands and feet are stretched apart and tied to the sides of the bed. The victim's pants are cut open or taken off, and all waste products fall through the hole. During force-feedings, the thugs not only rotated the feeding tubes intentionally to torture the victims but also used very dirty tubes.