Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Another Cruel Forced-Feeding Method Used by Detention Centre in Hubei Province

    The public security personnel in the Shiyan First Detention Centre in Hubei Province are very sinister in dealing with Falun Dafa practitioners who go on hunger strike. The perpetrators will usually force-feed practitioners every other day with a highly salted flour gruel after the fourth day of their hunger strike. Practitioners also often suffer internal hemorrhaging. Their clothing is soaked with perspiration and they often have difficulty breathing. It takes a long time for them to recover.
  • 12-Year-Old Child's Mother Dies in the Persecution, Father Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

    Zhu Meijuan was 38 years old when she died as a result of the persecution. At 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 14, 2004, police officers and the "610 Office" shouted and smashed the door, attempting to forcibly bring Zhu to the police department for interrogation. In order to escape Zhu climbed down the drainpipe, yet tragically fell to her death. Her husband, Zhou Zhaohua, is 40 years old. At the end of December 2001, he was abducted while at work for handing out truth-clarifying materials and illegally sentenced to four years. This has left their 12 year old daughter, Zhou Yingjie, an orphan. She now lives with her grandmother.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Yang Lijuan Shocked with an Electric Baton by a Policewoman at the Beijing Huairou Detention Centre (Photos)

    On December 24, 2000, in Tiananmen Square, two policemen abducted Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Lijuan to a detention centre in Beijing. It was winter, and the temperature inside the room was almost the same as outside. A policewoman forced Yang Lijuan to take off her clothes, leaving her in only her underwear to sit on the concrete floor by the wall. The policewoman felt cold enough to wear an overcoat, holding a cup of hot water in one hand and an electric baton in the other. As she was drinking, she used the electric baton to shock Yang Lijuan's sensitive areas such as the arches of her feet, her palms, belly, neck, and face.
  • 48 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Guan Shujie Dies As A Result of Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms Guan Shujie from Heilongjiang Province was 48 years old. In April 2002, she was reported for distributing Falun Dafa truth clarifying materials, and sent to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre for persecution on April 29, 2002. She suffered two years of hardship at the Centre that caused her both untold mental and physical damage. She was released on January 1, 2004 in poor condition, and died on September 6, 2004, after enduring seven months of painful illness.
  • Update on Ms. Gao Rongrong, Whose Face was Disfigured by Electric Baton Torture in the Longshan Forced Labour Camp (Warning: Graphic Photos)

    On October 5, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong, whose face was disfigured by the authorities of Longshan Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City and covered with scars from electric baton shocks, escaped from her persecutors. She escaped from the Orthopedics Department at the No. 1 Hospital affiliated with the China Medical University, where she had been held for nearly five months after she was disfigured. Gao Rongrong can sit up for a while by herself now. She is still very thin and weak and cannot move her left leg. However, she is in good spirits and clear-minded. She said she would continue to study Falun Dafa and walk her path of cultivation.
  • University Professor Suffers Mental Breakdown Due to Torture and Brainwashing; Elderly Mother Kneels down to Beg for a Visit

    Dr. Li Huiyun, 40 years old, is a Falun Gong practitioner and an Associate Professor at Hebei University. According to inside information, Li Huiyun was tortured for five nights without sleep. She was forced to sit for four hours in a double-crossed leg position. Two men tortured her by hitting her on the head repeatedly and using cigarettes to burn her. As a result, she became mentally disoriented. After a few days of torture in the labour camp, she was sent to the hospital. During this time the labour camp did not disclose anything to her family. In order to see her daughter, Ms. Li's seventy-year-old mother got down on her knees, pleading to visit her daughter.
  • Zou Yanjie's Feet Amputated Due to Persecution (Photos)

    My name is Zou Yanjie. I lived in the Railroad Workers Community in Nong'an County of Jilin Province. The authorities brutally persecuted me because I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I managed to run away from the police station but got trapped in thick woods, without any food or drink for ten days. This was during mid winter. Both of my feet were frostbitten and had to be cut off. Currently, I have been forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.
  • Elderly Practitioner Ms Qin Kejing Tortured to Death during the 2003 Spring Festival Season

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qin Kejing from Inner Mongolia Autonomous District was in her 50's. She had been detained because she went to Beijing to appeal after July 20, 1999, and was sentenced to a labour camp in 2001. While in Huhhot City Womens Labour Camp, she was cruelly tortured by police and prisoners. In 2002, she was nearly tortured to death. The Labour Camp Administration was afraid of being held responsible for her death, and had her family take her home. She died during 2003 Spring Festival Holiday season.
  • Belated News: Nan Chuyin from Hubei Province Tormented to Death - His Son Is in Critical Condition from Torture

    Nan Xiaoqing and his family live in Hubei Province. They have remained steadfast in their belief in Falun Dafa, but because of that, Jiang's regime broke up their family. The father, Nan Chuyin, died in February 2001 as a result of the persecution. The mother and one of the two younger sisters were also illegally imprisoned numerous times. In addition, the other younger sister has been sentenced to six years in prison merely for distributing Falun Gong materials to clarify the truth to people. Nan Xiaoqing continues to be imprisoned long past the expiration of his term over a year ago.
  • Practitioners Sexually Abused and Violently Force-Fed in Zhangshi Brainwashing Centre

    Force-Feeding With a Rubber Tube: A 1 cm. diameter rubber tube was inserted into a practitioner's nose and pushed down through the esophagus into the stomach. An unknown substance was then poured into the tube. Some police threatened to use beer. Others incited the perpetrators to prepare very dry and salty corn paste, which is hard for the stomach to bear, and leaves the mouth completely dry after the feeding. Every time a practitioner was force-fed, she sent out a heart-rending, painful groan. The accomplices giggled and laughed wildly. These two sounds echoed throughout the entire small building of Zhangshi. It was beyond description.
  • 17-Year-Old Ms. Zhang Tongtong Detained for Brainwashing -- Authorities Extort Huge Sum From Her Family to Secure Her Release

    Ms. Zhang Tongtong, 17 years old, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. On July 20, 2003, she went to Beijing to appeal to the government on behalf of Falun Gong and was arrested and sent to a brainwashing centre. The police told her father to bring fifteen thousand yuan in exchange for her release; otherwise, Zhang Tongtong would be sent to Jinan Forced Labour Camp for two years. Her father managed to borrow the money and her family is now deeply in debt.
  • The Life of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Torture and Excessive Workloads, but Some Guards Understand the Truth

    "On January 29, 2004, I was transferred from Tieling Forced Labour Camp to Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where the persecutors continued to torture me. Right after I arrived, Section Head Zou read through every detained practitioner's file and came up with an individual torture plan for each practitioner. For the female practitioners, the perpetrators used high-voltage electric batons to shock them, forced them to stay awake for long periods of time, and forced them to perform heavy physical labour for over 20 hours a day. This kind of abuse lasted for more than 8 months."
  • I Was Forced to Abort My Five Month Pregnancy While Detained in a Labour Camp

    "My name is Liu Zhiping. I'm 32 years old. Because I appealed for Falun Gong, in early 2000 I was sent to the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Yunnan Province. In August 2000 I was five months pregnant. Many prison guards told me that I qualified to be bailed out for medical treatment. Later I heard a leader had said viciously, "Without her reforming, there is no way for her to get out of here." I was sent to a hospital and injected with abortion medicine. Tragically, I lost the baby."
  • Techniques Used by Police in Hebei Province to Torture Practitioners

    To torture Falun Dafa practitioners, Shenzhou Detention Centre designed a type of non-standard handcuffs. The cuffs are more brutal than standard cuffs, and were designed for practitioners to wear for long periods of time. These cuffs are very tight. The practitioner's wrists cannot move and blood cannot circulate, leading to swollen or even disabled hands.
  • Demonstration of the Torture Technique "Stewed Chicken with a Bent Neck" Used in Zhangshi Education and Reformation Camp (Photos)

    These photos show the torture technique "stewed chicken with a bent neck," illustrated by Shengyang City Falun Dafa practitioner Zheng Shoujun, who was subjected to this frightening and painful torture during his imprisonment at the camp. He recounted, "At that time I felt that all my bones really had broken, and the pain reached such an extreme that I felt as if 10,000 knives were stabbing into my body."