Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Woman Dafa Practitioner from Changchun City Dies Amidst Harassment by Local Police

    Due to the persecution and long term harassment from the local police, Diao Jing finally left this world in agony on May 5, 2003. Such a sad and terrifying state of affairs that practising her belief in Truthfulness - Compassion -Tolerance should lead to torture, unjust treatment and finally death for this lady and 754 other innocent practitioners.
  • Female Practitioners Incarcerated in Water Dungeons in Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp

    One night, the CCTV (Chinese state-owned TV) programme "Focus" defamed Dafa, so she began to do Dafa exercises to validate Dafa. The guards dragged and threw her against a wall. She vomited a large quantity of blood. On June 20, 2001, Ms Tao Juhua was moved to the 8th Squad. She refused to call out her "number." Squad Director Li Jun ordered collaborators to handcuff her behind the back to the iron bars of the window of the confinement cell, with a quilt stuffed between her arms on her back to cause further pain.
  • Elderly Dafa Practitioner Dies After Being Persistantly Beaten in Dalian City Forced Labour Camp

    While being detained at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Zhang was beaten so badly that he couldn't get to sleep at night. He also coughed all day long and vomited blood very often. Once he vomited about 200 ml blood. Seeing that Mr. Zhang was on the verge of death, the labour camp released him on medical parole in order to escape responsibility.
  • "Punishment" for Practising Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance Leads to Death of Female Practitioner in Guizhou Province's Female Forced Labour Camp

    During her illegal one-year detention, she was always locked up in the cell, not allowed to go out. Also, she was punished to stand still in a fixed position for long periods of time, resulting in severe damage to her muscles. Towards the end, she needed to be carried in and out of the toilet. A once healthy lady reduced to infirmity and finally death because she refused to relinquish her belief in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
  • Police Murder Many Dafa Practitioners in Taiyuan City

    On October 1, 2002, people from the Wanbailin District Police Department in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province founded a "101 special case group" consisting of 30 criminal police officers whose job is to spy, follow and abduct Dafa practitioners. From mid-October to mid-November, they abducted more than 100 practitioners and demolished Dafa truth clarification material sites. The police along with Taiyuan City Public Security Hospital brutally tortured the practitioners.
  • Supplementary Report: Three Policewomen Cruelly Torture to Death Female Dafa Practitioner in Beijing's Daxing Women's Prison

    Ms. Dong's parents requested a meeting with the three policewomen and planned to sue them in court. Those policewomen were so afraid, they did not go back to work. In the 49 days since Ms. Dong's parents filed the case in court, the three policewomen never returned to their jobs. Every day, four different police staff members worked hard to try to force the Ms. Dong's parents to withdraw the case.
  • Bloody Violence at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp Against Harmless Falun Gong Practitioners

    The prison police at the forced labour camps are becoming extremely savage and furious now, and are contemplating converting the Second Branch Concentration Camp as a long-term "base for the assault on fortified positions." It will be used to persecute any Dafa practitioner who refuses to give in to their demands.
  • Tianjin City Female Dafa Practitioner Dies from Ruthless Persecution in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp

    She was illegally detained in the No.5 Brigade of Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp, Dagang, Tianjin City only because she practised Falun Gong and believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Early in 2003, she died from persecution in the camp. Details are as yet unavailable due to the tight security of information in the camp.
  • Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp

    Guard Tian Shuling from No. 4 Division carried out brutal and callous torture on her. She was forcibly dragged to the workshop to do manual labour. As she refused to cooperate, her bottom and feet were dragged along the ground and injured. There were bloodstains all the way to the workshop. She was cuffed and hung up, electrically shocked and brutally beaten. She was also frequently put into isolation. The police took turns to continuously attempt to brainwash her.
  • Irrefutable Facts That Prove Female Dafa Practitioner Was Tortured to Death in Baoding City

    After her family members counted more than 40 horrible wounds and bruises over Ms. Xiong's body, they demanded an autopsy report. When asked when the autopsy report would be available, the Baoding procurator said 10-15 days. However, nothing was forthcoming after 15 days had passed. Twenty days later, the procurator referred the family to the county government. Hao Guochi, the party secretary of Dingxing County Political and Judiciary Committee, first made excuses to put it off.
  • Remembering Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Yufang

    On May 17th of this year, police from the 3rd team broke into a Dafa material production site and arrested four practitioners, including Ms. Yang. Later they also arrested three more practitioners and confiscated tens of thousands of Yuan worth of equipment and three motorcycles. In the jail, the police repeatedly tortured Ms. Yang, trying to extract a confession out of her by force. They persecuted her almost every day until she was beaten to death. Upon her death, Ms. Yang's body was purple and bleeding from her nose, mouth, and ears. Practitioners who were arrested with her were also severely persecuted.
  • Secret Order to Persecute Falun Gong

    It was reported that the higher levels received the secret order via e-mail from the top that stated, "delete after reading". Then they relayed the order verbally down the chain of command. When the secret order came to the working troops, it was said that, "Previously we were busy dealing with SARS, now we have time so we should take care to punish Falun Gong." Another implication of the order was, "No need to follow any laws in dealing with Falun Gong." Actually Jiang and his associates have never cared about any law in their persecution of Dafa and practitioners.
  • Beijing Police Cause Death of Female Dafa Practitioner

    When Li Yuling's family received the death notice from the police, they went to the Longfusi Hospital, where her body was placed. They saw that the left half of the face was swollen and bruised. Her ribs along the sides were black and blue. What a pitiful sight! The police didn't allow her family to take a careful look at the body. Furthermore, they threatened, "No picture taking! No videotaping! Don't touch the body!" They said that these were orders from "higher up."
  • Follow-up Report about the Murder of Zhangjiakou City Falun Dafa Practitioner

    The marks on the body indicated that that policemen beat Yang Yufang to death. The policemen repeatedly concealed the facts and attempted to avoid responsibility. The Qiaodong Vice Squad, Shisanli Detention Centre, and the Fifth City Hospital all bear irrefutable responsibility for Yang Yufang's death.
  • 7 Year Old Practitioner Ruthlessly Beaten by Tiananmen Square Police

    On July 20, my son and I went to Tiananmen Square, to say, "Falun Dafa is good!" to the public. We were arrested and pushed into a vehicle by some plainclothes police officers. My son was seven years old at the time. In the vehicle, the police violently twisted my son's hands and ears, and did not let go even though he was crying loudly from the pain. I also was badly beaten by the police. The police struck me in the ears, bruising and causing swelling to my face and ears.