Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • A Practitioner Recounts the Torture She Experienced at the Yuegezhuang Police Station

    One night in July of 2001, the police brought several of us Falun Dafa practitioners to the Yuegezhuang Police Station and five to six policemen used cruel and despicable means to try to force us to confess to crimes we had not committed. They handcuffed my hands behind the back of the chair. Then they passed an electric baton through the handcuffs, catching one end of the baton on the arm of the chair, and pressed the other end forcefully, making me cry out in such pain that my voice filled the night sky.
  • The Persecution of Ms. Fan Xiaoli, A Falun Gong Practitioner from Inner Mongolia, at Detention Centres and Forced Labour Camps (Photos)

    "My name is Fan Xiaoli. I was born on September 12, 1958, and live in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. I am a Falun Gong practitioner and have benefitted much from the practice. Because I firmly practise Falun Gong and clarify the truth about the persecution, over the past five years my life has been seriously threatened; I have been humiliated, monitored, and followed, and my telephone was tapped. I have suffered serious mental and financial torment as well as unbelievably horrific physical persecution."
  • The Life of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Torture and Excessive Workloads, but Some Guards Understand the Truth

    "On January 29, 2004, I was transferred from Tieling Forced Labour Camp to Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where the persecutors continued to torture me. Right after I arrived, Section Head Zou read through every detained practitioner's file and came up with an individual torture plan for each practitioner. For the female practitioners, the perpetrators used high-voltage electric batons to shock them, forced them to stay awake for long periods of time, and forced them to perform heavy physical labour for over 20 hours a day. This kind of abuse lasted for more than 8 months."
  • The Brutal Torture Methods at the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province (Photos)

    The guards in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp cruelly tortured Li Deshan, a practitioner, because he would not give up practising Falun Gong. His hands were handcuffed to one bed and his feet to another bed. Then the beds were pulled in opposite directions. The pain was terrible and his body was stretched to the breaking point. Li Deshan died about a year later in August 2002. His death came as a result of these inhuman tortures. He suffered long-term sleep deprivation, brutal beatings, being hung up and beaten, public humiliation, and being force-fed with water and alcohol.
  • Mr Li Junqing from Yunnan Province Dies from Torture at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Huiyi's husband, Li Junqing, a non-practitioner, was arrested in Yanji on July 13, 2002 for possession of Falun Gong truth clarification material. Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp called Lu Huiyi to tell her, "Li Junqing had diabetes and was sick for four days. He was sent to a hospital but the doctors couldn't revive him. He passed away at around 4:00 a.m. on December 17, 2002." The truth is Li Junqing never had diabetes in his life.
  • Sixty-Five Year Old Ms. Xiao Hongxiu Tortured to Death in the Chongqing City Women's Prison

    Sixty-five year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiao Hongxiu was subjected to physical and mental torture by prison police for a long period of time. The abuse included injecting her with unknown medicine even though she had no illness; forced labour; not allowing her to rest even though she was extremely weak from the long-term abuse, and forcing her to remain standing all day long when she was too weak to work. Ms. Xiao lost consciousness several times while doing forced labour, until she finally died in Yongchuan Prison on July 25, 2004.
  • Two Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Died from the Persecution in Hebei Province

    Ms. Wang Wenduan, over 50 years old and Ms. Wang Juan, 36 years old, were two Falun Dafa practitioners from Hebei Province, who died in 2004 as result of the persecution. Both ladies suffered from inhumane beatings - all because they had distributed materials that explained the truth about Falun Dafa and because they upheld the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Bo Dies from the Persecution in Jilin Province

    In Jilin Province, forty-five year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Bo died in police custody. On August 9, 2004, police notified Liu's family of her death. When her family went to collect her body, they noticed that Liu's head was swollen abnormally. The police claimed that she had committed suicide. Since Liu's family was deeply deceived by the lies of the Jiang Zemin regime, they agreed to have Liu's body cremated. They are not willing to talk about Liu Bo and her death. They even said, "There is less to worry about now since she is dead."
  • Dalian City Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yan Died as a Result of Abuse in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yan was from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. She was imprisoned in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong. In September 2003, her family members carried her back home from the labour camp. On October 1, she passed away. More detailed information is under investigation.
  • Benxi City "610 Office" Ordered Mass Arrest of Nearly 50 Falun Gong Practitioners on September 18, Causing One Death

    70-year-old Ms. Wang Lianying, a retired officer, lived in Benxi City. She used to practise Falun Gong. But after the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she gave up the practice out of fear. At 11:30 p.m. on September 18, 2004, police broke into her room and took her away. The police told her family that they would investigate her and send her back very soon. The next morning around 6:00, Ms. Wang's husband went to the police station to ask for his wife back. he was told she was sleeping. Not until 1:40 that afternoon did the police tell him that his wife had died. When her family saw her body, they found blood all over her nose and face, and also her clothes were covered with vomit. Half of her face was very swollen.
  • Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Zhang Sixi from Ningxia Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Zhang Sixi, 58 years old, was from Ningxia Province.In July 2003, he was arrested again for distributing materials telling the truth about the persecution of Dafa. He was sentenced to three years and detained at Guanmahu Forced Labour Camp. In February he suddenly had a stroke due to the long-term torture. The labour camp feared he might die in the camp, so they sent him home. He passed away on August 21, 2004.
  • Mother And Son Harassed to Their Death in Sichuan Province

    Mr. Xie Wenbi, in his fifties, and his mother Mrs. Li, who was over 80 years old, lived in Suining City, Sichuan Province. In 2001 someone in the same village reported Wenbi his sister-in-law and the "610 Office" and the local police station arrested them. he was detained for six months. His health was extremely poor after he got home, but the police continued to harass him for a long time. The police also threatened Wenbi's mother, demanding that she tell them where her daughter-in-law was. The older woman was very frightened and upset. She died in March 2003. In July 2004 Wenbi also died from the long-term police harassment and persecution.
  • Photographic Reenactment of the Brutality at the "Reformation Centre" in Shandong Province

    Many Falun Gong practitioners and kind-hearted people have been cruelly persecuted at The "Reformation Centre" set up by the town government of Weifang City. One torture method: The perpetrator sat on the neck of an elderly Falun Gong practitioner in such a way that the practitioner's head was almost touching the floor. The torturer then used a broom to fiercely whip the practitioner on the back.
  • Practitioner Huang Wenbiao's Wife Harassed and Disappears While He Was Imprisoned in Forced Labour Camp

    In 2000, defying the severe environment of unlawful persecution, Mr. Huang and his pregnant wife, Ah-Ping, journeyed to distant Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. They were both arrested by Public Security and transported to a detention centre, where Mrs. Huang was soon to have a miscarriage as a result of the torment inflicted upon her. Mr Huang was sent to a labour camp in 2001. At the time, Mrs. Huang had just given birth after her second pregnancy. His wife left the baby with her mother-in-law in Guangxi and chose to leave home to avoid near certain arrest. She made a phone call to a practitioner, after which she has never been heard from again.
  • Further Information on the Murder of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Zhibin at the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp

    Ms Zhang Zhibin, 32, was a practitioner living in Hebei Province. She was murdered on December 18, 2000 at the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City. The guards falsely claimed the cause of her death to be suicide, and coerced her family to go along with it. Zhibin's relatives had to strongly protest before they were allowed to pay last respects to her body and visit the site of her murder. They observed that there were no signs of suicide by hanging as the authorities claimed, but Zhibin's chest showed very large patches of dark colour.