Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Atrocities in Beijing Labour Camp Dispatch Centre and Women's Forced Labour Camps

    College students often visited the women's labour camp, and occasionally foreigners came. The courtyard looks like a garden; when visitors came, there would be music playing in the courtyard. People who were detained for forced labour would be gathered together in the conference hall, watching TV. Nobody would know that it was a show staged by camp authorities for the purpose of deceiving people into thinking conditions were good there. the reality is many Falun Gong practitioners have been physically and mentally tortured there.
  • A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 1)

    My name is Wang Shuzhen and I used to work in Jilin prison. I started practising Falun Gong in 1994. Having benefitted so much from the practice, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on October 1, 2000. I witnessed the Jiang regime's bloody genocide of those that practise "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." For my appeal, I was sentenced to two years of forced labour and fired from my job. From the detention centre in Beijing to the labour camp in Jilin, fellow practitioners and I endured endless mental and physical abuse.
  • Ms. Qu Shufen, A Farmer from Hebei Province, Was Persecuted to Death

    In late 2001 as she was clarifying the truth to people, Ms. Qu Shufen, a farmer from Hebei Province, was detained and persecuted by policeman Gong Jingwen from the National Security Section. Both her mind and body were severely damaged as a result of abuse at the hands of the police. Upon her return home, it was apparent that Ms. Qu had suffered a mental collapse. She died, a victim of injustice, at the end of 2003.
  • Wuhan City Finance Department Offers Huge Cash Rewards to Incite the Hewan Labour Camp to Brutally Persecute Dafa Practitioners

    Hewan Labour Camp in Wuhan City, Henan Province is designated for male Falun Gong practitioners. Gao Junan, the person in charge of this section, once told some inmates that for every Falun Gong practitioner that they successfully "transformed", the labour camp would give 100,000 yuan to the section as a reward. The funding was from the city's Finance Department. This explains why the police resorted to all kinds of vicious means to torture practitioners in an attempt to force them to renounce their belief.
  • Torture Instruments Used to Inflict Pain on Falun Gong Practitioners in Prisons and Labour Camps in China

    Shown here are a few of the torture instruments used in China's prisons and forced labour camps to inflict excruciating pain on Falun Gong practitioners: high voltage electric batons and spiked clubs.
  • The Autobiographical Story of a Teacher Who Lost Her Life as a Result of the Persecution

    Li Guangzhen, a model teacher at Zhongxing Elementary School in Machang Village, Jianping County, Liaoning Province died as a result of mistreatment suffered in the persecution on June the 18th 2004. This is a letter she wrote to her fellow practitioners before her death.
  • Senior Citizen Dies from Stress Caused by the Relentless Persecution of His Family

    After Jiang Zemin began his persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Wang's daughter, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter-in-law were all sentenced to three years of forced labour because of their belief in Falun Gong. His daughter and daughter-in-law were allowed parole to get medical help after they had been severely tortured. On March 13, 2003, a group of officials went to Mr. Wang's house to arrest his daughter again. Since she was not there, the officials began to harass Mr. Wang. As a result, he died on March 14, after he was taken to Jiangnan 465 Air Force Hospital for emergency rescue.
  • The Torture Experienced by Yao Yanhui of Shijiazhuang City in the Detention Center and Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Yanhui is 31 years old this year. He lives in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. In Huludao City Forced Labour Camp and Wujiapuzi Forced Labour Camp of Fushun City, he suffered all kinds of torture and became paralysed in bed for about six months as a result. He went on a hunger strike for over two months and was on the verge of death before he was released. At the beginning of 2004, he was abducted and tortured again by the Xinhua Police Precinct of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.
  • Additional Information of How 31-Year-Old Female Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Hong Was Persecuted to Death

    Under the high frequency and extremely long, cruel persecution, numerous Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. The Wanjia Forced Labour Camp tries to force every Falun Gong practitioner to write the "Three Statements." They will torture, force to squat, hang up by their arms and electrically shock practitioners. Some practitioners were badly burned by electric batons--it was unbearable to watch.
  • Force-feeding Tube Used to Torture Zhang Jianbo in Shiliping Labour Camp

    30-year-old Zhejiang Provincial Industrial University graduate student, has been on a hunger strike since March 29th, 2004, at the Shiliping Forced Labour Camp. When Zhang Jianbo's family went to visit him, they saw that this feeding tube to his stomach was still in place and requested that it be removed. The tube is 110 cm long. A piece of tape near the 45-55 cm mark shows that the length of tubing inserted inside a person's body is 50 cm.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Rao Chaoyuan Tortured to Disability While His Brother is Tortured to Death

    Rao Chaoyuan, 40, lives in Guangdong Province. He is the brother of Falun Dafa practitioner Rao Zhuoyuan, who died from being tortured. After being illegally held for over one year, Rao Chaoyuan was sentenced to eight years in prison in January 2003. Right now he is being held at Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province. One of his legs was crippled after been beaten and subjected to other torture leaving him disabled.
  • Four Innocent Female Falun Dafa Practitioners from Guangdong Province Died from Physical and Mental Abuse

    Three ladies, Li Qixi, Tang Ying, and Li Baoxia of Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, were brutally persecuted for practising Falun Dafa. They were forced to give up their belief, were tortured both mentally and physically, and finally passed away. In addition, Li Zhongjuan, an older woman, suffered harassment from the vicious people. Her son and daughter-in-law were also persecuted. She finally died because of the persecution.
  • Three More Falun Dafa Practitioners Died after Torture in Shenyang Prison

    During the period from the middle of June to the Middle of September, three more Falun Dafa practitioners died after being tortured in Liaoning Provincial Prisons' General Hospital. They were all admitted after they went on hunger strikes: 34-year-old Mr. Gao Lianyi, Mr. Zhou Zhi and Mr. Guan Wenjiang. After Mr Gao died, many of the patients who were in the same room as him said, "This is not simply persecution, this is murder!"
  • Additional Information about the Murder of Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Peng Guangjun at the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Peng Guangjun was an elderly Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Huairou District, Beijing. He was sent to the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp and after a day of incarceration was sent to hospital, pronounced dead that same day. The authorities were adamant in trying to hide the fact that Peng Guangjun had been beaten to death. An official threatened his family "to give up investigating the cause of Peng Guangjun's death" after they requested an autopsy, "If you don't want to obey the government's arrangement, we'll make all your family members jobless so that you all will be unable to make a living."
  • Guangzhou City Police Blind Ms. Wang Haiyan's Right Eye While Beating Her (Photos)

    In November 2002, Wang Haiyan was sent to Guangzhou City's Chatou Forced Labour Camp. I met her there for the second time. I saw her for the first time when she went to Beijing on July 20, 1999, to appeal for Falun Gong. At that time, her eyes were beautiful and shining. When I saw her in the forced labour camp however, she looked totally different. She was being held up by two people, and she could not see out of either eye. Her right eyeball was sunken and had shrunk, even the black pupil of her right eye had completely turned white. She had great difficulty walking and was unable to look after herself.