Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Description of the Torture of Practitioners in Xinhua Labour Camp, Sichuan Province (Photos)
2004-08-26Illustration 1. This happened inside the Xinhua Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. This torture method is called "tying the ropes." It is often used by the guards there. They strip practitioners of their' upper body clothing. Then they take a rope the circumference of a small finger and tie the rope tightly around the practitioner's arms, making the rope cut into the skin. They put the practitioners' arms behind their backs and raise their hands. This causes extreme, unbearable pain. According to the official camp "rules," such torture cannot be used beyond 15 minutes, otherwise both arms will be disabled.
Seventeen-Year-Old Teng Jiajun Deprived of Right to Attend College Despite Her Excellent Performance in National College Entrance Exam
2004-08-26In China, a student needs to pass both the national college entrance exam and the political examination in order to get accepted by universities. The political examination is in fact an examination of the student's political performance. The authorities would check to see if the student has participated in any activity that may "harm the country" according to the Chinese ruling party's laws. If the student is considered to be politically qualified, then the authorities would sign certain forms that are needed for enrollment in universities. If a student cannot secure such signature, he or she would have trouble getting into universities.
Ms. Zou Guirong's Letter Home from Prison Before She Was Tortured to Death
2004-08-26"I have left you and been gone for nearly two years now, something that I am most sorry about. I know that I am supposed to be with you to carry out my filial responsibilities, but I am unable to do that right now. I know you miss me dearly and are afraid that I will suffer in the labour camp. Mum, I want to tell you, if I didn't practise Dafa, the pain and hardship that I've suffered in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp would have been more than enough to kill me."
Practitioner Wang Yan in Critical Condition from Torture after being Arrested for Broadcasting a Documentary about Dafa on TV in Hebei Province
2004-08-25Practitioner Mr. Wang Yan, who participated in a TV signal interception in Hebei Province to broadcast a Dafa documentary video explaining the truth about Falun Dafa, has been tortured in Xingtai's No.1 Detention Centre, and is now in critical condition. Wang Yan and his wife Li Yue were illegally arrested together on February 2, 2004. Before dawn one day in late June, Wang Yan escaped from the hospital where he was being detained in handcuffs and shackles, but a few days later he was captured again.
Follow-Up Report on the Death of Ms. Peng Chunrong from Chongqing City
2004-08-25Ms. Peng Chunrong was a resident of Chongqing City. On April 11, 2004, Ms. Peng died in police custody in the courtyard of the Duzhou Township government building. After Ms. Peng's death, the "610 Office" and rounded up local Falun Gong practitioners and ransacked their homes, to intimidate the practitioners as well as their friends and neighbours in the community.
Feng Jitang and Wu Hongxia Cruelly Torture Practitioners in Gansu Province
2004-08-25Over the last month, Mr Feng Jitang led the police in Gansu Province to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners anywhere they can be found. According to inside sources, plainclothes police have been covertly monitoring practitioners in the dark of night, then secretly arresting them. We heard that each arrested practitioner held in brainwashing classes is required to a) betray three fellow practitioners, b) write a Statement of Dissociation, and c) pay 3,000 yuan before they can be released.
Three Deaths of Female Dafa Practitioners From Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-24Ms. Wang Yan, from Dalian City was around 37 years old and had a college degree. She was imprisoned in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for about two years where she was subjected to torture. We have since learned from her younger sister that Wang Yan was tortured to death. Ms. Wang Wenjun, in her 40s, was sentenced to three years of forced labour for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing and imprisoned in the Camp. After subjected to horrific torture she died at home on July 22, 2003. .
Shandong Province Practitioner Mr Liu Yongjin Force-Fed to the Point of Near Death
2004-08-24On the night of June 10th, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr Liu Yongjin from Shandong Province was kidnapped by people from the local "610 Office". They sent him to a forced labour camp without notifying his family. Liu Yongjin went on hunger strike to protest this treatment. He was repeatedly tortured through force feeding. Force feeding through intubation itself is extremely painful. To increase the pain, they repeatedly inserted and removed the feeding tube. He is now on the verge of death, but the labour camp still refuses to release him, claiming that they will detain him as long as he's still alive.
Jiang Zemin's Regime Has Never Obeyed Laws When Dealing with Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-08-24"After my arrest, when my case went into the prosecution phase, I made inquiries to related departments through normal channels and urged these people frequently, but didn't get a response. Inside sources working with these cases told me that all Falun Gong practitioners' cases had been dealt with according to a procedure called "combing three trials into one." Before the case went through the first trial procedure, it had already gone through the investigation phase and the court's internal assessment in the third trial."
Police in Sichuan Province Step Up Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Advance of Jiang Zemin's Visit
2004-08-23It has been learned that Jiang Zemin will visit Guang'an City, Sichuan Province on August 22. The authorities from the provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hubei, as well as Chongqing City have decided in an urgent meeting to closely monitor certain groups of people. Their main targets are Falun Gong practitioners, as well as other groups such as laid off workers who intend to appeal to the government about the injustices they have suffered. The authorities have asked the relevant departments to tightly control these so-called "dangerous elements." If anything goes wrong during Jiang's visit, the leaders of the relevant departments will be fired immediately.
Harbin City Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Guangying Dies after Being Persecuted Relentlessly for Four Years
2004-08-23Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Guangying in her 40s, from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province was persecuted many times by police because she firmly believed in Dafa. While she was homeless and went from place to place, her old illnesses recurred and she lost eyesight in both her eyes. Police went to her home many times to harass her, yet Wang Guangying's whole body was covered with edema and she was suffering from incontinence. Suffering from this painful condition as a result of relentless persecution, she died on July 15, 2004.
68-Year-Old Ms. Xin Jingwen Beaten to Death at Local Labour Camp in Yueyang City, Hunan Province
2004-08-23Xin Jingwen was a 68-year-old woman from Yueyang City, Hunan Province. Xin was arrested twice and sent to a labour camp for distributing factual information about Falun Dafa. On May 2 2004 she died in the labour camp. Her family found many bruises on her body, so they questioned the police. The police department then said it was the labour camp personnel that beat her to death.
Practitioner Yang Yun Dies After Torture and Brainwashing in Hebei Province
2004-08-23Yang Yun was arrested on March 1, 2002, and sent to Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre for persecution. Yang Yun was sent under custody of his workplace and the "610 Office" to the Brainwashing Centre. From 8:00 AM to midnight, collaborators and policemen took turns brainwashing him and simply did not let up. They tortured him until he could not breathe and his whole body turned purple. As a result of the torture Yang Yun's body and mind were devastated. He left this world on April 19, 2003.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong From Harbin City Dies as a Result of Torture at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-08-22Ms. Zhang Hong was 31 years old and had lived in Harbin City. On July 22, 2004 she was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. While at the camp, Ms. Zhang Hong refused to cooperate with the evildoers in any way and refused to write the "Three Statements," which are specific documents denouncing Falun Gong and went on hunger strike. Inmates force-fed her and on July 31, four male guards carried Zhang Hong away on a stretcher and disinfected the whole room afterwards. Section head Zhao later said, "Ms. Zhang Hong has died from kidney failure as a result of heart disease." The truth is she died from barbaric torture.
Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp Exports Products Made by Slave Labour
2004-08-22Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp has detained many Dafa practitioners. The camp has contracts with some bean vendors. Under the contracts, the camp is responsible for putting beans into individual bags weighing from 110 lbs. to 180 1bs. For each bag of beans, the camp earns 0.8 Yuan. Practitioners are forced to put beans in bags and carry them to a designated place. The working conditions are very poor.