Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2004-08-17On August 8, Ms Wang Wenjuan was brought to the first floor and handcuffed to a heating pipe. She was handcuffed there day and night for an entire month until finally a guard handcuffed her to the bedside. From then on she was able to rest on the bed, but remained handcuffed, sometimes with one hand, sometimes both. One day, Team Leader Zhang Yan was annoyed seeing her sitting on a chair and said maliciously, "It is too easy for you to sit. Get up. Don't sit there. Stand up and stay standing until this evening."
The Persecution in Heilongjiang Province: An Account of the Atrocities Committed Against Practitioners and their Families
2004-08-16Words from Vicious Police Officers Who Threatened Dafa Practitioners that Dared to Protest Against the Persecution: Policeman Bai Shuwen (to a female practitioner): "I have all the means to deal with you. If nothing works I will put you into male cells, and let you ..." -- followed by a series of crude verbal abuse. Policeman Xu Enjiang (while force-feeding): "You won't let me [do it] easily--I will force the food in you until you are dead! What can you do to me? ..." Then he forces the food she spit out back into her mouth again and says, "You are opposing the Party; Let's see...Who can prove that I beat you? Where are the bruises?"
My Firsthand Experience of the Crimes Against Humanity being Committed at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-16"Jiang's group has hidden the brutal persecution of Falun Gong behind the façade of such slogans as, "[This is] The best period of human rights in history." After spending nearly two years in forced labour camps, I would like to reveal the truth behind Jiang's claim that this is "The best period of human rights." Shortly after arriving at the camp, I was put in a brainwashing class where I was continuously beaten, abused, and forced to repeat slanderous language against Falun Dafa. "
Taiwanese Citizen Strongly Urges the Liaoyuan City Police Department to Immediately Release his Wife, Practitioner Ms. Xiang Lijie
2004-08-16Taiwanese citizen Mr. Yang Jingyi, husband of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiang Lijie of Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, is strongly urging the Liaoyuan City Police Department in Jilin Province to immediately and unconditionally allow his wife to return to Taiwan to reunite with her family. Ms. Xiang and Mr. Yang have been married for 10 years. Ms. Xiang, was sentenced to three years of forced labour without any legal grounds on February 5, 2001. She was then sent to Changchun City's Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, where the police tried to force Ms. Xiang to give up her belief in Falun Dafa.
More Information about Persecution Experienced by Inner Mongolian Ms Wang Xia (Graphic Photos)
2004-08-15Wang Xia, a young lady from Linhe City, Inner Mongolia. Wang, 30-years old, was sentenced to 7 years in labour camp for telling people about Falun Gong. In the past two years, she conducted hunger strikes to protest persecution and was force-fed. The prison authorities also injected her with unknown drugs. Before she was detained, she weighed more than 120 pounds. She now only weighs about 45 pounds and lapses in and out of consciousness.
A Family Tragedy in Henan Province: Mother Dies Unjustly, Father Pushed to Mental Breakdown, Daughter Disabled
2004-08-15"Our family of three had the fortune to come to know Falun Dafa in May of 1997. My mother in her 60's and my father in his 70's became healthy and energetic. After the persecution began in July 1999, policemen used the excuse of "questioning" us to barge into our home and asked us to insult Teacher and Falun Dafa. Under such forceful media influence and pressure, my parents no longer dared to practise. My mother developed cancer and died and my father had a mental breakdown. I suffered torture in a brainwashing centre, which crippled me."
Guards in Baoding City Forced Labour Camp Forcibly Feed Excrement and Urine to Falun Gong Practitioners on Hunger Strike
2004-08-15In the Baoding City Forced Labour Camp, the guards have been severely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners who are firm in cultivation. To protest such inhumane torture, detained Dafa practitioners went on a hunger strike. The guards then adopted even more vicious torture methods: force feeding with the feeding tube extending to the stomach, force feeding human excrement and urine, force feeding concentrated salt solution.
Outstanding Teacher and Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tang Jian Was Tortured to Death at the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-14Dafa practitioner Tang Jian was 39 years old and had graduated from the Physics Department at Nankai University. He was working at the Jialingdao Middle School. Tang Jian was sent to the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in 2001 for practising Falun Gong and held for one year, during which time he was tortured and his sentence was extended. He was released in July 2002 when he was on the brink of death. He was arrested again in September 2002 and tortured to death on July 7, 2004. His body was covered with bruises and scars at the time of his death.
Two Female Falun Gong Practitioners from Inner Mongolia Tortured to Death in 2003
2004-08-14In the summer of 2003, in Inner Mongolia, the Chifeng City National Security Bureau arrested five local Falun Dafa practitioners. Two of them received heavy sentences, one was tortured until she lost the ability to take care of herself and the remaining two were tortured to death. Within three weeks of her arrest, Ms Zheng Lanfeng was tortured to death. Ms Zhou Caixia was sentenced to eight years and within a few days of imprisonment, was tortured to death after being hung up.
Ms. Huang Zhao is Tortured to Death by Police in Wuhan City - The Murderers Try to Cover up the Truth
2004-08-14Ms. Huang Zhao, 32 years old, was a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province. On April 16, 2004, Ms. Huang Zhao died as a result of torture. She was tortured to death by Wuhan City Police. Her two elderly parents were overwhelmed by the sad news and asked the police, "Why were we not informed during the two weeks Huang Zhao was in the hospital?" The officials argued, "We were worried that you could not handle it." The elderly couple asked, "Then, how do you think we can handle you coming to tell us an hour after her death? Why didn't you tell us so we could see her for a moment before she was going to die?" The officials could answer them.
Mourning the Loss of Our Fellow Practitioner Ms Yu Guizhen
2004-08-14Ms Yu Guizhen, who was persecuted until she suffered a mental collapse and died on November 13, 2003. Her death resulted from the execution of Jiang Zemin's genocide policy by authorities from the the Pingdu City "610 Office". Had she not been repeatedly beaten, and forcefully injected with drugs that damage the central nervous system, would such a woman, full of hope in life and who enjoyed a perfectly happy family life, die? If it weren't for this unjust persecution, Yu Guizhen would still be alive today.
An Account of the Persecution of Practitioners At the Weining Forced Labour Camp in Benxi City
2004-08-13"That day all of us were tortured for an entire day and most of us suffered from the cruel torture of tying the ropes and were also shocked with electric batons. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Na was only 21. It seemed that everyone liked her. When it was her turn to be tortured, several of the guards' did not have the heart to torture her. But eventually they said everyone would be tortured despite their ages. When it was lunch-time I noticed that some of the practitioners had just been tortured. They still had tears in their eyes."
Nationally Recognized Firefighting Hero Suffers Persecution for Belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance"
2004-08-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dai Dakui, 64, is a retired worker from Sichuan Provincial Petroleum Drilling Team. He was arrested and sent to a local brainwashing class where he was forced to watch a CCTV (Chinese Central Television) broadcast the "Self-Immolation in Tiananmen Square" where practitioners allegedly set themselves on fire. When he saw that the alleged burn victims were completely wrapped up in bandages, he said, "This is fake. When people in our petroleum team were burned, their wounds were exposed to the air and treated with external medicine in order to prevent viral infections.
Family Protests "610 Office's" Abduction of Northwest Industry University Professor Ms. Xing Wenzhen
2004-08-13On the morning of April 8, a man from the Public Security Department of Northwest Industry University called Professor Xing Wenzhen to say that someone wanted to talk to her. Xing Wenzhen, therefore, went to the University, bringing with her documents and awards issued by various departments of the national government. She has not been heard from since.
Nineteen Persecution Deaths Verified in July (Photos)
2004-08-12According to reports on in July 2004, it was confirmed that another 19 Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of torture in the year 2004, which brings the overall death toll to 1,016. The oldest practitioner who died as a result of torture was Zhou Dehong, 78, from Hunan Province. The youngest practitioner was Ms. Wang Xiaodong, 34, who was a teacher at the Nantou Middle School in Shenzhen City. Eight of these practitioners were over 50 years of age, which accounts for 42% of the 19 deaths. Twelve were female, which accounts for 63% of the death toll.