Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Fucheng Police Hide Evidence of Their Criminal Acts That Caused the Death of Dafa Practitioner

    It was claimed in the autopsy report that Liu Qiusheng had no trauma. However, the son had seen with his very eyes that Liu's ear, face, lips, right shoulder, and right chest were black and blue with bruises. The medical examiner claimed that Liu Qiusheng died from "fatty heart," but what did the blood coming out of his mouth indicate?
  • Three Hellish Years of Brutal Persecution I Suffered in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Part II)

    I heard that practitioner Jiang Wei from Chaoyang was persecuted into insanity and incontinence. Jiang Wei used to be very smart and capable. She owned and managed a large restaurant in Chaoyang before being persecuted. Yet how terrible that the camp reduced her into such a condition that she had to be sent to a mental hospital!
  • Arrested Without Warrant, Tragically Shandong Province Female Practitioner Subsequently Dies

    Afterwards, the Rongcheng City government tried to avoid responsibility and appease public resentment, so it sent officials to talk to Liang Hongguang's family and asked them to cremate Liang's body. They promised to pay for all funeral expenses. They blocked the news and publicly claimed Liang committed suicide. Liang's friend said, "How malicious! If the police didn't attempt an illegal arrest, how could it happen?"
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Suffering Painful Force-Feeding in Fanjiatai Prison

    Every day the police tortured him by force-feeding him or administering injections against his will which caused him a lot of pain. Every time when he was force fed, he suffered severe heart palpitations. In the Fanjiatai jail hospital, the guards and the chief of staff restrained Xiong with handcuffs and shackles for ten days until his family members visited him.
  • Grotesque "Menu of One Hundred and Eight Dishes" Tortures by Police

    I was hit and knocked out twice. When falling down, I knocked over a pot of boiling tea on a stove causing my leg to become seriously burned. Agonising burns and blisters the size of eggs were all over my leg. After 3 days, yellow watery pus came out, and my leg became infected. My pants stuck tightly to my leg. Criminal prisoners even sprinkled salt on my wounds to inflict further pain.
  • Practitioner's Body and Mind Severely Traumatised by Being Force-Fed Urine and Excrement

    There, policeman Wang Yingzhou along with five other policemen again tortured me with the "tying with rope" torture. When I asked them why they were persecuting me, they told me it was because I had "minded others' business" -- that is, when another Falun Dafa practitioner was being violently attacked by a gang of criminals instigated by the police, I had tried to stop them.
  • Cases of Persecution I Witnessed

    On August 19, 1999, I was illegally arrested and held in the Qianmen Detention Centre in Beijing City, where there were over twenty Dafa practitioners who were illegally arrested. There was a 30 something female Beijing practitioner who was not willing to have her family and her company implicated and persecuted with her. She courageously refused to tell the policemen her name and where she lived. Because of that a few hired thugs pulled her out and beat her terribly.
  • Torture, Intimidation and Harassment by Shandong Police Led to Untimely Death of Female Dafa Practitioner

    Her family members immediately sent her to a hospital in Heze City for emergency treatment; however, ruthless policeman Chen Baodong pursued her to Heze City and kept intimidating her. Her family members then transferred her to the home of a relative. Chen Baodong then went to her relative's home to harass her
  • Dafa Practitioners Imprisoned and Abused in Appalling Conditions at the Shenyang City Police Dispatch Station

    Upon entering the lobby, a vile smell almost suffocated me. There, on the cement floor, lay a woman with mental problems, her lower body naked and her two legs bruised and oozing pus. She was suffering from an infectious skin disease, and was dirty beyond recognition. There was human waste all over the place. Another dozen mental patients were inside the room and it was frightening.
  • Shocking Facts about Shooting of Anshan City Falun Dafa Practitioner

    Practitioner Zhang Li told us, "Xu Zhaobin was involved in a cable television broadcast clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa, and was shot by the police in his thigh and nose." Taking off his pants, Xu Zhaobin showed us the bullet hole in his thigh. We saw that the front and back of his thigh were covered with a very thick layer of toilet paper, with blood seeping through.
  • Elderly Lady Practitioner Terrorised and Tortured Until Death in Shandong Province

    Finally, after enduring unimaginable physical and mental pain and pressure, Ms. Sui Songjiao passed away...To the persecutors of innocent people: don't you also have parents, wives, children and siblings? How can you do such a terrible thing to these innocent people? Would you do the same thing if they were your family members?
  • Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner Murdered by Police on Train

    In the evening of February 25, ten people from Zhuanglang County "610 Office" and the police department, along with Sun Junxian's father, went to Lingbao, arriving in the afternoon of February 26. In an empty field near Lingbao Railway Hospital, they saw Sun Junxian's body, having been cold-heartedly dumped along with his baggage.
  • Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Force-Fed to Death in Chengdu City

    Because she refused to give them her name, she was referred to as "Falun Gong Practitioner Number Two" and detained in the 11-4 group. To protest this illegal detention, Ms. Huang Lisha started a hunger strike on August 23. Later, she was force-fed food, drugs, and water. A reaction to the drugs caused her to vomit and pass blood. However, the detention centre refused to release her.
  • Belated News of Death of Dafa Practitioner From Excessive Torture in Wuhan City

    During the detention, Xia Gang became extremely weak from torture, and he was released on bail for medical treatment in June 2001. On October 16, 2001, he passed away at the age of 32 after experiencing numerous organ failures. This is another crime the Wuhan City Police Department has committed against Dafa practitioners.
  • More Than One Year of Suffering in Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp Results in Female Dafa Practitioner's Death

    Ms. Zhu Yinfang, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province was in her fifties. She led her life according to Truth-Compassion-Tolerance and yet sadly she died because of her belief? She is another victim of the Jiang regime's pointless and vicious persecution.