Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
In Memory of Professor Piao Shihao, Who Died as a Result of Persecution (Photo)
2004-02-23Professor Piao was a good man with great virtue. He taught many outstanding students and had many academic achievements. But such a good person was subjected to such inhumane persecution by Jiang Zemin's group until, in the end, he died in the Yanji Detention Centre with no legal recourse, simply because he believed in Falun Dafa and Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.
Human Rights Stripped from Tsinghua University Students for Persisting in Their Belief in Falun Dafa
2004-02-22Mr. Zhang Mengye was a graduate from the Department of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering. He was a classmate of Hu Jintao, China's General Secretary. He was persecuted for writing to the central government before 1999 to express his understanding of Falun Gong. The "610 Office" of Guangdong Province devoted a lot of manpower to searching everywhere for him. They threatened that they would arrest him and send him to forced labour or a brainwashing class
Female Dafa Practitioner's Heartful Plea -"Who Will be Held Responsible for the Damage Done to My Family?"
2004-02-22Because of my age, it was not easy for me to find a job. Thus, I had a lot of tribulations and have not been able to pay back my debt up to now. My children were seriously damaged by this incident. My younger daughter felt anxious all the time. In addition, the lies and hate-inciting propaganda on the TV, as well as the sneering from our neighbours and other people who didn't know the truth, all made my children unable to thrive, and it seemed to them that I had done some disgraceful things.
The Cruel Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Yueyang City
2004-02-22However, would a poor farming family like Ms. Chen's be able to come up with such a large sum of money? Ms. Chen's husband fell into the depths of despair and almost committed suicide to escape the fine. Under the police's coercion and threats, he had no choice but to borrow money from friends and relatives. The police had also harassed them at home, and repeatedly ransacked their home. They wouldn't give Ms. Chen's family a moment of peace.
Neijiang "610 Office" Builds Its Own Brainwashing Centre to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-22They built an iron fence around the houses, set up monitors in every room and in all the places where Dafa practitioners were active, and hired security guards. Thus they effectively turned the area into a prison built especially for the "610 Office." All the practitioners who are sent to this brainwashing centre are forced to pay 2,000 to 5,000 Yuan. The "610 Office" staff either coerces the practitioners' families to pay the fine, or deducts the money from the practitioners' salaries or pensions.
University Student Expelled for his Practice of Falun Gong Exposes the Persecution He Faces in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp (Part 2)
2004-02-21After several days, we were forced to work. The work was to wrap wooden chopsticks with a layer of paper. "Sterilized" was printed on the paper. In fact it was not hygienic at all. Detainees who had hepatitis, venereal disease, and other illnesses also had to work. None of us were ever asked to wash our hands before work. About 40 detainees were crowded in one room, and the chopsticks were piled up on the ground and on our beds. Hygiene was minimal.
Retired Teacher Ms. Zhang Shuzhen from Beijing Died from Injection of Toxic Substance
2004-02-21According to a February 13, 2004 report from the Falun Dafa Information Center, persons at the Qinghe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing had infused the 51-year-old retired teacher Ms. Zhang Shuzhen with a toxic substance for refusing to give up her Falun Gong practice. The infusion led to violent stomach pains.
An Account of Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured in the Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp (Part 2)
2004-02-21In April 2001, to force Falun Dafa practitioners to give up their cultivation, the third division tortured Liang Baochi and other practitioners who had been recently sent there. The practitioners were forced to run over 80 laps around the athletic field. Practitioner Yuxue recited one of the Teacher's poems. The persons who watched him then reported him to the division leader.
The Horrifying Experience of Mr. Lu Zhifan -- Persecution in Wuchang City
2004-02-21Yang Songpeng yelled upon seeing him: "You again went to spread the flyers!" Lu Zhifan explained to him that he was just visiting friends. Yang Songpeng showed him a flyer and insisted that it was spread by him. His wife also explained that they did not distribute the flyers, but Yang Songpeng still yelled: "Even if you did not spread the flyers, I would still detain you and detain you until death!"
Shijiazhuang City Dafa Practitioner Mrs. Liu Xing Dies from Extreme Torture Suffered in Labour Camp
2004-02-20After she returned home, the police station and street office still kept close watch on her. Her work unit also stopped her salary and her husband's salary, causing great financial difficulty and mental pressure to the couple. On January 26, 2004, Liu Xing passed away. Her husband was also arrested and is suffering torments in Baoding First Prison in Hebei Province.
Mourning the Death of Practitioner Ms. Li Shuqin
2004-02-20During the frenzied police arrests I returned to Changchun City and was forced to rent a house. My husband was not happy with me and asked me to write the so-called three statements promising not to practise Falun Dafa. I firmly rejected his suggestion. Ms. Li Shuqin gave me all her support and encouragement. She also taught me how to help my husband to accept my practice of Falun Dafa, and gave me our Teacher's new articles. I was very much moved by this.
Five More Confirmed Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners From Three Provinces in Northeastern China
2004-02-20The persecution of Falun Gong is most severe in these three provinces in northeastern China. According to statistics from the Clearwisdom website, among the 876 confirmed deaths, 346 were from northeastern provinces. This is more than one third of the total number of deaths. Among the 346 cases, 138 victims were from Helongjiang Province, 110 were from Jilin Province, and 98 were from Liaoning Province. Based on the fact that the information about Mr. Song Gang, Mr. Liu Ming, and Mr. Wang Xidong's deaths did not come to light until four years after the fact, it makes sense to conclude that the death toll from this persecution instigated by Jiang Zemin's regime far exceeds 876.
More Details about How Luohe City Dafa Practitioner Yao Sanzhong Was Tortured to Death
2004-02-20The prolonged mental and physical torture seriously damaged Yao Sanzhong's health. He was on the brink of death. The camp was afraid of the responsibilities they might have to face, so they processed Yao Sanzhong's bail for medical treatment in a hurry. Just several days before the bail was granted, Yao Sanzhong still had to force his extremely weak body to work until 2-3 a.m. with his numb and feeble hands.
The Persecution of Former University Student At The Tuanhe Labour Camp (Part I)
2004-02-20Due to the nationwide persecution of Falun Gong instigated by the Jiang Zemin regime, even Falun Gong practitioners in my hometown were also sent to labour camps. Their phones were being monitored. Everyone had to show his or her solidarity and conformance with the government. Practitioner's relatives were also implicated. My own relatives were in fear too, so they sent me to another relative's home in a remote village. However, even there the police were arresting practitioners. My relatives were constantly living in fright.
Practitioner Ms. Sun Yuhua on the Verge of Death
2004-02-19At about 2 p.m. on January 14, 2004, practitioner Sun Yuhua, was brutally abducted from the yard of her home in the Hasan electricity plant residential quarters. She was brutally beaten, and tortured. On the evening of the same day, her daughter, who is an 18-year-old university student was also taken to the Hulan county police department, and subsequently tortured. From the day she was abducted to today, Sun Yuhua has been on a hunger strike to protest her illegal torment. At present, she is on the verge of death.