Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Former Company Director Mercilessly Tortured to Death in Shandong Province

    The Police Department of Jiaonan and the "610 Office" arrested him and sent him to a brainwashing class in July 2000, just because he practises Falun Dafa. There he was illegally detained, beaten, verbally abused, and deprived of sleep, food and water. He was forced to watch videos that slandered Dafa. They also tried to force him to curse Dafa and Dafa's founder, to write the "Three Statements" and tortured him by force feeding him drugs.
  • In Memory of Our Fellow Dafa Practitioner Zhou Yuling

    When Zhou's husband saw her, she was on the brink of death, and her appearance was not recognisable. He cried over her because he thought she would not live. When Zhou Yuling finally returned home, she was unable to take care of herself. One side of her body was completely paralysed and she could only eat a little bit of porridge at every meal. But Zhou insisted on listening to the Falun Gong lecture series and practising the sitting meditation. In less than half-a-month, she was able to leave her bed and walk around.
  • Courage in Clarifying Truth of Falun Gong to American Journalists Results in Three Years of Brutal Persecution

    Once, at Tiananmen Square, he exposed the fact that the Chinese TV portrayed a thief as a Falun Gong practitioner to deceive TV viewers. He also gave his business cards to journalists. With Liu's business card, an American journalist visited the Chinese Foreign Ministry and asked them why they fabricated news.
  • Dafa Practitioner from Heilongjiang Province Tortured to Death

    The police are blocking the news very tightly about yet another Dafa practitioner who died as a result of torture. With the death toll rising steadily, the police who commit these crimes have lost all shred of conscience. Yet we will expose their wicked deeds and urge the International Community to openly condemn the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
  • Practitioner Tortured to Verge of Death Yet Still Detained in Fanjiatai Prison

    As of January 2003, Mr. Xiong has suffered from a respiratory infection and bronchitis due to the torture that has been inflicted on him. While in prison, Mr. Xiong would often receive both physical and mental torture to a degree that one cannot even imagine. However, facing the violence, Mr. Xiong peacefully and righteously resisted the evil persecution, treated everyone around him with compassion, and clarified the truth to everyone with whom he came into contact.
  • Female Practitioner Left to Die Alone After Arduous Torture in Jiaozhou City

    The guards didn't send her home until she was on the verge of death. After returning home, her husband Zhao Zunming, also a Dafa practitioner, was sentenced to four years in prison, and her sister-in-law (a Dafa practitioner) was arrested by police soon after she returned home. During this time, Zhao Yuezhen was unattended while she was in very poor health. Zhao Yuezhen passed away, alone and uncared for, at the age of 47 within months of her release.
  • Dafa Practitioner Tortured and Killed in Dabei Prison (Photo)

    Later he was secretly and illegally sentenced to an outrageous term of 15 years in jail. He was transferred to Dabei Prison in Shenyang City and subjected to constant unwarranted torture until his death on March 4, 2003. When he died, some witnesses saw numerous wounds on his body, with bloodstains at back of his head and a big area of bruises on his inner thighs. There were many red marks on his back, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken.
  • Henan Province Female Dafa Practitioner Passes Away Due to Persecution

    Yet another sad case of a death of a person that went unreported at the time due to the tightly controlled access of information held by the perpetrators. However, wicked deeds can not be hidden for long and she will not be forgotten for dying because she believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.
  • Heilongjiang Province Woman Falun Dafa Practitioner Brutally Tortured to Death

    When the police learned that Ms. Yang Hailing had also participated in making truth-clarification materials, they launched another round of brutal torture against her. To get more information from Ms. Yang, they tortured her brutally until she passed away. To cover up their crimes, the police secretly cremated her body and controlled the information tightly to keep the news from being made known.
  • Elderly Lady Dafa Practitioner Pushed Off a Precipice to Her Death

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Huijuan was an over 60-year-old worker from Chongqing City. On the night of April 29, 2003, she went to the dormitory area of the factory to distribute Dafa truth-clarification materials. The next day her body was found in a ditch behind the dormitory building. It has been reported that she was pushed off a precipice nearby to her death.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Persecuted to Death in Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp

    Forty nine year old Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Laiyou was a model worker from Jilin province. In October 2002, he was kidnapped and brought to Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. Under severe physical and mental tortures, his legs and abdomen became swollen. In the hospital, he was diagnosed with final-stage liver disease with ascites and deep venous thrombosis. In order to shirk their responsibilities, the Labour camp officials released him on the 5th March, 2003. Mr. Jiang passed away on April 30, 2003.
  • Letter To the Editor: Dafa Practitioner Ms. Dong Cuifang Tortured To Death At Daxing Forced Labour Camp; Authorities Block Her Family's Appeal

    Recently, the authorities demanded that Dong's parents rescind their legal appeal and informed them they would be given over ten thousand Yuan in exchange for dropping the case. However Dong's parents rejected this offer. Now, the authorities are attempting other deceitful means in order to prevent Dong's parents from going forward with their appeal.
  • Police Torture Practitioner Zou Wenzhi from Dalian City to Death; Officials Try to Buy His Family Members' Silence

    The medical examiner verified that, although the skin had not been broken, he had suffered severe damage to all of his organs, including his heart. His spine was broken, as well...At the home of Zou Wenzhi's parents, deputy director Jiang of the 2nd division of the local police department, who was the person that beat Mr. Zou to death, knelt down in front of Mr. Zou's parents and tried to give 20,000 Yuan to buy Mr. Zou's parents' silence.
  • Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Jilin Province

    The police robbed them of over 3,000 Yuan in cash, six months salary for an average urban worker. The police also pried open the storage room of the landlord's home and stole the electric heater.
  • Details of How Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhu Gaidi from Zhengzhou Was Tortured to Death

    After one month of torture, she suffered from high blood pressure, heart failure, nephritis, blindness in both eyes, and oedema all over her body. In this condition, the police attempted to send her to the Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province...Ms. Zhu's situation went from bad to worse, however, and she passed away on October 3, 2002.