Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • 60 Year-Old Dafa Practitioner, Lin Zhiping, Dies From Beating with Skull Crushed and Arms Broken

    According to our sources, Lin Zhiping's skull was crushed and his arms were broken from the beating. The prison didn't allow his family to look at his body. Instead, they only let his family take a peek through the door, and soon after they cremated his body. Mr. Lin's body was clad in a prison uniform at cremation because the officials would not even allow his family to dress him in proper clothing.
  • Brutal Abuse in the Dalian Forced "Reform School"

    Cruel and heartless Han, the head of the Female Division, prompted criminal inmates to strip and torture her. She was hung in an iron cage from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. the next morning. She was sexually tortured with a mop handle. She was tortured to incontinence but still refused to cooperate with the corrupt officials, and persisted in her belief.
  • Criminal Methods Used to Persecute Dafa Practitioners in Hunan Women's Prison

    They tortured practitioners by inserting high voltage electric batons into their mouths, causing them to bleed. Dafa practitioners were handcuffed and suspended in the air in torturous positions, including "The Sword" and "The Airplane" and restrained them with reverse handcuffs. (The above three handcuffing methods are particularly cruel).
  • Courage and Faith in Falun Dafa Until His Last Agonising Breath

    Just before he died, Mr. Wu shouted twice, "Falun Dafa is Good!" After his death, the police department informed his family that they were going to cremate his body. His family strongly objected, requesting an autopsy. The results showed his trachea had been injured by force, his ears were black and bruised, and he had bruises all over his body. Blood filled his stomach and intestines. It was horrifying to look at. Mr. Wu Baowang's family cannot find justice for his unjust death.
  • More Facts about Shocking Treatment Leading to Death of Female Practitioner in Dabei Prison

    Four months later, before she had completely recovered from the previous persecution, the cold-blooded police from Dongerbao Public Security Bureau forced open her front door, broke into her room, and again arrested her. In March of 2003, she was illegally sentenced to four years in prison, and on April 4th, she was sent to the Dabei Prison of Shenyang City. On April 11th, she was tortured to death. Her body was covered with all kinds of bruises, including blisters on her ribs resulting from electric shocks.
  • How Come a Single Word Can Make the Difference Between Life and Death?

    There is one question I haven't been able to find an answer to. If someone agrees to stop practising Falun Gong, then he can have freedom, can go back to work, simply because he said "Yes" to their demands to stop practising. If he does not say this, he is put into a forced-labour camp and loses his job. Giving in and saying this one word determines how somebody is treated by the authorities. I really can't understand how this can be justified.
  • Guards in Kaifeng City Forced Labour Camp Use Brutal Persecution Methods

    Cheng Junbo slandered and scolded Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners by threatening both practitioners and their relatives. For example, in order to take credit for persecuting Falun Gong, he demanded that the practitioners' families give him flags of honour, trophies, or baskets of flowers. For the sake of their loved one they felt they had no other choice but to unwillingly give into his demands.
  • Ruthlessly Tortured to Death: Practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp

    Lai Zhijun was beaten and shocked constantly, and was persecuted to death in a few days. A policeman named Chen Ruihong who might have participated in the persecution himself (he was later transferred to another team) witnessed the torture death of Mr. Lai. The secretary of the director of Sanshui Forced Labour Camp personally admitted that they killed Lai.
  • Shocking Details about Death of Heilongjiang Province Practitioner Sun Jihong

    After Mr. Sun died, his family went to see his body and witnessed the terrifying condition it was in. His family was very angry even though they had not believed the police would beat someone to death. They were planning to talk to the media to expose the atrocity, however the police threatened them beforehand. Mr. Sun's wife, also a Falun Dafa practitioner, was forced to leave home and go from one place to another to avoid persecution.
  • Help Rescue Two Practitioner Brothers Suffering from Unwarranted Persecution in Jilin Province

    During this period, he experienced various forms of unwarranted torture and abuse, to the point that he was once sent to the local Police Hospital for emergency treatment. In January 2000, after his sentence had been arbitrarily extended for seven months, he was sent to Xinglongshan Brainwashing Centre in Changchun. He was later sent to serve in the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp in Changchun City and remains there today.
  • After Days of Torture, Anhui Province Female Dafa Practitioner Dies

    The vicious thugs at Huoshan County Police Department actively participate in the indiscriminate persecution of Dafa practitioners. Once, six practitioners were illegally sentenced to forced labour only because some practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. Even practitioners who did not go to Beijing were sentenced to forced labour.
  • The Tragic Fate of Two Chengdu City Female Practitioners: One Barbarically Force-Fed to Death and The Other Driven to Mental Collapse

    Ms Hu fasted to protest her illegal detention. She was barbarically force-fed, had medicine poured down her throat and was also injected with drugs. How unjust that this lady was abused so dreadfully all because she followed the universal principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Tolerance in her life.
  • Six More Deaths Added to the Blood-Debt of the Jiang Regime

    On the eve of the 11th anniversary of the introduction of Falun Gong to the public, the news of another six deaths in China has surfaced. What kind of people would torture others to death simply because they had found an innocent way to become healthy and had learned to value right and wrong? None of this makes any sense – yet it is the tragic truth of a persecution lead by a regime which knows no rationality. Let us hope that the 12th anniversary is not heralded by such tragic news.
  • Sichuan Province Female Practitioner Dies From Abuse and Brutal Mistreatment at the Yongchuan Forced Labour Farm

    She was unjustly detained in the Yongchuan Labour Camp Farm, where she suffered horrendous abuse and persecution. They held her until December 29, 2002 when she was sent back to the hospital affiliated with the Chang'an Plant. By then she had become a mere skeleton. She could neither eat nor talk. Both her chest and back showed patches of black and blue bruises from severe beatings.
  • Torture and Slave Labour Leads to Death of Female Practitioner in Chengdu City (Photo)

    It rained heavily for days, and rainwater had leaked all in the detention room. Ms. Lu had not had sleep for several days. The police officers only gave her little to eat and a bit of tap water every day. The fifth day, the rain stopped. It then became extremely hot. At noon, police officer Chen Fuguo forced Lu Guirong and Jin Xikun to wash several cars in the burning sun.