Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Atrocities Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Anshan City

    Practitioner Mr Zhao Yonghua, was kidnapped by Anshan City Police and Youyan Police for remaining firm in cultivating Falun Dafa. The police subsequently tortured him. They lit a lighter and burned his moustache and his penis, then stripped him and threw him out in the cold winter to freeze him, treating him worse than an animal. He was later illegally sentenced to Anshan Forced Labour Camp.
  • The Shameful Persecution of Practitioners in Gansu Province

    One night in September 2001, while she was sleeping, a group of policemen rushed into her house and dragged her onto the sofa. She was sent to the police station with only underwear on. Her hands were handcuffed to the back around a chair for a night and since she was prohibited from going to the toilet for such a long time, she ended up being unable to hold her bladder and urinated where she sat. She was sent to the detention centre on the second night. She did not give up and went on hunger strike for nine days. Seeing that her life was in danger, the policemen sent her back home, afraid that she would die.
  • Two More Deaths of Practitioners at Hands of Xinjiang Province Police

    Two Dafa practitioners in their prime of life, who had committed no crimes and had harmed no-one have been deliberately and mercilessly tortured to death because they would not relinquish their belief in being true, being good and being tolerant. The Jiang regime is taking advantage of good people and behaves as if it is above the law. However we call upon the International Community to bring the perpetrators to justice and expose their bad deeds.
  • Sadistic Tangshan City Police Torture Dafa Practitioners in Unbelievably Cruel Ways

    Two male Dafa practitioners were beaten by the police with a metal pipe so badly that they were half alive, half dead and their bodies were covered with bruises and wounds. One practitioner's eyeball popped out of its socket as a result of the beating and he soon lost consciousness. The police then doused him with cold water to wake him up and continued the torture. The unbelievably cruel police even heated a fire poker until red-hot and burned Dafa practitioners' necks with it. They also burned Dafa practitioners' feet with cigarettes.
  • "610 Officer" Liu Wei Responsible for the Torture Death of Practitioner Li Zhongmin

    In the Kaifa District Public Security Office, particularly Liu Wei (over forty years old), vice director of the "610 Office", Sun Deshun, director of the "610 Office," and several other police officers are the main people responsible for persecuting practitioners. He brutally tortured practitioners regardless of their ages and gender, and because of his brutality towards practitioners he was recognised by his superiors with a "Third Degree Award."
  • Belated News: Elderly Woman Dafa Practitioner from Heilongjiang Province Passes Away After Months of Senseless Persecution

    As far as we know, 11 Dafa practitioners in Shuangcheng City have passed away as a direct result of the persecution. We call upon the public to help redress the injustice for the deceased practitioners. Let's work together to expose the crimes committed by Jiang's regime, and provide evidence for international organisations so they can help stop the persecution of innocent people.
  • Jilin City Police Sever Female Falun Dafa Practitioner's Larynx

    During the entire incident, innocent practitioner Wang refused to cooperate with the police, and she shouted out to disclose the persecution and clarify the truth. The criminal police were very scared that their persecution of practitioner Wang would be exposed. Therefore, they conspired with the hospital to commit the most hideous crime: they severed practitioner Wang's larynx using the excuse of "treatment" to keep her from talking. Now practitioner Wang can no longer speak and is critically ill.
  • Hegang City Police Torture Falun Dafa Practitioner To Disability and Terrorise His Family

    Mr. Tan told his children, "Go home and tell grandma and auntie that dad's ears could not hear anything after the beatings and his heart is beating so fast that it is very uncomfortable." Li Shujiang used cruel torture methods every time he interrogated Tan and often beat Tan into unconsciousness. Once a doctor told Li, "You can't beat him again. He was already diagnosed in the city's hospital with a perforated eardrum and heart irregularities." Li ignored the prison doctor's advice and beat Tan again on the following day.
  • Three Typical Methods Used to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    An artist used these drawings to depict how police beat and shock practitioners with electric batons. These paintings were exhibited at Austria's "Art Dynasty Night".
  • Exposing the Sadistic Crimes of Changchun City Policeman Chen Wenzhuan

    Chen Wenzhuan bears a bitter hatred for Falun Dafa and has sworn to eliminate Falun Dafa. Prior to March 2002, Chen took five practitioners who had been transferred from the Hongpo Road brainwashing centre and did an experiment on them. The purpose of the experiment was to find which torture method was most painful. Based on the outcome, he intended to intensify the persecution of other Falun Dafa practitioners in the centre.
  • Belated News: Death of Elderly Female Dafa Practitioner as a Result of Torture at the Hands of Beijing Police

    The next day, the cowardly police became worried she would die, so they sent her to a hospital. A doctor said, "She can live at most two to three months." The police was afraid of taking responsibility so they released her. With great fortitude, Ho Lijun went home by herself. Because her internal organs were severely damaged, she died in March 2001.
  • Unimaginable Atrocities Committed at the Dalian Reform School

    They force practitioners to start work at 7 am and go until 10 pm. If they cannot finish the task they are forced to continue until 1 to 2 in the morning. The next day they are forced to get up and work the same hours. The bags they have to haul around are 80 kilogrammes. Even the elderly practitioners in their 50s and 60s and the disabled are not spared. One elderly practitioner was so tired that he vomited blood.
  • Brutality in Xiguoyuan Detention Centre: Handcuffs and Shackles Cut into Flesh, Infected Wounds Are Left Untreated

    Since he was detained, he has been forced to sleep on the ground under the bed. Because the cell was gloomy, cold and damp, scabies developed on his body and he had difficulty squatting or sitting. He was still forced to do hard labour. The sanitation at the detention centre was very poor and the scabies infestation made it difficult for him to move around. He had to work kneeling on the ground. As of February of 2003, he had been forced to sleep on the ground for five months
  • Practitioners Illegally Imprisoned in Rujiang and Taiyu Forced Labour Camps

    They also sent batches of steadfast Dafa practitioners to the "706" (Taiyu Female Labour Camp). There, police administered week-long sleep deprivation combined with intense brainwashing. The torture Dafa practitioners endured there cannot be imagined. Those practitioners who went on hunger strike to protest their illegal detainment had their hands and feet tied to an iron bed. Police inserted a rubber tube into their nostrils and forced it down to their stomachs, and then aggressively poured in salt water mixed with food.
  • Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp Attempt to Cover up True Reason for Death of Elderly Lady Dafa Practitioner

    Later, she was found dead beside a sink outside the workshop. Wang Yan, the labour camp chief, said that Sun Guilan, "hung herself on a rope from the water pipe in the toilet." However, according to observations, the water pipe is less than one metre above the floor, so it would have been impossible for Sun Guilan to die from hanging on this pipe. The labour camp tried to use various means to cover up Sun Guilan's death.