Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Deluded Husband Abducts Wife to Yueyang City Mental Hospital Where She Is Tortured to Death
2003-04-15Yan Youhua is not a law-enforcement official; however, he sent his wife to detention centres, labour camps and mental hospitals over and over again. Who bestowed such power on him? It is due to the directives of Jiang's regime that he dared to persecute his wife to death.
Incessant Torture Leads to Death of Henan Province Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-15Since Li Junchen refused to cooperate with them and refused to give up his belief, he was detained for over seven months. Li Junchen suffered various tortures, such as being beaten by rubber sticks and shocked with electric batons. Later he developed severe pain in his lungs and had swelling all over his body. His face turned yellowish, and he was near death.
Terrible Ordeal of A Family: Wife Tortured to Death, Husband Incarcerated Beijing's Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-15Ms Mei Yulan was arrested on May 13, 2001 -- World Falun Dafa Day, while she was doing the Falun Gong exercises outdoors. While in the Chaoyang Detention Centre she went on a hunger strike in protest of her illegal arrest and detention. On May 18, she was force-fed without the absence of doctors. Her anguished cries of pain could be heard throughout the entire corridor.
Family Devasted by Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-15His family members are in deep sorrow, but they have no place to get justice for him. A once healthy man was tortured to skin and bones with heavy injuries, having been shocked with over 10,000 volts electric batons for over ten hours in one day. Who could endure such terrible abuses?
Atrocities In Beijing: 8 Fingers Beaten and Broken
2003-04-15Several policemen pressed his arm against the ground and smashed his hand with rubber batons. The eight fingers on both hands with the exception of his two thumbs were broken. They also broke his nose and face, spraying blood everywhere. His light gray sweater was soaked with blood and turned red. The intense pain and severe loss of blood caused his face to turn ashen, and his body began shaking uncontrollably.
Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Ruthlessly Beaten to Death by Fushun City Police
2003-04-14Li Ying's family went to the police department to ask for her and they requested meeting with her, but met with rejection. They deplored the vicious police and requested and protested repeatedly. In the end, the police reluctantly let them in to see Li Ying. They saw her lying on the ground, with a white sheet covering her body. They pulled the sheet up and saw that Li Ying was on the verge of death. She only had strength to tell her husband, "four police beat me..." before she passed away.
More Details about Tragic Death of Pregnant Guangzhou Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Zhixiang (Photo)
2003-04-14The Xinghua Street subdivision "610 Office" originally paid for hotel rooms for Luo's in-laws. But they continuously urged them to cremate her body. The older couple insisted that Luo's husband, their son, should sign the papers to authorise cremation. The "610 Office" personnel threw them out of the hotel. The older couple went to the subdivision administration office and asked for justice. The "610 Office" gathered over sixty people there and called the 110 emergency police number, to report a riot. After policemen arrived, they found that it was two people asking for justice. So the police left without incidence.
Death Cases Caused by Terror of Jiang Regime
2003-04-14These innocent people have lost their precious lives simply because, under Jiang's regime, they were not allowed to freely choose their belief in "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance," and they could not freely practise Falun Gong to cure their illnesses and improve their health. Jiang is as responsible for their deaths as if he had killed them himself.
Elderly Lady Practitioner Sustains Severe Maltreatment by Police
2003-04-14There, the guards used two handcuffs and a big chain to tie me to a heating pipe, and I could not sit, bend, and could only talk to them sideways. They had more than ten people torturing me in turn and did not allow me to sleep. This kind of torture went on continuously for five days and nights. Because I'm an elderly female, I could not sustain their torture and finally fainted.
Vile Acts Towards Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-14Then, they tried to force me to drink a "medicine" that they had prepared beforehand, but I refused to drink it. Several people grabbed me and forced it into me. The party secretary said: "See, this is what you get for going to Beijing. Take her outside, freeze her!" They tied my two hands behind my back and tied my legs with duct tape from the ankles up. They dragged me outside to let me freeze, dragging me along like a log. They even took off my shoes. Later, I learned that the "medicine" was human urine.
Severe Trauma from Beatings Leads to Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-13At 9 pm on March 11, 2003, policemen went to Chen Xiangrui's home and knocked on the door while shouting loudly. Mr. Chen's family refused to open the door. These policemen then broke down the door. From the start, they beat and kicked Mr. Chen while they dragged him out and forced him into their van. Policemen pulled Mr. Chen and at the same time cursed, "We will beat you, the stubborn Falun Gong member to death when we go back today." When Mr. Chen was dragged into the van, they shoved him face down under the seat, and police held him down with one foot on his body. Witnesses to this event were numerous as the policemen were quite loud, causing a big disturbance.
The Persecution of a Former Soldier
2003-04-13Since the start of the persecution on July 20, 1999, the cadres in the Army who practised Falun Gong were transferred to civilian work, and soldiers who practised Falun Gong were forced to leave the Army. Communist Party members who practised Falun Dafa were forced to leave the Party. Companies or units within the Army were forbidden from accepting Falun Gong practitioners.
Ugly Scenes in Chaoyang District's Dispatch Section in Beijing
2003-04-13In the Dispatch Section, if practitioners said that they would continue the practice, police would shock them with electric batons. If practitioners still continued to say that they would not stop the practice, police would drag them into a cell, lock them to a bed, and shock their armpits, the back of the neck and the back of the ears, all sensitive places to cause great pain. Afterward, police would write a guarantee statement and force Dafa practitioners to stamp their fingerprints on it.
Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Deyang Prison
2003-04-12When Mr. Li served in the army, he received many awards for his contributions. He was once appointed to a position of a cadre of the rank of regimental commander. He was a model citizen, proud to serve his country. Yet how did his country reward him for his service and loyalty? He was brutally and senselessly tortured to death.
Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Senselessly Beaten to Death by Fushun City Police
2003-04-12The officers brutally tortured her in an attempt to extract a "confession." On the same day, four police officers beat her to death. What is there for a person who firmly believes in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance to "confess" to? What crime has a person who is trying to be good and upgrade their moral standard committed?