Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Electric Shock Batons used Inhumanely on Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-26Afterwards, the amoral police tied her up with rope, hung a sign saying "Falun Gong Fanatic Cao Xianghui" around her neck, and paraded her through the Qianhu Street in Yueyang City. Then they threw her in the Hubin Detention Centre, where she was kept for half a month before she was transferred to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province.
Practitioners Zhang Jian and Hong Weisheng in Great Danger Due to Repeated Torture
2003-04-26At the same time, the "610 Office" said to the practitioners already in prison, "Based on orders from our superiors, there are only two choices for Falun Gong practitioners. They can either renounce their beliefs or die. Not only will we not be held responsible for their deaths, but we will also claim rewards and benefits for having Falun Gong practitioners give up their practise."
Fuyang City "Law Training Class" - a Place for Torture
2003-04-26In January 2000, there was a heavy snow. The temperature was below 10 F. Practitioner Liu was detained for 17 days. He had no cotton blanket. He was stripped all his clothes and the thugs forced his head into the Cess pit [in China, simple toilets are made of walls around a pit in the ground. Urine and faeces are collected in the pit]. The thugs then poured cold water on him.
Daqing City Forced Labour Camp Enact Abominations Against Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-25The policemen in the labour camp stripped off Dafa practitioner Ren Liang's clothes, forced him into a steel chair and then poured cold water onto the chair, making it unbearably cold. This lasted for several hours. After that the disgusting policemen even forced human excrement and urine into his mouth twice! Ren could not walk for a whole week as a result of the beating and the torture.
Sichuan Province: A Red Cross Mental Hospital Is Used as a Torture Chamber for Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-04-24He vomitted blood to such an extent that he could no longer be force-fed. The hospital also forced his father to write a statement declaring "if Qian Youbang died, his death had no relationship with the "610" Office, no relationship with the Municipal Detention Centre, no relationship with the local government and no relationship with the mental hospital."
Crippling Tortures in the Changchun No. 3 Detention Centre Render Practitioners Unable To Stand For Several Days
2003-04-24Upon seeing the terror of the persecution, some criminals with heart disease became so frightened that they had heart attacks and had to receive emergency treatment. Doctors were running around everywhere in the corridor. Some of the criminals said angrily: "How brutal! Only these policemen could think of such cruel ways to torture these innocent Falun Gong practitioners."
Female Dafa Practitioner Steadfast in Her Belief Despite Her Untimely Death from Torture
2003-04-23While her hands were cuffed behind her back, 8-9 policemen took turns beating her, with another policeman stomping on her legs. As a result, she had difficulty walking. Later on, she was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour education and sent to the Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Several days later the labour camp falsely claimed that she had blood poisoning and sent her home.
Persecution in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Causes Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner to Lose His Life
2003-04-23He was released on bail for medical treatment on July 31. When he came back, people saw that he staggered while walking and two of his left toenails had fallen off. There was a purple blister under his right thumbnail and he was in a state of trauma. He lost control of his bowels and bladder and could not get out of bed for two days after his release.
Appalling Acts Committed by Police Towards Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province
2003-04-23In Linyi District, local police officers kidnapped a 70-year-old man during the Autumn of 2000. The police brutally beat him and used extremely vicious torture methods on the elderly man. Several brutal policemen forced his hands into a big pot full of scorpions. His hands were badly stung. They also incited a venomous snake to bite his neck. This is what the practitioner told me himself.
Handan City Forced Labour Camp Victimise to Death Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-22Yet another victim of the Jiang regime's policy of attempting to annihilate Falun Dafa through extreme measures of torture and deprivation of human rights. Thus this peaceful practitioner, who only appealed for the right to live his life according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, could submit no longer to the persecution and tragically died as a result.
Forced-Feeding Leads to Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-22We stopped the Detention Centre Chief Shi at the cell door, and told him not to torture Falun Dafa practitioners under the pretext of force-feeding. He turned around and left without listening. On October 6, Li was seen being dragged out again by two people. He was unable to walk at all and looked extremely pale. We told these two people not to help a tyrant do evil.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Experiences Anguish in Fushun City Mental Hospital
2003-04-22After a while, the nurses realised that I wasn't a mental patient. However, they still forced me to take that small white pill, saying that this was at the doctors' and chief doctors' requests...By then, I had been detained at the mental hospital for over 10 days. Even though they knew that I was not mentally ill, they treated me the same way as the patients, which caused tremendous psychological anguish.
Elderly Female Practitioner Killed by Fatal Blow to Head in Chongqing City
2003-04-21Because she firmly practiced Dafa, she was subjected to various forms of torture. On May 11, 2001, in order to stop her from cultivating Dafa, an evil guard grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the wall. The blow was fatal and the next day, she sadly passed away as a result of the severe injury she had sustained.
Shameful Acts Committed Against Female Dafa Practitioner in Yanqing Prison
2003-04-21They slapped me, burned me with a lit cigarette, and fondled my breasts. Their behaviour was cruel and obscene. These gangster policemen forced me to take off my coat so they could torture me with an electric shock baton. They shamelessly shouted, "You are over 50 now. If you were still in your 30's, we would take off all of your clothes
In the Face of Brutal Beatings and Cruel Torture in Sichuan Province
2003-04-21Because the majority of the practitioners had been forced to give up their cultivation, they turned around and assisted the evildoers to persecute me. They monitored me and did not allow me to speak. I could not even look at other practitioners or they would accuse us of encouraging each other. For this, they punished me even more. They would stand beside me even when I went to the toilet.