Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Depravity of Police Towards Falun Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province Exposed
2003-04-30They wet her wired thumbs to achieve the maximum possible shocking effect. The inhuman police feared that her horrible shrieks (while being shocked) would be heard, so they gagged her with a wet towel. As a result of the electrical shocks and the iron chair torture method, her fingers were burnt and she was unable to walk.
9 Year Old Boy's Practitioner Mother Tortured to Death in Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-29She tragically left behind her elderly parents and a nine-year-old son. Her husband is still held in Pengzhou City Detention Centre brainwashing centre. Her family requested the government to release Tang Fafen's husband to handle the funeral affairs, but the "610 Office" turned them down and did not release her husband.
Constant Violence Towards Dafa Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-29However, they could not shake Dafa practitioners' determination to practise at all. The police treated the male Falun Gong practitioners even more brutally. Once they beat practitioner Yang so badly that his back was covered with cuts and bruises. It was summer, and very hot. Because they were not treated properly, the cuts became infected and crawling with vermin.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Endure Brutal Acts in Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-29As for those female Falun Gong practitioners who firmly insisted upon their belief, refusing to write "criticism" and "guarantee" letters, the authorities threw them into the guardroom. Inside the practitioners had their four limbs handcuffed to a bed, and criminals are incited to beat Falun Gong practitioners, twisting their hands, choking them with cigarette smoke, burning them with cigarettes, stepping on their chests, and sexually assaulting them with wooden sticks.
Practitioner Whipped Mercilessly in Liaoyuan Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-29He then forced me to bend over with my hands holding the desk. Han grasped the whip with his two hands, and lashed it hard against my body. I endured only 5 blows before I fell to the ground, feeling excruciating pain. A bloody cut appeared after each lashing, and he lashed me a total of 15 times. The most agonising lash was one against my neck.
66 Year Old Lady Henan Dafa Practitioner Dies After Extended Detention and Exhausting Slave Labour
2003-04-28In the autumn of 2000, Li Kun was arrested by the Wolong District Security Brigade while clarifying the facts about the persecution and she was taken to the Shangzhuang Detention Centre. While in detention, she was not allowed to study the Fa or practise the Dafa exercises. Instead, she was forced to do intensive exhausting labour, which led to the recurrence of her disease she had prior to taking up the practice of Falun Gong: cancer in her uterus.
Harbin Practitioner Dies from Persecution
2003-04-28The prison guards threatened him, "If you don't write, we will send you to a forced labour camp." In the later days, these villains would go to his house to harass him while his illness grew worse. At that moment, his son was arrested for a second time and was detained illegally in Harbin Changlin Forced Labour Camp. Under such circumstances, the Township Government agents forced his wife to go into a brainwashing class.
10 Year Old Left Motherless Due to Shandong Province Practitioner Tortured to Death
2003-04-28Due to the incessant torture both mentally and physically, after a few months of intense suffering, Bai Shihua passed away tragically early in the morning of March 13, 2003, leaving behind her aging parents and a daughter who is only 10 years old.
Police in Changji Forced Labour Camp Torture Practitioners for Exposing Their Crimes
2003-04-28Once, during a TV interview practitioner Chen Yujiang told a reporter "You must report the truth." Immediately after the reporter left, Zhang Yan dragged Chen into an office and used an electric baton to shock him. Authorities in Changji Labour Camp are afraid of people outside the camp knowing they violate laws while they are supposed to be enforcing laws. Whenever there is some investigative group or other visitors coming through, they hide Falun Gong practitioners.
Practitioner Tortured to Death at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-27During her detention, the camp officials brutally tortured her until her body became very weak, then she was released on bail for medical treatment. She was still monitored while serving the remainder of her sentence as she underwent treatment. She died after 3 months.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Imprisoned for One Week: Dead One Month Later
2003-04-27Ms. Zhou was cooking at home when some policemen from Guankou Police Station came in and, claiming that she had "attacked the police," beat her savagely. After ransacking her home, the police took her to the city detention centre. One week later, the police called her family members at midnight and told them to take her home.
Dabei Prison Cause Fatal Injuries to Two Female Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-27Although they made up her face, there were still very visible marks caused from the electric baton shocks and bruises from the beatings. Her family members were threatened not to reveal any information to the public, and the prison attempted to prevent any information about the death from becoming public knowledge.
Following Female Practitioner Dies from Brutal Persecution after More than 1000 Days in Prison
2003-04-27In China, upon a senior citizen's 66th birthday, relatives and close friends gather together to celebrate and wish them a peaceful and happy life. However, Zhang Cuizhen can no longer enjoy the happy life she was supposed to have. Inside a gloomy and damp prison cell in detention centre, with no fresh flowers and no kind blessings, she had only handcuffs, foot shackles, iron bars, and the prison's electric fence with her, as well as the relentless and brutal persecution.
Elderly Woman Dafa Practitioner Received Relentless Torture in Detention Centre and Subsequently Died
2003-04-27At that time, Zhao Baolan could not take care of herself. However, the Petroleum Exploration Field "610 Office" still did not leave her alone, and made the staff of the brainwashing class watch over her at her home. Her husband was so traumatised by these events that he became ill and had to be hospitalised. Her son was still wrongfully detained in the brainwashing class.
Disgusting Deeds Against Female Dafa Practitioners in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Force-Feeding Faeces!
2003-04-27In order to win the distinction of being "Number 1 in Transfer Rates" and thereby earning huge bonuses (as much as 8,000 Yuan reward for successfully breaking one Falun Dafa practitioner), the police stop at nothing. They electric shock, beat, twist, and pinch. They force practitioners to do the "Sitting Squat," use hot chili peppers, and mercilessly degrade them, hoping that they will give up their cultivation.