Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Wife Wang Xiulan Tortured to Death, Husband Pei Jilin Sent to Labour Camp
2002-08-28Such a happy family was broken by Jiang's regime. Wang Xiulan and Pei Jilin's son, who is a college student, is now left with no one to take care of him. In China, there are many more families who have similar experiences.
The Intense Suffering of Dafa Practitioners At the Hands of Guards and Criminals in Tumuji Labour Camp
2002-08-27Due to the severe torture, Wang Zhichen was not in a healthy mental condition, and his whole body was in terrible pain. He fell unconscious several times. However, the guards still did not let up, continuing the torture for several months.
Two Women in Their Fifties Tortured to Death by Local Police
2002-08-27Ms Wu Jingfang had suffered from various diseases, including kidney stones, before she learned Falun Gong. After she began to practice, her good health returned and the diseases disappeared. Because she practiced Falun Gong she was abducted and put through brainwashing classes and torture. In the end, she was tortured to death by Police. On April 11, her body was secretly cremated.
Vicious Torture by Guard in Labour Camp
2002-08-26Jiang Yongfeng of the 2nd unit told the criminal inmates to seal all the windows and doors with newspaper. During the night Jiang told about 20 criminals to start brutally torturing the practitioners. First he told them to put the television set in the hallway and set its volume to its highest (so that others couldn't hear the torturing). They forbid anyone else from leaving their cell, while 6 of them tortured one practitioner.
University Teacher Dies in Brainwashing Class
2002-08-26Another tragic waste of a precious life which should never have happened.
Wanjia Labour Camp Uses Instruments of Torture to Try to Force Falun Dafa Practitioners to Give up Their Belief
2002-08-26They used handcuffs, iron chairs and instruments of torture to try to force the newly kidnapped Falun Dafa practitioners to make a statement against their will that they would give up their belief. We could hear the blood-curdling screams.
A Summary of the Days Leading up to Dafa Practitioner Gui Xunhua's Death from Torture
2002-08-25When his family arrived at the jail, Gui had already died. All that was left of Gui were his bones. He had once been a robust 180lb. He was still shackled and handcuffed. His urinary tract was damaged by forceful insertion of tubes and was still bleeding.
Mr. Yang Zhonghai Persecuted to Death
2002-08-22Two and a half years of persecution and torture for his innocent actions of telling people the truth about Dafa had severely damaged Yang Zhonghai's health, and left him very weak. He passed away around noon on May 19, 2002.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Song Huaping Tortured to Death in the First Detention Centre of Yingcheng City
2002-08-22Song, a 34-year-old man, had been illegally detained on six occasions. The last time he was detained was in the First Detention Center of Yingcheng City, where he was brutally tortured to a life-threatening condition.
Extreme Beating and Sexual Violence used in Persecution of Practitioners
2002-08-21"Today I don't care about anything but beating you to death! If I kill you, no one will do anything. Your death will be nothing! You have seen that one after another was beaten to death in Weifang city, and their deaths haven't caused any trouble!"
"Better to Kill 3000 Wrongfully Than to Let One Get Away"
2002-08-21Article detailing how a non-practitioner was kidnapped and tortured because the authorities suspected that he practised Falun Gong.
Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2002-08-21We have heard that Falun Dafa practitioners are being tortured very severely in that detention centre. The police lift and beat practitioners with iron batons, do not allow the practitioners to sleep or to do the exercises, and try to force them to renounce their beliefs.
Female Dafa Practitioner Deng Xiangyun Tortured to Death by Police Department of Heilongjiang Province
2002-08-20Deng Xiangyun suffered both mental and physical torture while in detention. In October 2001, her condition became critical, as she became blind in both eyes and then fell into a coma
Female Falun Gong Practitioner Wu Lingxia Tortured to Death2002-08-20
Practitioner Wu Lingxia was detained for a year and severly tortured, resulting in festered scars and severe oedema. She died leaving her teenage son, and parents in their 70's. Her death is another tragedy caused by the Jiang regime's bloody persecution.
The Police Carry the Body of a Murdered Practitioner Out and Forbid Us from Speaking Out about the Death