Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Li Hongwei is Brutally Killed at the Wujiawa Detention Centre
2002-10-23Currently, plainclothes policemen are stationed both inside and outside the building where Li Hongwei's family lives. Anyone who visits them is being followed. All family members, without exception, are placed under threat, surveillance, and tight control by the police departments. However, those who have lost their loved one claim, with tears in their eyes, "We will bring the murderers to justice!" We are worried about the safety of the family and relatives.
Female Practitioner from Shandong Province Tortured to Death
2002-10-23Practitioner Su Baolan from Anqiu City was forcibly sent to a brainwashing class by her husband in mid-October 2001. Later that month, her body was discovered in a river. The local police, the "610 Office", and her husband all remained silent, unwilling to discuss the cause of her death.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Song Xiangzhen Killed by Hospital Administrator at Ankang Hospital in Shenyang City
2002-10-22They inserted a rigid plastic tube, which was larger than the normal size of the nostril, through her nose into her stomach. This caused bleeding in her nose and stomach..Zhang then viciously beat her, with drug addict patients assisting him, until her face was seriously injured.
Shocking Statement from Officials from Changyi City,: "There Is No Limitation to the Persecution of Falun Gong; Deaths Due to Torture Can Be Counted as Suicide"
2002-10-20placing heavy stones and wooden logs on their heads, forcing them to stand on ice and sharp stones, forcing them to hold ice chunks with both hands, kneel on logs, and crawl on the ground. They stabbed the practitioners' palms with sewing needles and forced them to stand for extended periods of time.
Former Party Secretary of the Institute of Women and Children's Health Killed by Police
2002-10-19her face was purplish blue, her eyeballs were protruding, there were clear cuff marks on both of her hands, the inner surface of her right hand was mangled, clear bruise marks on her cheek close to her right ear and some other places had purplish blue needle-pierced holes.
Practitioner Luo Kaijun Tortured to Death in Zhongyi Town Police Station, Hubei Province
2002-10-19the vicious police officers brutally beat him until his whole body became swollen. Blood gushed from his nostrils and mouth. He did not eat or drink for three days and lost the ability to move.
Description of Inhuman Torture and Persecution Methods
2002-10-19Practitioners are hung from trees and beaten. Some are handcuffed in iron cages. Some are tied spread-eagled to iron doors, with their feet barely touching the ground... The policewomen beat practitioners in separate rooms, and their screams can be frequently heard.
Two Dafa Practitioners from Hebei Province Cruelly Tortured to Death
2002-10-18Zhang Jianxun, male, 64, was a retired employee of the County Civil Administration Bureau from Anping County. Since he insisted on practising Falun Gong, he was forcibly dragged from his home to the county brainwashing centre. After suffering severe torture, he was released and died a few months later. Liu Fupa, female, 67, was a retired worker living in Shenzhou City. She was persecuted to death in July 2001.
Practitioner Zhang Haiduo Brutally Tortured By Police in Tangshan Labour Camp
2002-10-17Both Zhang's legs were swollen so severely that he was unable to walk, and even a gentle touch would be extremely painful. Inmates on duty also burned his fingers and toes by burning papers that were placed between them. There were about 11 burns on his fingers and toes.
Dafa Practitioner Sun Jihong from Huanan County Kidnapped and Killed by Beijing Police
2002-10-14At the end of September, Sun Jihong was tortured to death. When his family was finally permitted to see his body they found the corpse in a horrifying condition. On October 2, 2002, police had his body immediately cremated without the family's permission. The police are now blocking the news tightly.
Practitioner Yang Qingmin Killed by Police in Taiyuan City
2002-10-14The murderers carried Yang Qingmin's body to the top of the tall dam behind building #2 of the Guandi Mine and threw his body off the dam. They lied to the local people that Yang Qingmin fell off the dam by himself and he was already dead before they sent him to the hospital.
Another Tragedy in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: Two Female Practitioners Die After Experiencing Brutal Torture
2002-10-13Lately, in order to reach the "reform rate" assigned by the government, the lawless thugs at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp have been relentlessly torturing Dafa practitioners. Division heads Wu Jinying and Zhang Bo ordered vicious guards and prisoners to hang up Dafa practitioners by both hands, whip them with leather belts and shock them with electric batons.
Police Break into a Dafa Material Production Site and Cause the Deaths of Three Practitioners
2002-10-13On September 18 2002, police broke into a site that produced Dafa truth-clarifying literature in a residential building of Kuangzongyuan. Three practitioners were illegally arrested. Three other practitioners died as a result of the illegal break-in.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Huimin Tortured and in Critical Condition in the Chinese Traditional Medical Hospital in Jianyang City
2002-10-12The prison doctors force-fed her so fiercely that the feeding tube poked a hole in her stomach and caused internal bleeding.
Practitioners Brutally Beaten and Killed by Police in Deyang City
2002-10-12the Huangxu Town police viciously beat up the practitioners; even an eighty-year-old woman was not spared. The people close to the police station could hear the practitioners' screams of pain.