Over Two Thousand Falun Gong Practitioners Targeted for Their Faith in November 2020
2020-12-15In November 2020, at least 754 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and 1,284 harassed for their faith, bringing the year-to-date arrest and harassment cases to 5,933 and 7,192, respectively.
245 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in March 2019
2019-05-06According to information collected by, the month of March 2019 recorded 245 cases of Falun Gong practitioners arrested and another 162 harassed in China for refusing to renounce their faith.
Details Revealed: Brainwashing Centre Associated with September Arrests of Over 30
2014-11-01Over 30 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on September 2nd in Tonghua, Jilin Province. Twenty were sent to brainwashing sessions arranged by various local 610 Offices (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). The arrests and brainwashing centre detentions are consistent with the “final battle” plan of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as reported by the Epoch Times in November 2013. A collection of 56 circulars from official agencies across China revealed that a renewed, nation-wide campaign to eliminate Falun Gong is underway.
A Minghui Whitepaper - Brainwashing: China's Hidden Industry
2014-10-01In late 2013, the Chinese regime claimed to shut down its notorious forced labour camp system after tremendous pressure from the international community. However, this was a change in name only; many of the camps were simply replaced by “black jails”— extralegal detention and brainwashing centres. These centres are a critical component in the Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. Brainwashing supports the regime’s goal of wiping out Falun Gong by forcing its practitioners to renounce their beliefs through coercion and torture, both physical and psychological.
Not To Be Forgotten: Practitioners Tortured in Hebei Xingtai Brainwashing Centre (Part 2)
2014-09-30Wang Lihua was four months pregnant when she was arrested in March 2009. Police took her directly to the Xingtai Brainwashing Centre, where she was forced to listen to former practitioners who had been “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] slander Falun Gong. When her baby was born its body was covered with blisters. The baby died shortly after birth. The doctor told Ms. Wang, “I can't pinpoint what toxin caused this, but there is poison in the baby's body.” Ms. Wang realized she had been poisoned in the brainwashing centre. She recalled that the drinking water she had been given had been tainted yellow, and her prison cell had a foul, indescribable odour.
Not To Be Forgotten: Practitioners Tortured in Xingtai Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province (Part 1)
2014-09-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Guangcai was detained at the Xingtai Brainwashing Centre facility twice in 2004. Mr. Zhang was held there for three months. He was starved, subjected to sleep deprivation, and allowed only restricted use of the toilet. Mr. Zhang was handcuffed behind his back with one arm over his shoulder. He was then shocked with electric batons. A guard from the brainwashing centre said when Mr. Zhang was being tortured, “Beating [Falun Gong practitioners] to death won't be blamed on us--it's recorded as suicide.”
Systematic Brainwashing of Practitioners: Isolation, Bombardment of Lies, and Physical Abuse
2014-09-30The prison developed a systematic approach to conduct brainwashing of practitioners in its attempt to make us renounce our belief in Falun Gong. Within each ward, the practitioners were placed in separate cells and not allowed to see one another. Under isolation, we were bombarded day in and day out with various materials vilifying Falun Gong. Chen forced us to read Party propaganda and watch videos slandering Falun Gong, commit disrespectful acts against Falun Gong and its founder, and write “thought reports” renouncing our beliefs. Each practitioner must also pass frequent “tests” to demonstrate parting ways with Falun Gong. Those who failed the tests were subjected to more coercive brainwashing, mental and/or physical abuse.
Black Jail Profile: Mishan City Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province
2014-08-04Mishan Brainwashing Centre is called a “Law School,” although it is actually a black jail. Mishan Brainwashing Centre was opened in June 2011, and 22 practitioners had been incarcerated there by 2012. In 2013, officials promised their superiors that they would “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] ten practitioners. After they met this quota, they would be awarded 200,000 yuan. The average reward is 20,000 yuan for "transforming" one practitioner. Driven by greed and the promise of advancement, another wave of persecution started in June 2013.
School Children Targeted for Brainwashing by the 610 Office in Guangxi Province
2014-07-27The “Youth Education Centre Against Heretical Organisations” was established in Baise City, Guangxi Province, in May 2014. It is another way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brainwashes school children into being against Falun Gong. Videos, audios, window displays, books, bulletin boards, charts, and pictures slandering Falun Gong and its founder are employed. Dongjing Central Elementary School held a signature assembly on April 16th. Teachers and students were to sign a pledge slandering Falun Gong.
Heilongjiang Women's Prison: Wards Dedicated to Systematic Brainwashing
2014-07-25Heilongjiang Women's Prison has played an infamous role in the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong. Special wards were designated specifically for “transforming” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners, attempting to force them to renounce their beliefs through coercive brainwashing and physical abuse. The prison employs a systematic “transformation” process: incoming practitioners are first subjected to beatings and other forms of physical abuse. Baojia then work to persuade them to renounce their beliefs, often using guard-sanctioned violence. As a part of the same process, practitioners are also forced to watch propaganda videos.
A Close Look at the Brainwashing Industry in China: Policies, Funding, and Scale
2014-07-16After the Chinese regime shut down its labour camps late last year, they were replaced by “black jails,” or extralegal detention centres, as documented by Amnesty International's December 2013 report. In other words, the same human rights abuses continue, but are simply hidden in more secretive facilities. Over the 15-year persecution of Falun Gong, its practitioners have gathered extensive, firsthand information about brainwashing centres, a common type of black jail and a strange industry of its own. These brainwashing centres are established to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners, i.e. force them to renounce their beliefs through coercion, and physical and psychological torture.
Brainwashing Centres Continue Former Labour Camps’ Role in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-06-02Although the labour camp system in China has been closed down, the systematic persecution of prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners, continues in China to this day. Brainwashing centres have taken the place of labour camps and have become the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) primary locations where Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated and tortured. In March and April 2014, forty-seven practitioners in Beijing were arrested and held in brainwashing centres. One practitioner was tortured to death in custody.
The “Transforming” Torture Package Used by the Beijing Forced Labour Camp System
2014-05-06I was detained in Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Division in 2008, and afterwards incarcerated in Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp. I suffered through every single step of the “transforming package” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] that the forced labour system uses. As a result I was severely traumatized, both mentally and physically. Practitioners are forced to sign their names on the pre-drafted statements to accept the contents that slander Falun Gong. Refusing to sign the statements results in the practitioners being subjected to a series of “transforming” methods.
The Top Three Brainwashing Centres Involved in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-03-25In the summary report, “ The Role of China's Brainwashing Centres in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners ,” we analyzed 3653 confirmed death cases of Falun Gong practitioners over the past 15 years of persecution. We found that 746 (11%) experienced torture in brainwashing centres, and 367 deaths took place in the brainwashing centres.
Persecution Continues in Brainwashing Centres in Jiangjin District, Chongqing
2014-02-25The persecution of Falun Gong is ongoing, despite the much-touted dismantling of the forced labour camp system in China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues its brutal repression by ordering police, prosecutors, judicial system staff, and local officials to continue with the same policies of arbitrary arrest, detention, and brainwashing. The same physical and spiritual torture methods, designed to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs, continue to be employed in brainwashing centres in Jiangjin District of Chongqing.