Running the Campaign of Terror: "610 Office" Head Luo Gan's Role and Crimes in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-03-13In April 2002, Luo Gan issued orders to the political and judiciary departments of Heilongjiang, ordering the arrest of 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners to be carried out within a period of three months. The police were told, "Don't bother with those that committed crimes, such as murder, arson or any other criminal offence." Practitioners released on medical parole, practitioners released after going on hunger strike, practitioners who refused to write pledges or who once went to Beijing to appeal again became the targets of arrest.
Neijiang "610 Office" Builds Its Own Brainwashing Centre to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-22They built an iron fence around the houses, set up monitors in every room and in all the places where Dafa practitioners were active, and hired security guards. Thus they effectively turned the area into a prison built especially for the "610 Office." All the practitioners who are sent to this brainwashing centre are forced to pay 2,000 to 5,000 Yuan. The "610 Office" staff either coerces the practitioners' families to pay the fine, or deducts the money from the practitioners' salaries or pensions.
Cruel Methods of Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Weifang Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-15The former head of the Weifang "610 Office"* Song Jiwu, in collaboration with the Weifang Forced Labour Camp, has been holding brainwashing sessions since March 15, 2001. Over 100 Falun Dafa Practitioners have been brutally tortured and persecuted in these brainwashing sessions. The deputy head of the Forced Labour Camp, Zou Jintian has been directly involved in the brainwashing. The Head of the Camp's Second Division, Ding Guihua has also directly arranged the persecution of practitioners.
17 Year Old Girl Arrested for Answering Exam Question Truthfully in Heilongjiang Province
2004-02-12In July of 2002, Wang Lin attended a joint entrance exam for a provincial high school. In the politics section of the paper there was a question defaming Falun Gong. Wang Lin answered the question truthfully stating: Falun Dafa is good, and Falun Dafa is righteous. Later on officials from the Political and Judiciary Committee, Police Department and Provincial Education Committee came looking for her. Wang was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution
Rescue Charles Li and Bring Prime Culprit Jiang Zemin to Justice
2004-02-12Miss Fu, Li's fiancée, has said that she can feel the pain Li is suffering in the brainwashing class even though she is in the US. The pain comes from being forced to do things you never want to do and from having your basic human nature altered. Li is a truthful person. He never tells lies and wants to be a good, compassionate person with great tolerance. They torture him and attempt to transform him. That is a pain no words can describe.
Harrowing Account of Dafa Practitioner's Experience in Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-31My name is Wang Liren. I am 52 years old, and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who started practising in 1995. On January 31, 2003, I was arrested when distributing truth-clarification materials telling about the persecution of Falun Dafa. In the police station, they cuffed my hands and feet to a metal chair and punched my head with their fists. The police van driver used an electric heater to scorch my face. After being tortured for one day and one night, I was sent to the Administrative Detention Centre in the Shenyang City Police Department, where I was kept for 37 days.
Exposing the Inner Workings of the "610 Office" Weifang City Brainwashing Class
2004-01-31For the resolute Dafa practitioners, the centre thugs came up with another means of threatening and stirring discord. They instigated Dafa practitioners' family members to come to the centre to pressure practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa. When practitioner Mr. Zhang Liang still did not yield to their brutal torture of many days, they made Zhang Liang's father, grandma and aunt come to the centre to put pressure on him. Even more cruel, the thugs gave no thought to human ethics and forced Zhang Liang's 70-80 year old grandma to kneel down to him.
Party Officials Liu Songhua and Luo Xun Relentlessly Persecute Guiyang City Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-29The factory was on the verge of bankruptcy and was not even able to pay the factory workers' regular salaries. The brainwashing class charged the factory 2000 Yuan per person each month [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]. In addition, for every practitioner, the factory was ordered to send another person to guard the practitioner, and each factory guard cost the factory 2000 Yuan each. So a total of 12 people went to the brainwashing centre at a total cost of 24,000 Yuan.
A Middle School Student is Detained in Beijing for Clarifying the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-01-29During the detention period, authorities extorted 500 yuan from Li Dan's family. The authorities demanded 1,000 yuan; however, because her family is impoverished, her relatives only gave them 500 yuan. The policemen also threatened Li Dan's baby sister and asked her who had taught Li Dan to practise Falun Gong. Because Li Dan's sister is so young, she told the officers that Dafa practitioner Huang Wenshu had taught Li Dan. The policemen asked the sister to lead them to arrest Huang Wenshu, and Huang Wenshu subsequently was sentenced to two years of forced labour.
New Policy for Guizhou Police - ID Required for Internet Users
2004-01-21To ease public pressure, Guizhou Police Department used propaganda to lie and spread terror. First, they spread lies in the media, saying that the Internet monitoring system was only to monitor illegal websites and would not monitor typical internet users. Second, they threatened the Internet café managers that they would be shut down if they didn't comply. They restricted access to articles on the Web that expressed any discontent about the new policy, and coerced café owners to comply with threats of fines and detention.
Chengdu City "610 Office" Extort "Confessions" by Torture at a Brainwashing Class
2004-01-14In 2002, all employers of Falun Gong practitioners had to pay 20,000 Yuan per employee per month for the brainwashing class. In 2003, the employers were forced to pay 5,000 to 6,000 Yuan per employed Falun Gong practitioner per month. They not only sent gangs to beat up practitioners, but also ordered them to steal farmers' harvests in the fields at midnight.
Names of Officials Responsible for the Torture and Extortion of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Nanyang City
2004-01-11Staff members from Nanyang City Political and Legal Committee "610 Office" have held many brainwashing sessions to persecute and extort money from practitioners. Every time a brainwashing session was held, the executive officers would appropriate large amounts of public money for the operation of such sessions. These funds are hard-earned money paid by the people of the district. However, on top of these extensive funds the brainwashing facility staff members force practitioners to pay 30 yuan in the name of room and board even though they are detained against their wishes and do not volunteer for these classes.
The Ongoing Brutal Persecution of Mother and Daughter From Handan City
2004-01-11Du Likun is now in custody and her mother Yang Fenglian is in a life-threatening situation due to the torture she is enduring at the brainwashing centre. It seems ironic that Jiang Zemin should declare this time to be China's best period for human rights ever, when a mother and her teenage daughter are being deprived of the basic rights of freedom and safety.
Witness to the Crimes Committed at the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Centre
2004-01-08Never believe the words that attack Dafa on the fabricated apology letters as shown on TV. They have deceived many people into believing that former Dafa practitioners are very regretful. But no one knows of the cruel reality behind each of the letters. Those words were written under extreme mental and physical torture and when one was forced to act against one's own will.
Facts about Daqing City Brainwashing Centre: Two Million Yuan Used to Persecute the Innocent
2004-01-05Shocking facts: As of December 2003, at least 24 Dafa practitioners whose names can be verified through civil channels were tortured to death in Daqing City. That is 18% of all torture deaths or deaths as a result of torture in Heilongjiang Province, and ranks only behind Harbin City, in which 27 practitioners were tortured to death or died as a result of torture. That makes Daqing City one of the areas with the most severe Falun Dafa persecution in China. Daqing City's government and the Party secretary are exclusively responsible for this persecution.