Insights Into a Brainwashing Centre in the Xianning City Forced Labour Camp
2014-02-04A brainwashing centre named the Xianning Legal Education Base (XLEB) was set up in the Xianning City Forced Labour Camp in October 2013, under the direction of the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the Politics and Law Committee in Xianning City. It's purpose was to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Falun Gong practitioners were forced to watch three types of videos, as part of the XLEB's overall brainwashing strategy. One video specifically slandered Falun Gong and its founder, Teacher Li Hongzhi. The second video disparaged traditional Chinese culture, and the third video was a direct attack on Buddhism.
Ms. Li Huaiying from Shanghai Transferred from Forced Labour Camp to Brainwashing Centre
2014-01-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Huaiying, 59, was arrested at her home on August 16th, 2012. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour. On April 18th, 2013, officials from 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) transferred her from the labour camp to a brainwashing centre. Ms. Li was interrogated, and they demanded to know who gave her materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and where she distributed them.
Persecution Continues Unabated After Labour Camp Closures (Part 1)
2014-01-18In early 2013, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced a plan to abolish the notorious forced labour camp system, which had been instrumental in the persecution of Falun Gong. In November 2013, it declared that it would close down all forced labour camps by the end of the year. However, as Amnesty International's December 2013 report stated, “It's clear that the underlying policies of punishing people for their political activities or religious beliefs haven't changed. The abuses and torture are continuing, just in a different way.” Brainwashing centres, which are much less known, have taken over part of the role of forced labour camps.
Ai Hongwu, Hegang Brainwashing Centre Chief, Guilty of Many Crimes
2013-11-24Ai Hongwu, 58, is the chief of Hegang Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province. He is responsible for the persecution of many people, but to outsiders he lies, saying he is "the principal of a law school." Publicly, he is known as the deputy director of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Hegang City, located on the third floor of the Rural Bank of Heilongjiang Province. His wife is ill, and his son works in Shanghai.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Agents in Shanghai Employ Cunning Tactics to Force Falun Gong Practitioners to Undergo Brainwashing
2013-11-13The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shanghai has been arresting Falun Gong practitioners and taking them to brainwashing centres. To hide what is going on, they often change the location of the brainwashing centre. They also use deceptive means during the sessions. The Baoshan District 610 Office started a brainwashing session in mid September 2013 and called it a class on arranging flowers and cooking. The session actually includes activities like singing the songs that praised the Communist Party and watching videos that slandered Falun Gong.
Atrocities Committed in the Chinese Communist Regime's Brainwashing Facilities
2013-10-08The Chinese communist regime has set up numerous brainwashing centres all over China to detain, brainwash and torture Falun Gong practitioners, including the elderly and pregnant women. These facilities are euphemistically labelled “Legal Education Training Centres” to deceive the public. Mr. Zhu Xianghe, 64, was beaten to death in the Sutang Village Brainwashing Centre of Suining County, Xuzhou City, on May 4th, 2005. His eyes were dug out, and his organs were cut out.
Falun Gong Practitioners Jin Minghao and Wife in Yilan Brainwashing Centre
2012-11-16Mr. Jin Minghao and Ms. Zheng Yinyue are in their 30s and both of Korean ethnic origin. At approximately 4:00 a.m. on October 25th, Mr. Jin was leaving home to pick up their child when he was ambushed by six policemen from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). He called out for help as they attacked him. His mother came out and witnessed the officers beating him. When she put her arms around him to protect him, they beat her, too. They then ransacked his home and confiscated his computer.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing Women's Prison
2012-11-02Newly arrived practitioners have to get up around 6 a.m. and go to a small room used just for brainwashing. They have to spend the whole day there, and all their meals are brought in so that they cannot leave or get a break from the intense situation. Those practitioners who refuse to do forced labour are also taken there for brainwashing. The brainwashing goes on all day and does not stop until the other prisoners finish working and come back. The prison specifically chooses the most low level prisoners to find fault with and verbally abuse the practitioners who remain steadfast. Using the techniques the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used during the Cultural Revolution, they hold “struggle sessions” in which 20 or 30 handpicked prisoners sit in a circle surrounding the practitioners, criticizing and yelling at them.
The “Transformation Group” and Brainwashing Centre at Hunan Women's Prison
2012-10-12When a practitioner is sent to the brainwashing centre, the perpetrators begin by asking the practitioner whether she is willing to participate in the so-called "education" (brainwashing). If she refuses, they will put handcuffs on her until she agrees to "learn." The "education" involves watching videos that slander Falun Gong. They play these films continuously. If that is not enough to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong, more abuse, such as forcing practitioners to stand for twelve to twenty-three consecutive hours, occurs. Practitioners are sometimes allowed to sleep for only one or two hours a day. Abuse such as sleep deprivation is not entered into the duty records. There are other forms of abuse and humiliation, such as not allowing practitioners to use the toilet.
Persecution Methods Used at the Jixi City Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province
2012-02-08The Jixi City Brainwashing Centre is one of the many locations in China where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. When a person is suddenly locked up alone in a completely closed-off environment and treated as a criminal, cut off from all contact with the outside world and from normal dealings with people, they feel a tremendous mental pressure. People in this situation often develop feelings of inexplicable fear, loneliness and despair. The entire environment that Falun Gong practitioners are placed in is designed to make them feel that once they enter the brainwashing centre, there is no way out other than to be “tranformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong].
Heilongjiang Province Wuchang Brainwashing Centre Has Tortured More Than 400 Practitioners
2011-12-23Since 2000, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime of Jiang Zemin, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution], has been planning, opening, and operating brainwashing centres all over China. These centres are given names like “Law System School” or “Law System Study Class,” but they actually are illegally operating prisons, hidden from public view, where lies and violence are used to persecute innocent Falun Gong practitioners. The Wuchang Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province is one of them. From 2000 to the present, more than 400 practitioners have been persecuted in the Wuchang Brainwashing Centre.
Crimes Committed at the Hegang City Brainwashing Centre
2011-11-13The Hegang City Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province started to detain Falun Gong practitioners in January 2011. Practitioners are forced to view videos that slander Falun Gong three times per day, and afterwards they are told to write their “understandings” of the videos. If what practitioners write is not up to the brainwashing centre's “requirements,” the practitioners are slapped, shocked with electric batons, and tortured in other ways including sleep deprivation.
Mudanjiang Railroad Employee Mr. Zheng Jingjiang Taken to the Yichun Brainwashing Centre
2011-10-12On September 6th, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zheng Jingjiang was taken to the Yichun Brainwashing Centre by leaders from his work unit, and police. Another employee, Mr. Zhan Xingchao, who also practises Falun Gong, was arrested on the same day. The Yichun Brainwashing Centre was set up by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. It is a secret prison specially used to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners in an attempt to force them to renounce their belief. Many Falun Gong practitioners from Yichun have been severely persecuted both physically and mentally in the brainwashing centre. Their basic freedom and human rights are taken away and as part of the brainwashing, practitioners are forced to watch videos and read literature that slander Falun Gong.
Practitioner Ms. Tang Tianmin from Luzhou City Persecuted in Sichuan Brainwashing Centre
2011-09-28On July 12th, 2011, plainclothes police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tang Tianmin and took her to the Jiantaoshanzhuang Brainwashing Centre. Ms. Tang opposed the persecution by holding a hunger strike for eight days, until she was released. Ms. Tang was assigned two collaborators (former practitioners, brainwashed against Falun Gong, made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners). They monitored her around the clock and forced her to listen to or watch propaganda which defamed Falun Gong. They also tried to force Ms. Tang to write statements renouncing her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, using fear, pressure, corporal punishment, and threats of not being released.
After Serving Prison Terms, Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Yushu City, Jilin Province Remain Incarcerated in a Brainwashing Centre
2011-09-26Ms. Yu Aihua, Mr. Lu Xianfeng and Mr. Li Manting are Falun Gong practitioners from Yushu City, Jilin Province who are incarcerated in the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Centre in Changchun City. Mr. Lu and Mr. Li were directly taken to the brainwashing facility after having already served prison terms. Falun Gong practitioners are forced to watch video programmes containing hate propaganda against Falun Gong. They are frequently made to listen to hate speeches made by people who have been forced to renounce Falun Gong. They are frequently threatened with having their salaries or wages suspended and have to serve prison terms unless they renounce Falun Gong. If they refuse to give up their belief in Falun Gong, their family will not be granted visitations.