Crimes at the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2010-10-31Ms. Liu Hui is 38 years old and was held at the Chengdu Women's Prison for four years until October 11th, 2006. Then she was taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre. She resisted the centre's attempts to get her to give up her faith, despite section head Hu verbally abusing her, and staff member He Chengyan dragging and brutally beating her. She went on a hunger strike upon learning that the food was laced with poisonous substances. Yang Liuqing savagely force-fed her and injured her with a metal mouth-opening device, making her bleed onto her clothes.
Euphemistically Referred to as the "House of Love" by Corrupt Authorities, Nanjing Brainwashing Centre Continues to Cause Much Harm
2010-10-22The "House of Love" (a private brainwashing centre) is still doing its utmost to poison people against Falun Gong. With false compassion, this centre controls a group of so-called volunteers and collaborators, who are being used to brainwash and persecute Falun Gong practitioners. So-called "experts," such as Tang Guofang, the education head of the Jiangsu Province Forced Labour Bureau, and Lu Yangchun from Nanjing Culture Bureau have brainwashed the collaborators, who are former practitioners "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] into "consultants" at the "House of Love." Their job is to implement the "brainwashing experience" and force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce practising Falun Gong.
Acts of Persecution in "Legal System Training Centre" at Qinglong Mountain in Heilongjiang Province
2010-09-28At Qinglong Mountain in Heilongjiang Province there is a facility called the "Legal System Training Centre," which is in reality a brainwashing centre. If practitioners refuse to follow the guards' instructions, they are violently beaten and tortured. Yu Songjiang was handcuffed, beaten and shocked with electric batons. Li Jingfen, Pan Shurong and Yu Songjiang have recently been released after more than 100 days of detention. Ms. Song from Mudanjiang City was also detained at the brainwashing centre with these three practitioners.
Ms. Wu Shenghe Tortured at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre in Lanzhou City
2010-09-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Shenghe, in her 40s, was arrested on February 11th, 2008 as she distributed informational materials about Falun Gong. Police took her to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre and brutally beat her. After the beating, they handcuffed Ms. Wu behind her back and locked her onto a bunk-bed frame. This torture method has been often used on Falun Gong practitioners held in brainwashing centres. The practitioner can't move, and if she moves a little bit, the handcuffs automatically tighten, biting into the flesh of her wrists and causing unbearable pain. This torture method prevents the practitioner from either completely straightening her back or sitting; she can only half-squat or half-kneel on the cement floor.
Falun Gong Practitioners Sent to Brainwashing Centre in Jilin Province
2010-08-08On June 29th, police went to Huanxi Town Central School under the guise of making an inspection. The officers put Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li, who was a teacher at the school, into a van and took her to a brainwashing centre without telling the school headmaster. They said the reason for her arrest was that she had not written a statement renouncing or giving up her practice of Falun Gong. At the brainwashing centre practitioners were closely monitored at all times. The officers announced that the practitioners would be sent to a labour camp or mental hospital if they did not give up their practice of Falun Gong.
Police Officer Dismissed from His Position and Sent to a Brainwashing Centre for Learning Falun Gong
2010-07-31Mr. Li Jianguo used to be a policeman at the Ningxiang County Police Station. While following orders to persecute Falun Gong, he met many kindhearted practitioners and came to see the greatness of Falun Gong. He then learned the practice at the end of 2007. In 2009, based on false accusations trumped up by the police, Mr. Li was arrested by the Ningxiang County Domestic Security Division, and taken to the Laodaohe Brainwashing Centre. On July 7th, 2010, Mr. Li Jianguo was arrested again and taken to the Laodaohe Brainwashing Centre.
Practitioners Tortured at Yushu City Brainwashing Centre in Jilin Province
2010-07-25The "Legal Education and Training Centre," a brainwashing centre in Yushu City, Jilin Province, is a prison where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tortures and brainwashes Falun Gong practitioners until they renounce their belief in Falun Gong. Soft and harsh methods were used in efforts to break the will of the practitioners. First, people from the community and local police station were asked to talk to the practitioners, trying to change their minds in a polite manner, and practitioners were told to follow their suggestions. If practitioners continue to resist, they are threatened and beaten.
Ms. Zheng Xiuzhi Suffers Devastating Brainwashing at the Kaiping Detention Centre, Tangshan City
2010-06-17Ms. Zheng Xiuzhi's work-related injury qualified her as being level-eight disabled, but she recovered soon after beginning Falun Gong practice and had a brand new life. With the onset of the Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Zheng suffered from the regime's cruelties, such as forcible brainwashing at the Kaiping Detention Centre in Tangshan City. She had a mental breakdown and almost died. The evildoers who mentally tormented and physically tortured her manipulated her into slandering Falun Gong when her mind was impaired.
After Seven Years of Imprisonment, Ms. Chen Shulan Taken to a Brainwashing Centre
2010-04-11Ms. Chen Shulan was arrested by officers from the Changping District Police Department on September 16th, 2002, and was sentenced to seven and a half years. She was held at the Beijing Women's Prison until her release on March 17th, 2010, when she was picked up again and taken to the Changping District Brainwashing Centre.
Ms. Jiang Zongping Tortured in the Neijiang Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2010-01-14On August 26th, 2009, Jiang Zongping, a Falun Gong practitioner from Neijiang, Sichuan Province, was sent to the Neijiang Brainwashing Centre by local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel. Ms. Jiang recalled the torture she endured in the brainwashing centre: "I was detained in the brainwashing centre for more than forty days. During those days, I was forced to watch the videos that they produced to condemn our teacher and Falun Gong. They employed all kinds of lies and dirty words to defame Falun Gong and our teacher. I was forbidden to make a single movement."
Viciousness at the Qingpu Brainwashing Centre in Shanghai
2009-12-27Although its name suggests that it is a school, the Qingpu Law Education Centre is in fact a specially designated prison. Despite its beautiful surroundings, it is filled with vicious persecution. Falun Gong practitioners from Shanghai have been arrested and then detained there. The officials at the brainwashing sessions sometimes tell practitioners' family members to pressure them to give up their practice. In addition, they play with words and distort Falun Gong's teachings to confuse people. These are common strategies exploited to defame Falun Gong and "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] practitioners. To force practitioners to give up their belief, officials threaten them with term extensions, labour camp detention, and imprisonment.
Brainwashing Centres - the Most Cruel of China's "Black Jails"
2009-12-10On April 29th, 2009, Mr. Xie Deqing, a retired engineer, was arrested outside of the Gapxin District Court and detained at Xinjin Brainwashing Centre. He was tortured so severely that within a month he became emaciated, was urinary incontinent, could barely swallow water, and developed heart disease. On the evening of May 27th, Mr. Xie passed away just four days after returning home. In order to destroy the evidence of abuse in custody, on May 29th, a large number of officers crashed Mr. Xie's funeral ceremony. They beat his eldest son Xie Weidong and injured him. Then they took away Mr. Xie's body and had it cremated.
Married Couple Arrested and Brainwashed
2009-12-06On September 9th, 2009, policemen from the National Security Group of Haikou City Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioners Wang Juan and Huang Ande. The couple was sent to a brainwashing centre and they have been detained ever since. The guards of the brainwashing centre use all kinds of methods to torture determined Falun Gong practitioners, including harassment, cursing, humiliation, beating-up, hanging-up and deprivation of sleep. Their relatives tried to find out where they were, but the police claimed that they did not know anything about them.
Liang Shaolin Taken to Brainwashing Centre After Five-Year Detention
2009-10-29Ms. Liang Shaolin, 58, has suffered repeated persecution because she practises Falun Gong. On September 24th, 2009, 17 policemen from the Maoxi Police Department broke into her house by breaking down her double doors with an electric saw. She was then taken to the Maoming City Brainwashing Centre. Prior to this event, Liang Shaolin was severely tortured in the Shanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. In 1999, she was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years because she went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. Because Ms. Liang refused to give up her practice of Falun Gong, she was not released until March 2005.
The Brainwashing Techniques Used at Hebei Women's Prison
2009-04-21Falun Gong practitioners who were sentenced to Hebei Women's Prison were sent to a brainwashing centre on the first day. They were not allowed to speak with each other, and were forced to watch videos denouncing Falun Gong and sing the songs of the communist party. Practitioners who protested by going on hunger strike were dragged away for forced feeding. Some were intentionally dropped on the ground after being dragged several steps. Then the perpetrators would hang up a plastic bottle with a rubber tube attached, and this would be inserted into the practitioner's stomach. When they pulled the tube out, they pulled it hard and it would always have blood on it.