Illegal Detention and Imprisonment

  • Hong'an County Police in Hubei Province Break Into Homes and Arrest Practitioners

    On July 22nd, 2007, more than 100 Hong'an County police officers made a midnight assault on Falun Dafa practitioners under the direction of the Huanggang City Police Department and the 610 Office in Hubei Province. Police broke into Mr. Liu Hongsu's home, and brutally beat both him and his wife and ransacked their home, stealing a computer and other personal possessions. They left a broken lock and a mess in their home.
  • Police Arrest and Torture Practitioner Mr. Wang Quanlian From Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province

    At 2:00 a.m. on April 12th, 2007, Shifeng District Police Department National Security Team agents arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Quanlian. To avoid persecution, Mr. Wang tried to climb down along the anti-theft net from the seventh floor of his building, but fell. He was not hurt, but the loud noise he made when he fell aroused many neighbours and the police arrested him. Wang Quanlian was locked up in Shifeng Police Department interrogation room for three days and was subjected to inhuman torture . A police officer pushed Mr. Wang's chest firmly with his foot and forced him against the wall. The other two officers stepped on his feet and then moved his feet towards the wall on both sides. Each move hurt Wang Quanlian so much that he couldn't help but shout in agony.
  • Lawless Personnel from the National Security Division and "610 Office" in Luohe, Henan Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

    On May 23rd, Ms. Yan Xueli came home from buying food. A few 610 Office personnel who were waiting in ambush for her took her by surprise and followed her into the house. After barging in, they locked the doors and without producing a search permit, they ransacked the residence of Ms. Yan. The lawless agents disregarded the cries of Ms. Yan's ten-year-old child and ignored Ms. Yan's efforts to explain the facts about Falun Dafa to them. They forcefully dragged Ms. Yan to their car. Ms. Yan Xueli was divorced and was bringing up a ten-year-old child on her own. The two of them made ends meet with the vegetables that Ms. Yan sells. Xueli said, "Now that you are arresting me, what will my child live on, and who will take care of him?"
  • Wang Xiaohong and Yang Zhengming from Cangxi County, Sichuan Province Secretly Tried

    On January 8th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners Wang Xiaohong and Yang Zhengming went to Cangxi County to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice. They were arrested by the police who had been tracking them and were sent to the police station. On May 22nd, the Cangxi County Court held a secret trial. The Court sentenced Wang Xiaohong to three and a half years in prison and Yang Zhengming to five and a half years. Wang and Yang were threatened, deceived, harassed, and handcuffed. The police also kicked and beat the two practitioners with electric batons. Yang's whole body was purple, and blood showed up in his urine. The police also detained them in a cell and then searched their houses. They confiscated expensive equipment. The police also forbid them from seeing their families for five months.
  • Nearly Twenty Practitioners Arrested by Agents from the Macheng City 610 Office (Hubei Province)

    From the evening of June 22nd, 2007, to the early morning of June 23rd, 2007, nearly 100 people from the state security office and police stations headed by the Macheng City 610 Office in Hubei Province, broke into practitioners' houses all over the city. The police ransacked homes, confiscating property and arresting practitioners after climbing over walls and breaking down doors. According to police reports, 19 practitioners were arrested. Additionally, three practitioners refused to cooperate and avoided arrest. Mr. Bai Zijian's wife did not cooperate with the police and was beaten unconscious several times. The beatings only stopped after the neighbours had been awakened and came over to condemn the police.
  • Hundreds of Wuhan Police Arrest Five Dafa Practitioners at Midnight

    Around 1:00 a.m. on June 24th, 2007, the Wuhan Police Department and the Xinzhou Branch of Hubei Province dispatched hundreds of policemen and arrested at least five Falun Gong practitioners. Dafa practitioner Liu Cuilian was on the verge of death after she was violently arrested. The police saw that she was on the verge of death and left her in a hospital. In order to make up the number of arrested practitioners, they instead took away a girl with the surname of Li who was spending the night at Ms. Liu's home. The police also confiscated expensive eqipment and Dafa books from practitioners' homes.
  • Mr. Jiao Meishan Detained at the Shijiazhuang Second Detention Centre (Hebei Province) Well Beyond the Legal Limit

    Mr. Jiao Meishan, 55, is being detained at the Shijiazhuang Second Detention Centre. He was arrested on March 3rd, 2006 and charged in September 2006. Xinhua District Court began a trial on November 30th, 2006, but then the trial was closed. Therefore, it has thus far lasted for six months. Eight months have passed since the court accepted and heard the case. It has been one year and three months since Mr. Jiao's arrest, and his detention term has gone well beyond the limits of the law.
  • Wanquan County Court Tried Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

    Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials in Zhangjiakou City conducted a court session from June 4th to June 6th, 2007, to try Falun Gong practitioners Yue Yuqi and Cao Fengying. They also put Zhang Yufen under arrest. Practitioner Yue Yuqi was on the verge of death at the time. He could not talk or walk. His weight was only 35kg (about 77 lbs). His family had to carry him to the court. When the practitioners told court officials the facts about Falun Gong, they said, "We have no choice. No one dares to say anything in defence of Falun Gong practitioners. Furthermore, the decision was not made by a single person. We have to hand them over to the next higher court. This session is simply for show. Everything has been decided already."
  • Authorities Ransack Ms. Zhang Xiuying's Home in Jimo City, Shandong Province and Arrest Her (Photo)

    Around 9 a.m. on June 20th, 2007, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuying's home. Ms. Zhang, in her 60's, was arrested. Zhang had locked the outside gate to the yard as well as the inside doors of her home, but the police jumped the fence and opened the gate, then broke the house doors with clubs. They then entered the house and arrested Ms. Zhang. The police searched like bandits and everything was scattered in a mess. They broke ceramic tiles behind the kitchen, they broke off the door of a large dresser, and they shattered the glass of a door on the south side.
  • Wuhan City Police in Hubei Province and 610 Office Agents Arrest a Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Members

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Weijie was taken into custody by police officers from the Wuhan City Police Department. His wife, Ms. Chen Man, went to Wuhan City 610 Office to request his release. Later, she was tricked into going to the Jiangan District Brainwashing Centre and detained there. Afterwards, she was transferred to the Erzhigou Women's Labour Camp. On June 24th, Ms. Chen Man's 70-year-old mother, Mr. Zhang Weijie's sister, and other relatives went to the Erzhigou Women Labour Camp to pick up Ms. Chen. Three police cars and one police van drove by, and the police took Mr. Zhang Weijie's sister into custody.
  • Mr. Du Yihe, a Practitioner from Yinan County, Shandong Province, Is Once Again Unjustly Detained

    Mr. Du Yihe, a practitioner, has been subjected to numerous forms of severe persecution in the past several years, including instances when he was tied up and beaten until he lost consciousness. In June 2003, he was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, during which time he was tortured. He was released in May 2006. In May 2007 thugs broke into his home, ransacked it, pushed him to the ground, punched and kicked him. Mr. Du is currently being detained at the Yinan County Detention Centre.
  • Mr. Cong Wei, a Practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Secretly Sentenced to One and a Half Years in Prison

    At around 4 a.m. on September 12th, 2006, police from different areas broke into Mr. Cong Wei's home by opening the door with a master key. They subsequently arrested him. At the moment, Mr. Cong only had his underclothes on. During the past nine months and on January 17th, 2007 and January 24th, the Ganjingzi District Court secretly held hearings on Mr. Cong's case. The court concluded that Mr. Cong was innocent and reported his case to the upper-level court and the 610 Office for examination and approval. However, Mr. Cong's family recently received a notice from the Dalian Detention Centre stating that the Ganjingzi District Court held a closed hearing on Mr. Cong's case again on June 1st, and he was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Currently, he is detained in the Yaojia Detention Centre.
  • Chinese Ice Hockey Coach Facing Trial for Practising Falun Dafa

    On May 9th, 2007, a Chinese national ice hockey coach by the name of Mr. Gao Weixi was arrested by officers of the Nanguan Branch of Jilin Police Department for practising Falun Dafa. Mr. Gao is now detained in the No. 3 Detention Centre in Changchun City and is facing trial. Mr. Gao was previously held in two forced labour camps in Changchun City: Weizigou Forced Labour Camp and Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp.
  • Her Family Separated Due to Repeated Persecution, Ms. Lu Xia from Shandong Province Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison

    Ms. Lu Xia obtained both physical and mental benefits after learning Falun Dafa, and her family lived peacefully. After July 20th, 1999, when the suppression of Falun Gong by the former leader of China, Jiang Zemin, began, her family's quiet life was disrupted. Lu Xia was repeatedly imprisoned, brutally tortured, and injected with nerve damaging drugs. She had to leave home to avoid persecution. The situation even led to her divorce. Eventually she was sentenced to eight years in prison and is still in Jinan Women's Prison.
  • More Details on the Multiple Arrests of Falun Dafa Practitioners by Public Security Departments and Others of Benxi City, Liaoning Province

    At 12:30 a.m. on April 12th, 2007, Public Security, National Security, the Criminal Police Brigade, and police stations of Benxi City arrested many Falun Dafa practitioners, including Mr. Lu Qingjiang and his wife, Mr. Cheng Wei, and Ms. Wang Lijuan and her son. In order to take care his mother who'd been bedridden due to illness for some time, practitioner Cheng Wei moved into her home. At midnight on April 12th, the police used an axe to knock down the door of his mother's home in order to catch Mr. Cheng. He tried to escape by jumping from the fifth floor of the apartment building, resulting in severe injury. Mr. Cheng is currently hospitalised under police surveillance at the Benxi Steel Company's General Hospital.