Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Feng Jitang and Wu Hongxia Cruelly Torture Practitioners in Gansu Province
2004-08-25Over the last month, Mr Feng Jitang led the police in Gansu Province to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners anywhere they can be found. According to inside sources, plainclothes police have been covertly monitoring practitioners in the dark of night, then secretly arresting them. We heard that each arrested practitioner held in brainwashing classes is required to a) betray three fellow practitioners, b) write a Statement of Dissociation, and c) pay 3,000 yuan before they can be released.
Falun Gong Practitioner Jiang Xiao Feng who Studied in Ireland is Illegally Arrested in China and Sent to Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-07Jiang Xiao Feng is a practitioner from Shenyang. He studied in Ireland from 1998 to 2000. In May 2000, he went back to China. Recently we heard that he has been arrested and sent to Shenyang Zhangsi labour camp. Zhangsi labour camp is a very evil place and just as bad as Masanjia labour camp, Longshan labour camp, Guanshan labour camp and Dabei prison. They persecute practitioners in an extremely evil way. To this date, at least eleven practitioners have been persecuted to death there.
Mass Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province
2004-08-03On the afternoon of February 28, a dozen people, including policemen Sui Guangcheng, Yu Zhanjun, and Secretary of the Political and Judicial Commission Sun Jihua, drove three cars into all surrounding villages that have Falun Dafa practitioners. They searched the houses of suspected practitioners looking for Falun Dafa books, and materials about the persecution of Falun Dafa, forcing anyone who had Falun Dafa banners, CDs, or fliers to go to a forced labour camp.
An Account from Dafa Practitioners form Jiangsu Province: Xu Ruhua's Long Separation from Her Infant Son
2004-08-01"My name is Xu Ruhua, and I used to live in Danyang city. On February 21st, 2001, without following any legal procedures, policemen took me to their station by force, charging my husband and I with distributing Dafa materials. At that time, I was holding my 9-month old son in my arms. On the night of February 22nd, I was forcibly separated my son and I. I was sent to a Detention centre and detained there for 25 days. The Lianyungang Police Station also sent my husband to a forced labour camp for 1 year."
Cases of Illegal Arrests After the Supreme Procuratorate Published the Bulletin, "Strictly Investigating and Punishing the Crime of Impinging on Human Rights"
2004-07-31The Chinese Supreme Procuratorate decided to carry out a one-year special campaign to strictly investigate and punish the crime of impinging on human rights from May 1st to June next year. This decision affects five categories of crimes. They are illegal imprisonment, illegal searches, extorting a confession by torture, collecting evidence by using violence, and abusing prisoners and illegally extending detention terms. But, after this bulletin was published, the cases of illegally arresting and detaining Falun Gong practitioners have increased.
Dafa Practitioners Zhao Ming, Zhao Liang and their Mother From Huludao City Suffer Persecution
2004-07-27Dafa practitioner Zhao Liang and his eldest brother Zhao Ming were sentenced to one year of forced labour on July 26, 2000, and were sent to the Huludao labour camp. They were cruelly beaten and tortured in the labour camp. Zhao Liang had his sentence extended four months because he was firm in his belief in Dafa. After he was released in November 2001, the police still didn't stop harassing him, so he had no choice but to leave home to avoid unlawful arrest and further persecution.
Former Associate Chief of the Secrecy Bureau in Dengyang City, Mr. Yang Daifu, Unjustly Sentenced
2004-07-24On May 22, 2003, Deyang City District Court, Sichuan Province sentenced two Falun Dafa practitioners without any charge. The two practitioners were Mr. Yang Daifu and Mr. Jiang Shengui. Mr. Yang and Mr. Jiang were sentenced to five and four years of imprisonment respectively. No one was allowed in the courthouse except for their relatives. When Yang Daifu appeared, his relatives and those who knew him were shocked to see him. They could hardly recognize him. It was clear that he had been cruelly tortured.
Mr. Xie Chengshan and Two of his Family Members are Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labour
2004-07-20In February 2004, the "610 Office" in Chongqing, sent three more Falun Dafa practitioners to a labour camp, because they distributed truth-clarifying Dafa materials These three practitioners are part of one family: Mr Xie Chengshan, his wife and his son. Each were brutally tortured and have received a three year sentence.
Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners in Lengshuijiang City, Hunan Province
2004-07-11Ms. Luo Qiaoli is over 40 years old and in June 2000 went to appeal in Beijing and was captured by police. She was sentenced to one and a half years in a labour camp and her husband was forced to divorce her. After being released from the labour camp two years later, Ms. Luo was once again arrested for her participation in a Falun Gong truth clarification materials production site. For this she was sentenced to a seven-year prison term. She is now detained in the Changsha Women's Prison.
Jiamusi University Lecturer Sentenced to 20 Year Prison Term for Broadcasting Video about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-07-10Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Min, 62, is a lecturer from Jiamusi University. After Changchun practitioners clarified the truth of the persecution via a cable or satellite broadcast, Huang Min became inspired. His field was electronics, and he had once worked in a TV factory. Therefore he and some other practitioners started using TV broadcasting to clarify the truth to the people. In 2002, in order to capture Huang Min, the Police Bureau offered a reward of 50,000 Yuan. Another 10,000 Yuan was offered to the local city upon his capture. In 2003 police arrested Huang Min and sentenced him to 20 years in prison.
Interview with Zhao Ming in Vienna
2004-06-26Zhao Ming is a former post-graduate student of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin. He now resides in Ireland as a refugee. Because he practises Falun Gong he was unlawfully arrested when he went back to China for Christmas in 1999. Zhao Ming was imprisoned for twenty two months and suffered unimaginable torture daily. In March 2002 he was released from prison and he returned to Dublin. Ever since then he has been informing the international community about the unlawful persecution in China.
Public Statement of Nanhua University Lecturer Zhang Peng After Receiving an Unlawful Ten-Year Prison Sentence
2004-06-23"My name is Zhang Peng. I am a 29 years old, male, living in Hunan Province and I was a lecturer in the Electric Engineering Department, Nanhua University. In February of 2001 I was abducted in Changsha City. I was tortured, coerced and framed. On November 2, 2001, they convened a "court session" for Ding Shikun, Li Xuexian and me. On the 9th, a so-called "court verdict" sentenced me to ten years; Ding Shikun was given a nine- year sentence and Li Xuexian was given seven years because we refused to give up practising Falun Dafa.
Primary School Teacher Ms. Li Huiping's Family is Destroyed Due to the Persecution
2004-06-23Ms. Li Huiping, a primary school teacher in Yunnan Province was forced to leave her job in 2002 and was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour. The day after she was arrested her husband Bao Weiyuan was ordered to sign a "Notice for Interrogation." Mr. Bao refused and said, "You arrested and detained my wife for no reason, which infringes upon the fundamental human rights of a citizen and violates the Constitution." About ten days later he was found dead at home. Now, her only son, who suffers from several illnesses, is left at home and nobody is taking care of him.
Dafa Practitioner Qiu Liying is in Critical Condition, Authorities at the Hedong Police Station Still Refuse to Release Her
2004-06-21Dafa practitioner Qiu Liying from Shijiazhuang city has been on a hunger strike for over 40 days to protest her illegal detention. Her breathing and pulse have become very weak. Since May 22, Qiu Liying's muscles have been cramping, and her life is constantly in danger. Following the orders of his superiors, the director of the Hedong police station, Su Wenxing, still refuses to release her. The police officers there added false accusations and trumped-up charges to her and other practitioners police records in an attempt to illegally sentence them to forced labour terms.
Suizhou City Officials Falsely Blame Falun Gong Practitioners When Unemployed Workers Strike After Failed Appeals to Higher Authorities
2004-06-04The Tieshu Group textile factory in Suizhou City once employed a few thousand workers, but has now gone bankrupt due to corrupt dealings between the factory leaders and the local government officials. In order to be able to support themselves, many jobless workers appealed to higher authorities on several occasions with no result. Finally, the unemployed workers protested by blocking the local railways. Information circulating among the workers said that Mayor Wu Chao was falsely telling the higher authorities that the railway blockings were caused by Falun Gong practitioners. Twenty of them were falsely arrested for allegedly practising Falun Gong and taken to the Hubei Province Denglin Farm (a jail), where the police did not allow visits from their family members.