Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
UK Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Weiguo: My Fiancée Zhu Yongjie's Situation is Very Worrying
2004-05-11In the UK, Falun Gong practitioners have collected over twenty thousand signatures appealing for the release of Zhu Yongjie, Zhu Baolian, He Jian and other UK practitioners’ family and friends persecuted and detained in China. In China there are many other practitioners like Zhu Yongjie who are investigated by the Ministry of State Security. Their situations are of great concern. Only when more people stand up for the end of this persecution can the situation fundamentally improve.
Lecturer Li Xianghong Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison
2004-05-09Ms. Li Xianghong is about thirty-seven years old. She was a teacher in the Xinjiang Engineering Institute in Xinjiang Province. She was arrested and detained several times. In order to let more people know the truth about Dafa and persecution, realize the lies and awaken their righteous thoughts, Li Xianhong printed and distributed truth clarification materials. In March 2003, she was arrested by police and sentenced to eleven years in prison. She was sent to the Xinjiang Second Prison. At present she is in the process of appealing.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Weiguo: Zhu Yongjie's Situation is Very Worrying
2004-05-01In the UK, Falun Gong practitioners have collected over twenty thousand signatures appealing for the release of Zhu Yongjie, Zhu Baolian, He Jian and other UK practitioners’ family and friends persecuted and detained in China. In China there are many other practitioners like Zhu Yongjie who are investigated by the Ministry of State Security. Their situations are of great concern. Only when more people stand up for the end of this persecution,can the situation fundamentally improve.
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lanfen of Laiyang City Is Unlawfully Held in a Mental Hospital
2004-04-20On January 30, 2000, because Zhang Lanfen participated in a Falun Gong practitioners' experience sharing conference, the local officials illegally put her in the Laiyang City Mental Hospital, where she has suffered inhumane physical torture. The responsible parties forcibly gave her infusions and injections of unknown drugs. She was also forced to take large amounts of medicine orally, sometimes 11 pills at once. Therefore, Ms. Zhang could not sit up or stand steadily, and she often drooled uncontrollably.
Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan from Nanjing City Enrages People in the Local Community
2004-04-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan, the local community director in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province, was arrested at the end of 2000. People went to the local police station and angrily questioned police. "Why did you arrest Zhang Yulan? For seven years, she has volunteered to wash clothes and bed covers for those old people who didn't have children to take care of them." The police answered, "It's an order from the higher authorities. She practises Falun Gong." Zhang Yulan was sentenced to seven years in jail in August 2002 and is still detained at Nantong City Prison of Jiangsu Province.
Academy of Science Graduate Student Hong Wei Is Secretly Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison
2004-04-10In the summer of 2003, Mr. Hong Wei, a graduate of Beijing University and a graduate student at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Microbiology Institute, was secretly sentenced to ten years in prison for allegedly "disturbing the public order." He is currently jailed in a Chongqing City prison. The authorities manipulated Mr. Hong's relationship with his long widowed father, by twice making his father travel to Beijing in order to pressure him to renounce Falun Gong. This caused the elder Mr. Hong to become ill from worry and stress.
Jilin Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Jiang Quande Had Arm Broken by Police and Sentenced to Eleven Years
2004-03-20Jiang Quande's arm was broken by the police, and he was sentenced to 11 years. He is still has not recovered from his injuries. Before this, he was once persecuted at a labour camp in Changchun City. Because he refused to renounce Falun Gong, his term was extended. After his extended term expired, the authorities sent him to Fenjin Labour Camp, where he, along with other 35 practitioners firmly resisted and refused to give in no matter what kind of cruel persecution was forced upon them.
Qinhuangdao City Police Send the Most Falun Gong Practitioners to Forced Labour Camps out of Five Regions in Northern Hebei Province
2004-03-17Practitioners Ms. Zhao Huanzhen of Shanhaiguan and Ms. Yang Yuzhu of Qinhuangdao had to have limbs amputated due to this cruel torture. Many Falun Gong practitioners in Qinlong County have also lost their lives as a result. Among those who have died as a result of this senseless persecution are Mr. Hu Hexiang and Mr. Song Youchun. Practitioners in Shanhaiguan that have also lost their lives include Ms. Pi Jinghui of the Shanhaiguan Bulb Company and 45-year-old Ms. Hou Guimin of the Shanhaiguan dockyard.
Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Eighteen Years in Prison for Truth-Clarifying TV Broadcast
2004-03-10Because he insists on living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and because he clarified the truth to the public, Mr. Wang Weiping has been detained on four occasions by the "610 Office." He was most recently detained after mid-August, 2002, when he was involved in broadcasting truth-clarification programming on TV. The broadcast was considered a major case by the police, and most practitioners who had participated were arrested.
Baise City Court Unlawfully Sentances Practitioners
2004-03-07On July 25, 2003, Ms. Liang Changying was sentenced to five and a half years of prison by Youjiang District People's Court at Baise City. The reason for her imprisonment was an article she had written entitled "The persecution of Dafa practitioners at Guangxi First Labour Camp and Guangxi Women's Labour Camp" that was published on Minghui Net [a Chinese Dafa website]. She also provided and distributed DVDs containing accounts of the persecution against Dafa and the practitioners.
French Internet Security Magazine Denounces Mock Trial against Falun Gong Practitioners who Exposed the Persecution in China
2004-02-27On February the 24th 2004, the French magazine "", which is well known in the field of Internet security, published an article denouncing this mock trial against Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing. The article quoted “Reporters Without Borders” who asked for the immediate release of 22 Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned for publishing information on the Internet.
Human Rights Stripped from Tsinghua University Students for Persisting in Their Belief in Falun Dafa
2004-02-22Mr. Zhang Mengye was a graduate from the Department of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering. He was a classmate of Hu Jintao, China's General Secretary. He was persecuted for writing to the central government before 1999 to express his understanding of Falun Gong. The "610 Office" of Guangdong Province devoted a lot of manpower to searching everywhere for him. They threatened that they would arrest him and send him to forced labour or a brainwashing class
Dafa Practitioner Ms Li Dongqing Sentenced to Five Years in Prison after Three Years of Forced Labour
2004-02-19In September 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Dongqing completed the three-year term of forced labour. The Masanjia Labour Camp should have released her. Instead, the Camp fabricated some charges against her and brought her to the Shenyang Court. The Court sentenced her to a five-year term, without doing any investigation, and without allowing any testimony. They didn't allow anyone outside the court to know about the sentence, and unjustly sent Dongqing to Shenyang Dabei Female Prison.
Silver Medal Winner at the Asian Games for the Disabled Sentenced to 8 Years
2004-02-17After the Spring Festival of 2002, when two Dafa practitioners in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province came to Jianping County to obtain truth-clarifying materials, they were followed by the police. Mr. Wang Zhiguo, a 40 year old Dafa practitioner and winner of a weight lifting silver medal of the Asian Games for the Disabled, was abducted and illegally sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. He is currently imprisoned at the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City.
Hebei Province Panicked Authorities Indiscriminately Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners in Retaliation for TV Tapping Incident
2004-02-09Certain lawless authorities were very panicked after Falun Dafa practitioners in Xingtai City and Shahe City, Hubei Province successfully inserted signals clarifying the truth about Falun Gong into a local TV programme around the Chinese New Year. The Hebei Province Party Committee ordered Xingtai City to "solve the case" by a deadline; otherwise the mayor would be fired. In the meantime, some officers from Hebei Province Police Department stationed in the Yongnian area have arrested several practitioners.