Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
The Orphaned Children of Practitioners Ouyang Wei and Zhao Xudong
2004-12-29Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ouyang Wei, 32 years old, lived in Lanzhou, Gansu province. On October the 16th 2002, three people from Aning Police Station, State Security Team tricked him into opening his door by telling him that they were his colleagues and that they wanted to take him to the police station to investigate something. At noon, the three policemen took Ouyang Wei back home and said to his family that they would take him to "study" for a few days. They sent Ouyang Wei to Gansu No. 1 Labour Camp for one year of forced labour.
62-year-old Practitioner Ma Jinfeng from Hebei Province Dies After Years of Abuse and Harassment
2004-12-29Mr. Ma Jinfeng, a 62-year-old from Juyang Township, Sanhe City, Hebei Province, started practising Falun Dafa in November 2000. For the past four years, he has been subjected to repeated persecution. Under this tremendous pressure, he died on September the 20th 2004. The local police still came to his home in an attempt to harass him the day after he died.
Practitioner Ms. Qi Xueping Passes Away As a Result of Persecution
2004-12-29Ms. Qi Xueping, 48, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Bailing Village in Xiahuai Town, Pingshan County, Hebei Province. In early 2000, Xiao Suilong and other policemen from the Political Security Section of the Pingshan County Police Department arrested her. She was confined in the Pingshan County Detention Center and persecuted.
Belated Report: Three Falun Gong Practitioners Die As a Result of Persecution
2004-12-28Mr. Liu Zhaohui, in his 30s, was a resident of Gao'an, Jiangxi Province. In early February 2002, Mr. Liu was again sent to Jiangxi Province's No. 2 Forced Labour Camp (also known as the Gaoan Forced Labour Camp). He launched a hunger strike to protest his illegal detention and died days later, right after the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Guards in Xinjiang Province Women's Prison Brutally Torture Ms. Zhao Shuyuan and Ms. Wang Xi
2004-12-28Ms. Zhao Shuyuan is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Karamay City, Xinjiang Province. She has been illegally sentenced to nine years in prison for appealing for justice for Falun Dafa. She was illegally imprisoned in Xinjiang Province Women's Prison from the beginning of 2003. When The prison guards used all kinds of methods to brainwash her into renouncing Falun Dafa. They repeated the "brainwashing class" again and again, but Zhao Shuyuan still persists in her belief.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mei Jianqi of Shanghai is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2004-12-11Mr. Mei Jianqi, in his late twenties, entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a student in the School of Mechanical Engineering. University authorities expelled him from school in October 1999 because he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was then not willing to write the "Guarantee Statement" to give up the practice.
Exposing the Prisons, Detention Centres and Brainwashing Classes that Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City
2004-12-05Baofeng Road Women's Prison in Wuhan is located on One Baofeng Road of Hankou District in Wuhan. Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Dafa began, many women practitioners from downtown Wuhan City in Hubei Province and from other cities around Wuhan have been detained there. Many Dafa practitioners were tortured there.
Mr. Xu Zhibin, Illegally Sentenced to 14-years in Prison, Now Weighs Only 88 Pounds and Is Extremely Frail
2004-11-13The District Court in Dianlian City sentenced Mr. Xu Zhibin to fourteen years of imprisonment in September 2002 because he practised Falun Gong. When his family members asked Hu Xiaoping, the department chief, on what grounds the verdict was based, she replied, "This is discipline. No one can talk about it." Xu Zhibin is now detained in Wafangdian Prison, Liaoning Province.
As of Early 2004, At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Known to Have Died from the Persecution in Jieyang City
2004-11-08During the past five years in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, the number of Falun Gong practitioners known to have died from the persecution has reached at least seven. The number of practitioners illegally detained was at least 14, and those illegally put into labour camps was at least 60. At least two practitioners were illegally put into the Provincial Legal and Law Institute, and at least four are currently being held in detention centres. Over 3,000 practitioners have been detained, arrested and put into brainwashing classes, including those who were detained more than once.
Ms. Li Xuewei Is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison after Four Years of Persecution
2004-10-26Ms. Li Xuewei lived in Japan for seven years. In February 2000, when she went to visit her relatives in China, she was arrested for having a "Falun Dafa in Japan" newspaper with her. The Chinese authorities illegally detained, tortured and threatened her. They revoked her passport, thus preventing her from returning to Japan with her husband. After suffering four years of persecution, she was unjustly sentenced to seven years in prison on September 21, 2004.
Qinhuangdao City Court Frames Good People - Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal
2004-10-17Shanhaiguan Court held trials for practitioners on August 24 without legal basis, just because they clarified the truth about Falun Gong to people. These so-called "court trials" were held in secret. At around 8:00 a.m. on August 24, four policemen tried to force practitioner Mr. Wei Danquan, who was in life-threatening danger, to the court for trial, but Wei's family strongly opposed it and argued with reason. They requested that police sign a statement assuming responsibility for the consequences if they insisted on taking Mr. Wei, but the officers were afraid to do so and left empty-handed.
A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 2)
2004-10-06While being knocked down, the young man struggled to take off his jacket to reveal the yellow T-shirt he wore inside. On the back of the T-shirt were the three large words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." I rushed toward the perpetrators, saying, "Do not hit him. He is a good man." Then a plainclothes policeman yelled at me, "We are on duty plainclothes officers. Stay away!" I said, "I'm also an officer. An officer is supposed to stop criminals and protect the innocent. It is wrong to hit innocent people like this."
Practitioner Ms Li Xiulan Is Framed in Court
2004-10-05Ms. Li Xiulan of Yunnan Province, was arrested for practising Falun Gong. Yuxi City Court illegally tried her on September 9, 2004. The public prosecutor raised three charges against Ms. Li Xiulan including: 1) She had advocated Falun Gong to other teachers where she worked and verbally "assaulted" the national leaders 2) She wrote the three words, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" on the blackboard in school ; and 3) She wrote to four policemen at the Kunming Women's Labour Camp to clarify the truth of Falun Gong, the persecution and declared that "transformation" is wrong.
Ministry of Public Security Plots Large-scale Secret Arrests of Practitioners
2004-09-11It has been learned that since July 20, the Ministry of Public Security has been plotting a new plan to mass-arrest Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. The arrests, however, are intended to be done in secret without publicizing the events as usual. In Anshan City, Liaoning Province, local authorities have been following practitioners, and have conducted secret arrests of anyone who practises Falun Gong. So far, over thirty practitioners have been arrested.
Former Manager of Chinese Construction Bank Chen Guanghui in Critical Condition Due to Abuse Received While in Police Custody
2004-09-01Mr. Chen Guanghui is 38 years old. After graduating from Nanjing University, he was appointed as the manager of Lianyungang Division of the Chinese Construction Bank and the vice director of the computer section. He was a diligent worker, well known throughout the bank and always willing to help others. Mr. Chen started practising Falun Gong in 1995. Since 1999, Chen Guanghui has been repeatedly subjected to persecution. On September 12, 2002, the Baixia District Court in Nanjing City illegally sentenced him to 8 years in jail.