Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Family Broken Apart and Suffering Terrible Persecution in Qinghai Province
2003-03-09All the family members, including two children (a 12-year-old girl and a 2-year-old baby girl) of Mr. He's relatives who were living there temporarily, were arrested and detained for over 12 hours. Zhao Xiangzhong was detained in solitary confinement at the forced labour camp and subjected to brutal torture. The only place to sleep was on the cold, hard concrete floor.
Cases of Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Being Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2003-03-08Upon appealing, the police brutally beat him up and detained him in a detention centre in a Beijing suburb. Later, he was transferred to the "Beijing Seventh Section" [This place handles big and important cases in the nation.] where the police tortured him and even broke one of his legs. Because of his deteriorating health, he was unconditionally released after more than thirty days of detention. In early August, he got a job in Shanghai, and around 11pm on September 30, 2002, the police broke into his apartment and took him away.
Elementary School Pupil asks His Father to Include his Story of the Persecution to Expose the Evildoers
2003-03-07"To disclose Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong, we are preparing evidence to sue him in court." The son answered, "Please also include me in it. I was also persecuted! I was also detained for 10 days." While the father was in a labour camp and the mother was arrested, no one could take care of their son, so he was also thrown into a brainwashing class together with the mother.
Jilin Dafa Practitioner Appeals to U.S. Court Against the Atrocities Committed by Jiang's Regime
2003-03-06I'm glad to hear that your court has accepted the Genocide civil suit against Jiang Zemin filed by Falun Dafa practitioners and their relatives. My family and I, who live in Mainland China, have suffered both physical and psychological torture. Soon such unprecedented injustice will end and the truth will be exposed. The following statement is the true story of the brutal tortures my family and I have suffered, and I hope it can serve as part of the evidence for Jiang's crimes.
Whole Family Torn Apart and Persecuted in Longkou City
2003-03-05The 70-year-old parents of Lu Renjuan were threatened and harassed by the authorities until they fell ill. The local government of Longkou City and Xiadingjia government often went to Lu Renjuan's home to confiscate her property, and they even entered the houses of her parents-in-law and sisters-in-law. Her poor mother could not endure the constant terror of this treatment and finally passed away.
Secret Trial Sentences Five Dafa Practitioners to Outrageously Harsh Terms in Shuangyashan City
2003-03-05One family member protested vehemently, and was finally allowed to go in after the court began its proceedings. When she cried, upon seeing her loved one, the court officials removed her for "disturbing the court". She was removed for such an excuse, when in fact she didn't even speak a word. She had only become saddened at the sight of her family member. Three other attendees were also forced out for attempting to wave at the practitioners whom they knew.
Practitioners Expose the Crimes of Shenyang City's Dabei Prison to the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong"
2003-02-28The means they used are a collection of various nation-wide evil methods, all of which are very vicious and base. Last June, a Dafa practitioner was killed at Ward No. 7 in the Dabei Women's Prison. At the end of 2002, over 10 Dafa practitioners had been persecuted to death. But the criminals who killed those practitioners are still protected by Jiang's power and haven't been punished yet. They still conduct crimes out of their desire for political self interest and monetary gain.
Well-Respected Female Professor Unjustly Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2003-02-26Zhang Ruixia has been unjustly and undeservedly sentenced to 8 years in prison, though she has not yet recovered from previous torture. Both legs are injured, and her health has suffered from the long-term detention and bad food. In the detention centre she has difficulty standing, and sometimes has to crawl to the washroom.
Dafa Practitioner Suffering from Persecution for Three Years
2003-02-25About 10 pm on February 9, 2002, Shuangcheng police went to his home to arrest Fu and his wife. The police tricked them by saying that they wanted some information, and would let them come back shortly after, but the couple has not been seen since then. Now, only the three children are at home, having to fend for themselves! The eldest one is 14 years old, the middle one is 5 years old, and the youngest is only 3 years old.
Brainwashed Collaborators Assist in Persecuting Practitioners in Hubei Province
2003-02-22Ms Zhang Wenyu, was an employee of the Wuhan City Electric Power 3rd Department. After being brainwashed by the evil "610 Office," she took the initiative to persecute Dafa practitioners in the brainwashing centre. She kept practitioners from going to sleep and forbade them to go to the toilet to the point of being incontinent. She also informed the "610 Office" on other Dafa practitioners.
Langfang City Public Security Stated "dig the ground as deep as 3 feet to find her": Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Arrested
2003-02-21In order to arrest her, the local police attempted to force her husband Li Jianzhong, who worked in the same company, to tell them her whereabouts. Courageously Li refused, yet they punished him by sentencing him to two years in a forced labour camp. When he was released, the police continued to threaten him, saying that if Xiaohui got in touch with him, he had to report it to the police right away, or else he would be arrested again.
Jizhou City Police and Prosecutors Frame Innocent Disabled Practitioner
2003-02-20Since then, during his illegal detention, directors Li Jianjun, Zhao Jie from Jizhou City Police Department, and others, acted under a secret order from their superiors to "Ruthlessly Handle Shi Wenjie."... The police did not spare any base means, including trickery, promising to release him and to help his child to enrol in school, and so on, to obtain information. They also faked kindness to force him to claim that he had distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials.
Young Son Abandoned by Authorities: Mother Persecuted in Shandong Province Labour Camp
2003-02-20Think about what is happening. Look at how many young children in China have lost their mothers due to Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong. Kind-hearted people: our consciences will not let us stay silent any longer, for our friends and relatives are those who are suffering from this persecution. Let us work together to help save this young boy's mother!
Harbin City's Women Prison Incarcerating and Torturing Nearly 400 Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-19Everyday the Education Section forces Falun Gong practitioners to watch and listen to Dafa-slandering videos and audios. They even circulate fabricated articles allegedly written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, in order to mislead practitioners. Practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs were punished physically and tortured with excruciating means.
Female Dafa Practitioners Life in Grave Danger from Relentless Persecution in Changchun Women's Prison
2003-02-16This criminal even put a mop cloth into her mouth and rubbed very hard, causing a lot of blood blisters. Vindictive policemen also force-fed Mingwei salt and raw corn gruel through a thick tube every day. They left the tube inside her for a long time and handcuffed her limbs all the time so that she couldn't move an inch. This situation has lasted for over 3 months. Now Mingwei is extremely emaciated and weak, and her life is in grave danger.