Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Sham Trial in Changchun City Exposes the True nature of the Police
2003-04-12On December 3, 2002, I was sent to the court secretly, charged with so-called "obstruction of justice" and other fabricated charges. While in court, I was restrained with twenty-pound shackles (about nine kilos). This type of restraint is usually used for dangerous murderers. I felt the situation was both sad and ridiculous. I loudly shouted: "Placing Dafa practitioners on trial brings shame to the nation of China!"
Security Bureau Secretly Kidnaps Practitioners
2003-04-10In July 2001, Wang received his master's degree; however the university did not release the graduate dispatch certificate [a certificate required to obtain a job after graduation] to him because he refused to write, against his conscience, the so-called "Guarantee Statement" to renounce Falun Dafa. As a result, he did not have a stable job, and was always on the go, making a living by taking temporary jobs.
Courageous Dafa Practitioners Question the Judge With Righteousness at the Xinhua District Court of Haikou City
2003-04-09Many people sitting in the visitors' benches were moved by Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts and said, "Falun Gong practitioners are great!" In response to the practitioners' righteous statements, the judge could only say, "Laws like this are stipulated by our country...As long as you are involved with Falun Gong, you are guilty."
Innocent Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in Chaoyang City
2003-04-08Falun Dafa practitioners are peaceful people, yet Jiang's evil regime persecutes them just because they practise "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and believe in being good people. We hope that everyone around the world will work together to stop this most unjust persecution as soon as possible.
Daqing City Police Fabricate Evidence to give Female Dafa Practitioner a Longer Prison Term
2003-04-07Zhang Jing's mother-in-law and husband repeatedly reported the fact that the police faked evidence to the Daqing City Political and Judiciary Committee, City Police Bureau, City and District Court and Prosecutor. None of the above local government bodies listened to their appeal, and Zhang Jing was wrongfully sentenced to four years in prison, despite the strong objection from her family.
Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp Tortures Dafa Practitioners and Deceives Overseas Investigators
2003-04-06The unlawful perpetrators of crimes at Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp not only brutally torment innocent Falun Gong practitioners, but also deceive investigators from Australia to cover up the facts, and retaliate against practitioners who reveal the lies to the investigators.
My Baby Almost Starved to Death When I Was Unjustly Imprisoned For Practising Falun Gong
2003-04-03At that time my poor baby was only a little over three month's old. Since I wasn't provided with any food for three days, I was not producing any milk to feed him; he was so pitifully starved that he wouldn't stop crying. It was heartbreaking! On the fourth day, seeing that my baby was on the brink of death, the town committee official sent my baby and me to my parents' home.
Emaciated Two-Year-Old Child Incarcerated for 9 Months in Jail
2003-04-01His mother and grandparents were kidnapped to a detention centre in the city, and the 2 year-old child also had to go. Currently, it has been 9 months and they are still illegally detained. Every day he bangs the jail door with his small hands and shouts, "Let me out!" The child has been forced to eat the poor quality prisoner's food in the jail and has become very emaciated. Upon seeing this scene, people feel so sad that they cry.
Illegally Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison, Changchun Female Practitioner Suffers from Torture Induced Heart Condition
2003-03-30Because of the dramatic impact of the Chinese "305" case regarding clarifying the truth through television broadcasts, Zhou Runjun, a female Dafa practitioner from Changchun, Jinlin province, was unjustly sentenced to twenty years in the Jilin Women's Prison in Changchun. Where is there justice, when a lady who has selflessly risked her life to tell the Chinese people that they have been poisoned by lies about Falun Gong, is given such a sentence?
Dengta City Court Officials Sentence Four Innocent Falun Dafa Practitioners to Harsh Prison Terms
2003-03-28A policeman, who completely lost his sense of decency, struck Liu in the face with the sole of his boot, kicking and punching him at the same time, causing Liu's face to swell. He also fractured two of Liu's ribs on his left side. Guan Wenjiang was also beaten until he was black and blue over his body. The eardrum of his left ear was punctured and injured by the torture.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners and a Righteous Non-Practitioner Illegally Sentenced in Tieling
2003-03-23Li Weiji, a righteous man who tried to uphold justice for Falun Gong practitioners, even though he does not practise Falun Gong himself, was sentenced to eight years in prison for helping the practitioners in the Tieling Area with paperwork so that they could go abroad, and for collecting evidence of the persecution. The torturers broke both of his arms and caused lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion. Now he can hardly walk. He will be sent to the Panjin Jail.
An Award Winning Calligraphy Artist is Unjustly Sentenced to a Five-Year Prison Term
2003-03-23The neighbourhood committee [equivalent to a community centre] located in the southwest building in Qinghua University, sadly misunderstanding the true nature of Falun Dafa listed Beijing Dafa practitioner Ms. Dong Yanhong, a 30 years old award winning calligraphy artist, as "wanted" because she refused to denounce her belief in Falun Dafa. One day in January 2001, the community centre officials tricked her into coming to have a talk with them and she never returned.
Distinguished Radio Presenter Tortured then Put Under House Arrest
2003-03-21He was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for two years, during which time he was tortured. There were times when he was tied down, his limbs bound with ropes that cut deeply into his flesh and veins. A guard was standing beside, monitoring the time to ensure that the torture did not exceed five minutes. Wang would die if it did. Wang was also battered with electric batons and was not allowed to sleep for a long period of time.
A Previous UK Scholar has Been Unlawfully Detained in China
2003-03-11Zheng Xujun, who was a visiting scholar at Liverpool University in 1999, and his wife Su Nan, have been unlawfully detained in Chinese labour camps since they appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing in 1999. UK practitioners have launched SOS rescue efforts to ensure the release of these two innocent people. Such kind, upright and considerate people are treated harshly and inhumanely: Isnt it our mutual responsibility to rescue them?
Female Falun Gong Practitioners Endure Savage Beatings and Sexual Abuse in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-11Except for a brief time for brushing their teeth and having meals, these practitioners were forced to sit on tiny benches from 5:00 am until midnight. Anyone who disobeyed the police would be hung up and shocked with electric batons. The police also told practitioners scheduled for release that once they were released, they should tell others that they were truly reformed [meaning "giving up their practice of Dafa"] and not forced to do so.