Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Falun Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Unjust 18 Years
2003-02-15In December 2002, he was put on trial and sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment. Such an unjust sentence! His act was most courageous and selfless. His wish was to broadcast the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution to the Chinese people and to break through the propaganda that has shamefully deceived them for almost four years.
Savage Torture Against Practitioners in Qinhuangdao City
2003-02-13In the first detention centre of Qinhuangdao, insane police drove a nail into his thigh and tortured him in other ways... He was later transferred to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where police used three electric batons to hit him simultaneously and beat him with boards with nails in them, causing unimaginable pain. His body was full of scars, but he has steadfastly refused to renounce his belief in any shape or form.
Inhuman Acts Against Dafa Practitioners in Dalian Zhoushuizi Correction Facility
2003-02-12Practitioners went on a hunger strike to appeal against this unethical and unfair treatment. As punishment, they were subjected to ever-crueller torture. The misguided and untrained police force-fed the practitioners through a tube using 60 percent alcohol in the form of rice wine. Many bled from the nose and the mouth during this torture. It was impossible to imagine what they were going through.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Detained in Chishan Jail Remain Steadfast Despite Relentless Persecution
2003-02-12Huang Yonghui was sent to the hospital in May 2002. He had become extremely weak and moved very slowly. His face had a numb expression, which was very different from previous months, when he was always laughing and quick-witted. He has been diagnosed as a sick person and other prisoners around him reported that continued beatings have caused the deterioration in his health and damage to his spirit.
Female Dafa Practitioner On Verge of Death In Harbin Drug Rehab Centre
2003-02-08The police took out a statement slandering Falun Dafa and required Ms. Tang to sign. She was so weak that she did not have the strength to speak, but she shook her head "no" determinedly. The police shut her back in the small cell and proclaimed that there would be no release until she signed the statement. The corrupt police kept the money.
Shocking Revelations of Beijing's Division of Dispatchment of People Sentenced to Forced Labour Camps
2003-02-08Some of them were so frightened that they wet their pants and were paralysed with fear. You could hear everywhere the sounds of crackling electric batons burning people's skin, stern voices cursing, victim's screams of pain, and sometimes the shouting of "reporting" for a hundred times as a punishment for those who did not shout out "reporting" aloud.
The Miserable Experience of Falun Dafa Practitioner and His Family
2003-02-06The daughter, who had never left her mother before, became sick, and developed a fever from thinking of her mother all the time. Her grandfather twice brought the little girl to Qinhuangdao City and they were twice denied their request to see her mother, practitioner Wang Shumei. The officials there claimed that if the grandfather did not take away the little girl, they would hire a baby sitter rather than release Wang Shumei.
The Ruthless Treatment Towards Dafa Practitioner in Hunnan Province No. 2 Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-03The labour camp hospital took an X-ray of He Yuanchao and found that his right arm had a compound fracture and required surgery, but the labour camp authorities denied him treatment, knowing full well that he faced a lifetime of disability if he were not treated. When he complained that his right arm hurt and could not function normally, the camp callously ignored the symptom, saying they saw nothing wrong.
The Lives of Over A Thousand Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang City Dabei Prison are in Danger
2003-02-01Under the order from Jiang's regime, "Beating [Falun Gong practitioners] to death is nothing, it is counted as suicide." to date, among the Dafa practitioners I know personally, more than 10 have been tortured to death, and yet all their killers still remain at large and are continuing to commit crimes as they are lured by fame and gain. The following are some of their crimes:
Nobly Upholding Justice in Court
2003-02-01Falun Dafa practitioner Li Guiqin defended herself with the force of justice in the court, "Falun Dafa is a righteous cultivation way. Being a good person does not constitute guilt, and following 'Truthfulness, Benevolence, Tolerance' is not a crime. Your persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners is a criminal act.
School Teacher Sentenced to Seven Years for Explaining the Facts about Falun Gong in Class
2003-01-31After hearing their teacher had been arrested, Mr. Ding's teenaged students were frightened and worried. With tears in their eyes they exclaimed, "Our teacher is great! He never blamed us. Whenever we had questions, he always explained the answers to us patiently, with a smile, until we understood." "Our teacher is such a wonderful teacher, but he was arrested just for telling us that Falun Dafa is great. What they did isn't fair!"
Widespread Abuse from Wicked Police Towards Practitioners in Hubei Province
2003-01-30It is beyond the imagination of a civilized, sane person, that there could exist people on Earth who could apply such heartless and sadistic treatment to people who wish no-one harm, do not retaliate for all the suffering that has been brought to them, can still have compassion in their hearts towards their abusers, and will speak out the truth despite persecution.
Dafa Practitioners Are Being Tortured in Beijing's Public Security Hospital
2003-01-28One policeman instructed a nurse to inject the practitioner with a large amount of drugs to make him sleep. Even then, they did not remove the torture instruments. To cover the practitioners' screaming and crying from the torture, the police always shut the doors and turn on the loud ventilating fans to cover up their crimes. They also use the loud noise as a way to torture practitioners who are on hunger strike.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Wrongfully Sentenced in Xinjiang Autonomous Region
2003-01-26His wife was giving birth when he was arrested a second time. Before he had a chance to get a good look at his infant son, he was taken away. His young wife has wept so much that she is nearly out of tears. It was her husband's righteousness and compassion for upholding the truth that supported her, and helped her survive two years of painful suffering. As his young son is growing up, he will not know his father. Yet he will be proud to know that his father believed and stood up for the noble values of Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance.
Families Torn Apart Due to Persecution in Gansu Province
2003-01-25On March 7 he and his wife were arrested and sentenced to the most severe prison terms of 12 and 8 year respectively. Their 16-year-old son was left with no one to take care of him. A happy family was thus torn apart because of the persecution. The damage to the family in material terms is devastating, but in psychological terms it is maybe beyond repair.