Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Zhongshan University Professor and Family Members All Illegally Incarcerated
2003-05-23She is an over 60-year-old retired nurse of the Tumour Hospital, affiliated with Zhongshan University. She was illegally sentenced to 2 years of forced labour education. Professor Wu's brother and sister-in-law have also been sentenced to forced labour education and they are now being detained at the Huadu Labour Camp and the Chatou Women's Labour Camp in Guangzhou City, respectively. Such a family has thus been broken under the persecution by Jiang's regime, just because they believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
My Testimony: How the Jiang Regime Tortured a Healthy Person to Disability
2003-05-19I said, "As law enforcement personnel, you are violating the law yourselves by extorting confessions through torture." Hearing my words, the two guards became more ferocious in beating me. They said, "You can go file a charge against us as you like, but we will not be punished by law even if we beat you to death!"
Young Mother and Her 3-Year-Old Daughter Are Illegally Detained for Over Two Years in Qinhuangdao City
2003-05-19A young mother and her 3-year-old daughter have been detained for nearly two years. When they were first brought here, the child was only one year old. The staff members at the brainwashing centre, numbering over thirty, utilised various means to persecute practitioners. They deprive practitioners of sleep, and inundate them with various lies.
Woman in Her Sixties Brutally Tortured: Force-fed for 30 Days with Her Four Limbs Tied To a Torture Bed
2003-05-18Refusing to release her, the detention centre began force-feeding her rice soup with highly concentrated salt water. They knocked her only two teeth out while force-feeding her. After over 20 days without eating, Ms. Liang's health deteriorated badly. She was so thin that the shape of her stomach and other internal organs were clearly visible, and she was so weak that her legs shook when she stood up.
District Court in Shandong Province Sentences Practitioner Couple to 8 Years Imprisonment
2003-05-14During the detention period, the "610" officials locked the couple up with criminals and fed them only half a stale bun, some rotten pickled radish, and dirty water every day. The officials tortured them frequently, and they were not allowed to see their families at all. They suffered tremendous mental and physical abuse and they looked extremely tired and weak by the time their "court hearing" had arrived.
Meihekou City Police Deceitfully Plots Mass Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-13The Falun Gong representatives asked him, "Why did you ask us to come then?" Qi said, a few representatives might come, but when so many people come it is seen as an attack. After that, Qi ignored the practitioners' requests. He reported to Tonghui City Police Bureau over the phone and illegally arrested 9 practitioners. After video taping, these 9 practitioners were sent to Tiebei prison and were later sentenced to a labour camp unjustifiably.
Practitioner Survives Three Day Coma to Tell Story of Horrific Torture
2003-05-12I didn't know how long I had passed out for when I gradually recovered consciousness. I heard crying. I saw the fellow practitioners around me crying. A doctor measured my blood pressure and gave me an injection. Fellow practitioners told me that I had been in a coma for two days and three nights. When I finally woke up, I felt my whole body was in so much pain, like ten thousand of needles sticking me. I couldn't move my arms at all. They were severely swollen and covered with black and blue marks. My hands were very swollen. My face was so swollen that I looked like a creature with a big head.
Ms. Zhang Jingyan of Heilongjiang Province Brutally Tortured and Sentenced to 10 years in Prison
2003-05-12On April 19, 2002, Harbin police broke into Zhang's rental apartment through the window, at the Huayuan Residential Area. They arrested Zhang and took her to the Shuangcheng City Police Department. A police officer grabbed her hair and shook her head back and forth, while several others started to torture her by pulling her handcuffs, stomping on her feet, kicking her legs and slapping her face. Zhang's legs and feet turned purple.
Brother and Sister Sentenced to Heavy Illegal Prison Terms For Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-05-11Dafa practitioners Zhang Guangya and Zhang Guangyuan are brother and sister, and live in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Because they practise Falun Gong, both of them were stripped of their personal freedom.
Letter from Heartbroken Father to His Daughter
2003-05-09I was very angry to hear the news; the law enforcement organisations were ruining the law. I have no trust in them any more because they deprive citizens of their basic rights. Your mum is not alone; she has a husband and a daughter. But her husband and daughter have been deprived of the right to see her in court; the verdict was even delivered by others. I was bitterly disappointed in the legal system.
The Suffering of Female Practitioner in the Banqiao Female Labour Camp
2003-05-08The authorities forced her to do the hardest labour they could. That involved continuously loading and unloading heavy bags of goods, each of which weighed about sixty-five to seventy kilograms (about one hundred fifty pounds). In the midst of a harsh winter, the police took off her clothes and threw her naked out into the yard so as to make her suffer through freezing.
"610 Office" Cruelly Tortures Dafa Practitioners Using Snakes and Scorpions
2003-05-01To further intensify the torture, the head of the local "610 Office" ordered the thugs to purchase a snake and keep it unfed in a basket. After several days, the thugs placed the basket near Dafa practitioner Mr. Peng and removed the cover. The snake was so desperate at being confined and unfed that it sprung out of the basket and bit Mr. Peng on the neck, leaving its tooth lodged underneath his skin.
Stiff Sentence Handed Out to Innocent Female Practitioner in Jiaozhou City
2003-04-25As soon as she walked into the brainwashing centre, the police beat her violently, resulting in a broken leg. To protest the illegal and cruel treatment, Ji Xiuling started a hunger strike. Her peaceful and righteous action did not stop police atrocity. They even intensified their brutality by force-feeding her with alcohol.
Dying Dafa Practitioner Still Detained at the Dehui Detention Centre
2003-04-22Ever since he was transferred from Harbin to a local detention centre, Lin has been unable to move from bed. His jaw is locked closed. He is living in a vegetative state. Two of Lin's ribs were broken from torture, and he is on the verge of death. However, the police department of Dehui and the detention centre would not allow him any medical care, nor release him.
Heavy Sentences For Falun Dafa Practitioners after Sham Trials in Changchun City
2003-04-17In the majority of cases, the above practitioners were sentenced in secret trials and their families were not notified beforehand. During the trial practitioners were physically restrained by their throat, preventing them from speaking on their own behalf. During the show trial, the prosecutor read some pre-arranged statements, and each trial concluded hurriedly in around 10 minutes...lawyers are only allowed to plead guilty for Falun Gong practitioners.