Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Four Practitioners Arrested and Detained in Changchun City's Third Detention Centre
2010-04-05On March 5th, 2010, police arrested Falun Gong practitioners who worked at the Jinjiang Printing Company. The practitioners worked hard and were trusted by their superiors and colleagues. One of those arrested, Ms. Jun, went to Beijing to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in 2000. As a result, the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) personnel imprisoned her in Heizuizi Prison for five years. There, she was beaten, forced-fed, tied down on a death bed, hung up by her wrists, forced to be in painful positions for long periods of time, and shocked with electric batons.
Two Practitioners Sentenced to Long Terms in Gansu Province Women's Prison
2010-04-04Ms. Zhang Zhenmin, 47 years old, is a Lanzhou Meat Packing Plant employee. Ms. Zhang Ping, about 40, was formerly employed at the Gansu Trust Investment Corporation, Bond Division. After starting to practise Falun Gong, they held themselves to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be better people. Because they would not give up their beliefs, they were mistreated and tortured by communist regime agents. Ms. Zhang Zhenmin was sentenced to eight years and and Ms. Zhang Ping to five years, and they are now in Gansu Province Women's Prison. Their captors force them to do hard labour, brutally beat them, shock them with electric batons, and torture them with other devices.
Ms. Chen Shuyuan Arrested and Detained in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang
2010-04-04On March 10th, 2010, police officers broke into Ms. Chen Shuyuan's home and arrested her. Mr. Dong Xiufa, Ms. Chen's husband, was at home at that time. He wanted to hold the police officers back, but Chen Chao stopped him. The officers carried Ms. Chen into their car and took her to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang. Ms. Chen was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Because she was in poor physical health, she didn't pass the physical and was sent home.
Nine Practitioners Tried in Loudi Court in Hunan Province
2010-04-04Louxing District Court in Loudi City, Hunan Province, tried nine Falun Gong practitioners on March 12th, 2010. They were arrested in July 2009. In court, as soon as a practitioner mentioned the physical benefits he or she gained from practising Falun Gong, Zhou Min rudely cut in. The defence attorneys pointed out that the prosecutors didn't provide any witness testimony, material evidence, time, or location, and that the statements of charges to the Court and lawyers were different. Lan Zhixue pointed out that there were many loopholes in the charges as stated, and that the "evidence" noted in the statement was not presented in court. The trial ended at 3:30 p.m. without any verdict being announced. Nevertheless, Cao Gongxun, Liu Xinping, and He Jinlin were subsequently sent to the Loudi City No. 1 Detention Centre.
Defence Lawyer Calls for Ms. Song Fangming's Immediate Release After Trial by Changsha Court
2010-04-03The District Court of Tianxin in Changsha City tried Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Song Fangming on March 5th, 2010. She pleaded "not guilty" through her defence lawyer, pointing to the fact that law enforcement officials from the National Security Brigade and Pozi Street Police Station ignored the law when they charged Ms. Song. The lawyer also pointed out that practising Falun Gong was not a violation of any law and Ms. Song should be released immediately.
Toyota Tsusho Employee Arrested in Beijing
2010-04-03on March 16th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yanmei, an employee of Toyota Tsusho Corporation's Changchun Office, left Changchun to attend a training session at the company's headquarters in Beijing. She arrived in Beijing around noon and checked into the Huadu Hotel, where the company had made a reservation for her. Before she had a chance to report to the Beijing office, police officers broke into her room, searched her luggage, and tried to take her away. Ms. Wang refused to co-operate and tried to reason with the police, who would not allow her to leave her room. At approximately 3:00 p.m., Ms. Wang was taken to a local police station.
Practitioner Cong Rixu Jailed for Four Months, His Lawyer Arrested and Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2010-04-02On June 16th, 2009, the Kanjingzi Regional Court of Dalian City held a trial for Cong Rixu. With the aid of Mr. Cong's defence lawyers the court did not announce a judgment. Communist Party officials arrested lawyer Mr. Wang Yonghang after the trial and Mr. Cong was later sentenced to three years in prison even though neither his family nor his lawyers were informed. Mr. Cong said of his treatment by police, "On March 2nd, 2009, four policemen took me out of the cell for interrogation. They tried to photograph me and take my fingerprints, but I refused to co-operate. A team leader kicked my back, struck me several times, slammed my head against the wall four to five times, and kicked me until I fell down."
Two Daughters Arrested Again after Calling for Justice for their Late Father, Mr. Jiang Xiqing
2010-04-02On March 2nd, 2010, two daughters of late Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Jiang Xiqing, were arrested again because they went to the the agents of the Chongqing 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and called for justice to be served for the death of their father. They had filed a wrongful death lawsuit in the Chongqing First Middle Court. When the family demanded the sisters' release the secretary of the district Political and Judiciary Committee, said, "They will be free if they write a statement promising they will not hire an attorney; otherwise, they will be 'educated' for more than ten days."
Xuhui District Court Officials in Shanghai Attempting to Sentence Practitioners Mr. Zhang Qin, Ms. Li Yaohua and Others
2010-04-02Five Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 4th, 2009, by police. On October 14th, Xu Zhenhui from the Xuhui District Procuratorate filed trumped up charges against these five practitioners. It was recently learned that the Xuhui District Court set a court date for March 18th, 2010 to try these practitioners. One of the arrested practitioners, Mr. Zhang Qin, 54, has been arrested six times since the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th,1999, and he was jailed at Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison for four years.
Mr. Huang Guang Arrested Again and Unable to Reunite with Family During the Lantern Festival
2010-03-31It was the Lantern Festival on February 28th, 2010 and families were having a happy reunion and enjoying the New Year together. But on this day, Falun Gong practitioner Huang Guang, 46, was on his way home when he met someone and told him about the persecution of Falun Gong. Soon he was arrested by police. Mr. Huang was arrested and imprisoned numerous times for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Huang went to Beijing twice to tell people about Falun Gong. He was arrested and detained.
Severe Persecution Causes Ms. Huang Juan to Develop Mental Disorder
2010-03-31Ms. Huang Juan is 21 years old and lives in Shengli Oil Field, Dongying City, Shandong Province. As a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong, she has developed severe mental disorders and has often run away from home. On March 1st, 2010, police found Ms. Huang about 3 kilometres away from home. After the officers questioned her, they searched her backpack and found Falun Gong books. Then, they arrested her and took her to the Dongying City's State Security Division. Previously, Ms. Huang was sent to the Jinan Detention Centre's Wangcun brainwashing sessions, subjected to persecution and forced to quit school.
Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Tianjin Arrested While Assisting an Imprisoned Practitioner's Family
2010-03-30On March 4th, 2010, seven Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by local police while looking after three children whose parents were not able to care for them. They were then detained at the Wuqing Detention Centre. Practitioner Ms. Wei Lianhua was arrested in 2008. She was sentenced to four years in prison and is currently being held at Tianjin Women's Prison. After his wife was prosecuted, Ms. Wei's husband went through tremendous hardship: he lost all hold on reality and was not able to recognise anyone. He would walk around without any clothes on, did not eat or sleep, and was prone to physical violence with anyone he saw. He was sent to a mental hospital.
Guo Chunsheng Tortured in Prison; His Elderly Mother in a Precarious State
2010-03-27Police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Chunsheng several months before the 2008 Olympics without an arrest warrant. They detained him in the Wuxue City Detention Centre and the First Detention Centre. In the first half of 2009, Mr. Guo was sentenced to a three-year prison term without court proceedings, to be served in Fanjiatai Prison of Shayang City. He suffered a mental collapse due to torture and is in very poor health. The police claimed that he was a mental patient and locked him up in an iron cage.
Lawsuit in the Shenhe District Court in Shenyang City Dismissed After Practitioners' Attorneys and Colleagues Get Involved
2010-03-26The Shenhe Police Department, together with the local police, arrested more than ten Falun Gong practitioners from September to November 2009. They were detained in the Shenyang City Detention Station while awaiting trial. Wang Yuchun's family hired a lawyer and as a result was harassed by the Shenyang 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). The Shenyhe District Court was intimidated by the involvement of the lawyers. On Feb. 5th, 2010, Judge Li Hong suddenly informed the attorneys about the dismissal of the case.
Teacher of the Year Mr. She Chengbang and His Wife Imprisoned
2010-03-25Mr. She Chengbang and his wife, Peng Xia, were arrested by agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in April 2009. In December, the court tried and sentenced them and several other practitioners to imprisonment. They had to leave their two-year-old in the care of their elderly parents, who now have no means of support. In 2000, Mr. She was detained in a forced labour camp for three years. He had been selected as teacher of the year at the high school, but was fired because he refused to give up his beliefs. Over the years, the CCP has never let up in persecuting him financially.