Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Retired Teacher from Zhongqing City Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2009-12-02On November 11th, 2009, the Shapingba District Court in Chongqing City put on trial Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lei Zhengxia, a 65-year-old retired teacher. The judge sentenced Mr. Lei to three years imprisonment for talking about Falun Gong to students in his small restaurant and for having Falun Gong materials in his home. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Lei has been arrested and detained on numerous occasions. In 2008 police arrest Mr. Lei for the sixth time. A police officer brutally beat Mr. Lei at his home. Mr. Lei's internal organs were injured and he couldn't move. Police then sent him to hospital as they were afraid Mr. Lei would die.
Officials from the Laishui Police Station Steal a Family's Life Savings and Then Abduct and Beat their Victims
2009-12-01On October 7th, 2009, officials in Laishui County, Hebei Province, broke into Mr. Li Dezhi's home and took his bank deposit certificates worth seventy thousand yuan as well as cash. When Mr. Li's wife tried to stop them, she was badly beaten. They detained Ms. Liu with the practitioners arrested from other villages that evening. The woman official watched them, didn't let them use the toilet, and gave them a wooden pail to urinate in. She kept on cursing Falun Gong and didn't give them anything to eat.
Mr. Yang Yuxin Tortured to Death, His Wife, Ms. Zhen Haiyan, Arrested Three Times
2009-11-30Ms. Zhen Haiyan's husband was Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Yuxin. They were married on May 1st, 2007. One month later, they were both arrested. In August of 2007, Mr. Yang was tortured to death. Ms. Zhen was also tortured so badly that she could not take care of herself. On November 6th, 2009, four policemen jumped over a fence into the yard of another Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wang Guilan, and then broke into the house. Without legal documents, they held Ms. Wang's daughter and Ms. Zhen Haiyan on the ground hitting and kicking them, before taking them by force to Dayangshu Town Police Station.
Older Practitioner Ms. Li Caiping from Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province, Again Sentenced to Prison
2009-11-30Ms. Li Caiping, 52, was secretly handed a four-and-a-half-year prison term on October 20th, 2009, for the second time. Ms. Li was also arrested on October 18th, 2005, for hanging a banner reading "Falun Gong is good." She was given a three-year prison term in November 2005 and sent to the Zhejiang Province Women's Prison. Eight inmates tortured her for ten straight days. They beat her, banged her head against the wall, and kicked her genital area. Ms. Li was tortured so badly that she became emaciated and was in low spirits.
Mr. Xie Yujun, Mr. Chen Shenghui, and Ms. Wen Chunru Arrested
2009-11-30Mr. Xie Yujun, Mr. Chen Shengjun, and a woman practitioner from Xingning City, Guangdong Province, were arrested on the evening of October 27th, 2009, in Wuhua County. All three practitioners are currently held at the Wuhua County Detention Centre. In addition, Ms. Wen Chunru was arrested on November 1st, 2009. Her whereabouts is unknown. Police went to the kindergarten that Mr. Xie Yujun's daughter attended. They found his daughter's teacher and then lied to the six-year-old girl, saying that her teacher wished to visit her family. The innocent girl did not know it was a hoax and led the deceivers to her home. The police yelled to Mr. Xie's wife, "If you don't open the door, we will pry it open. You have to open the door for us anyway." The police broke open the door and charged in.
Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Prior to Communist Anniversary
2009-11-30The Chinese communist regime not only tightened security before its 60th anniversary celebration, but also arrested Falun Gong practitioners around the country. At least 70 cases of arbitrary arrest and detention were recorded by the mainland China section of, a Falun Gong website which receives extensive first-hand reports of persecution cases. Public Security Bureaus in many areas searched the homes of many practitioners, taking personal belongings and detaining many in labour camps. In one case, a three-year-old girl was detained along with her mother. The wave of arrests reported occurred between Sept. 23rd and Sept. 28th.
Seventy Year-old Practitioner Ms. Liu Ping Arrested
2009-11-29On September 25th, 2009, Ms. Liu Ping, a 70 year-old female practitioner, was arrested at her home by police officers from the county's Public Security Bureau. According to her family, she was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years. According to Chinese law, any person older than 65 cannot be sentenced in a forced labour camp. This act demonstrates how the Chinese Communist Party doesn't follow its own rule of law.
Mr. Zhang Lei Arrested, Four Relatives Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-11-28On September 12th, 2009, police officers from Linhai City arrested Mr. Zhang Lei, a practitioner from Jinzhou City. On the following day, police arrested four members of his family who are also practitioners: his father, his mother, his wife, and his mother-in-law. These four practitioners have been sentenced to one year of forced labour, while Mr. Zhang Lei is currently detained in the Linghai City Detention Centre.
Mr. Dong Guozhao and His Wife Ms. Liao Liqing from Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province Arrested Again
2009-11-24On October 28th, 2009, police from the Domestic Security Division of Wuding County Police Department arrested Mr. Dong Guozhao, 57, and his wife, Ms. Liao Liqing, 51. They are currently detained at the Wuding County Detention Centre. In, 2004, Mr. Dong gave a DVD about the persecution and the beauty of Falun Gong to his former co-worker. The co-worker then reported him to the bureau. As a result, Chuxiong City Police Department ransacked his home. Two days later, on April 17th, 2004, Mr. Dong was sent to a prison and detained until January 4th, 2007.
Officials from the Nanjing 610 Office Arrested Four Elderly Practitioners
2009-11-22On November 3rd, 2009, the head of the Nanjing 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), and police arrested four Falun Gong practitioners who are in their 60s and 70s. The officers also ransacked the practitioners' homes, searched their clothes, and confiscated money from their pockets. Ms. Xie and Ms. Xiong were detained at a brainwashing centre where police officers are known to brutally persecute practitioners with no regard for their age or health.
Ms. Yang Manye Arrested Repeatedly in Putuo District, Shanghai
2009-11-20Ms. Yang Manye is from Shanghai. On October 22nd, 2009, people from the Putuo Domestic Security Division and 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) deceived Ms. Yang, saying that they needed to talk to her. In fact, they arrested and took her to a brainwashing centre. So far, her family has not received any written notification about her arrest. This is the fourth time she has been arrested for practising Falun Gong. In 2001 Ms. Yang was jailed in the Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai and the authorities extended her term by nine months. When she was in prison, she was forced to do physical work for long hours. Because of this she was very weak and fell.
A Couple from Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Arrested
2009-11-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pi Changfu and his wife were arrested on October 31st, 2009, by more than 20 police officers. The police ransacked their home and confiscated Falun Gong books and valuable items. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Pi and his wife have often been harassed. Mr. Pi was held at a detention centre for 7 days on one occasion and was forced to pay 10,000 yuan for bail. He left home and became homeless in June 2007 for over six months.
Miscarriage of Justice - Mr. Ge Kun Received 9 Year Sentence
2009-11-20Practitioner Mr. Ge Kun was forced out of school, arrested, and detained for one year and three months. Finally, on September 18th, 2009, Mr. Ge was "tried" by the court of Hanting District in Weifang City. The court imposed a most severe nine year prison sentence on Mr. Ge who is just in his 20s. The prime of his life has been snatched by a vicious Chinese Communist Party (CCP) system. In July 2008 at Weifang Detention Centre, Mr. Ge Kun was tied to a "cross" formed from steel pipes. His arms were out-stretched and legs bound tightly using leather belts. Mr. Ge was left to endure such extremely painful circumstances for six days, during which he lost consciousness many times.
Two Innocent Women Imprisoned, Their Daughters Denied the Right to Appeal
2009-11-19On October 23rd, practitioners Ms. Li Jie and Ms. Sun Yuqin were imprisoned in the notorious Masanjia labour camp in Shenyang city after they were caught by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Their daughters were not allowed to appeal on their behalf. They then went to appeal office of the Dandong public security bureau. The director told them, "Li Jie has been sent to a forced labour camp for one and a half years, Sun Yuqin for one year."
Hongta District Court Sentences Ms. Deng Zhixu to Five Years
2009-11-18On September 29th, 2009, the Hongta District Court sentenced practitioner Ms. Deng Zhixu to five years in prison. Since 2000 when Ms. Deng went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong she has been repeatedly arrested and persecuted. In June 2009, police arrested and sent her to the Jiulongchi Detention Centre. Ms. Deng went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was subjected to brutal forced-feeding. To rescue her, her family sold their house to be able to afford a lawyer. The lawyer, after learning that the case was related to Falun Gong, told the family that a special meeting was organised to convey the message from top authorities that all lawyers are prohibited from defending Falun Gong practitioners.