TV and Radio
National Dutch TV Station Broadcasts the Truth about the Staged Immolation
2005-04-15On the 14th March, a Dutch national TV Station broadcast a programme about Falun Gong which was produced by “Network”. It was arranged to be broadcast during the “Current Affairs Review” programme. Network positively commented on Falun Gong’s first appearance in China, its popularity, the large number of practitioners and the persecution. After its introduction to the public in 1992, Falun Gong was immediately very popular all over the country and attracted almost seventy million practitioners, outnumbering the membership of the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, the CCP saw it as a big threat. They banned Falun Gong in 1999.
Film about the Persecution of Falun Gong was Broadcast on National TV in Norway
2005-04-13Norway is a country which stretches far, even into the arctic regions, with many places that are quite isolated. Therefore, this was a good opportunity to tell many people about the persecution in China who might not have heard about it before. For almost six years, Falun Gong practitioners in China have been suppressed in the evilest manner by the Chinese Communist dictatorship: hundreds of thousands have been sent to labour camps, thousands have been murdered, countless have become homeless, robbed of their work and income because they wanted to live by Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.
Radio Free Asia: The Persecution of a Falun Gong couple after they returned to China shocks German Society
2005-04-07It is reported that, although the German society and government recognises the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in recent years and has protected many Falun Gong practitioners with political asylum, most of the time, the cruelty of this persecution is far beyond the imagination of the officials who deal with these cases. Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Renzheng started to practise Falun Gong when they went overseas. The official who dealt with their application for political asylum did not believe that they would be persecuted after being sent back to China. So they sent them back at the beginning of March. However, they were cruelly persecuted soon after they got back to China. The event caused a great shock to German society.
Radio France Internationale: Renowned Canadian Lawyer Appeals to Rescue Chinese Lawyer Guo Guoting
2005-04-02Lawyer Ansley, with the agreement of lawyer Guo Guoting, made a point that on the one hand China is violating lawyers’ rights, publicly scorning the legal system, while on the other hand it is hoping to obtain the recognition of the Association of Canadian Lawyers and the Canadian Government. He hopes that Canadian lawyers will work together to rescue Guo Guoting.
Dutch TV News reports on the Persecution Against Falun Dafa
2005-03-25The broadcast revealed that Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual movement. The movement counts 70 million practitioners in China alone, more than the Communist Party in that country. Therefore, Falun Gong is perceived as a threat by the people in power. The programme went on to state that according to Amnesty International, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned in China and more than 1,500 practitioners have already died in custody. The figures are, however, difficult to verify, because the persecution takes place in secret labour camps.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Mentioned on UK TV Show Special Broadcast from Shanghai
2005-03-11Question Time is the premier political debating programme broadcast on the UK’s BBC One TV station. On Thursday 10th March, the programme did a special broadcast live from Shanghai in China. One Chinese man asked the question, “Do you endorse the description of the human rights situation in China made by the most recent U.S. annual human rights report.” The first speaker to address this issue was Isabel Hilton, who quickly agreed with the U.S. report, telling the Shanghai audience and millions of viewers that “there have been many deaths in custody of Falun Gong practitioners.” Ms. Hilton went on to list other human rights abuses happening in China and pointed out that it is not only the U. S. State Department that is critical of China’s human rights.
Satellite Broadcast of “Sandstorm” Film to Spanish-speaking Countries
2005-03-05This film was broadcast via the channel “Essence and Vision”, which supports the protection of human rights and has 590 million Spanish-speaking viewers. Through watching the programme, millions of viewers had the chance to learn about the persecution against Falun Gong in China. The producer of the programme, who has also exposed China’s persecution of Tibet, didn’t know that the Chinese Government and Jiang Zemin had employed such cruel torture methods to carry out the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners who believe in “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.” Through talking to practitioners, she realised the severity of the genocide taking place in China.
Finnish TV Reports on the Second Wave of Telephone Propaganda Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-03-04TV channel “Nelonen” extensively reported on the second wave of harassment in its evening news on February 25th. A practitioner from the city of Oulu was interviewed in the report and suggested that the reason for this persecution campaign happening in western countries is that Falun Gong practitioners are exposing the CCP’s crimes against human rights to the world. The interviewee also stated that Falun Gong is a righteous practice encouraging high moral standards and the communist officials fear this due to the endemic corruption in China’s official state organs.
Falun Dafa Press Conference Broadcast on Bulgarian National TV
2005-02-26A national cable TV station called Diema 2 featured the conference in their evening news programme on 20th February 2005. The footage showed pictures of the exercises and the book Falun Gong (already published in Bulgarian). The reporter explained briefly about the practice and one of the practitioners was interviewed about the advantages of Falun Dafa. Bulgarian practitioners were happy that so many people had got the chance to learn more about Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Appeal Headlines Czech TV News
2005-02-23On the 5th of February, an appeal in Hradec Kralove was visited by regional TV reporters, who came to shoot some footage and interview the practitioners. The report was broadcast that same evening in all three of the station’s news broadcasts and in a repeat the next day. The report on the Falun Gong activity was actually the first feature in that day’s news programme, so hundreds of thousands people who tuned in to watch the news got to learn about Falun Gong‘s appeal to stop the persecution in China.
Spain’s State Radio Station Interviews a Falun Gong Practitioner in their Peak-Time Show
2005-01-25Near the end of the interview, the famous presenter Andres Aberasturi said to the Falun Gong practitioner, “Thank you very much for letting us have a close look at Falun Gong. We also learned about the horrific persecution occurring in China. As you demonstrated in your anti-torture exhibition in Sun Gate Square, this persecution was pointless right from the beginning. I think all our friends who are listening to this programme will surely remember the name of this cultivation way: Falun Gong.”
Radio France Internationale: The Premier of Canada Asks the Chinese Government to Provide an Explanation for Revoked Visas
2005-01-22The Canadian Prime Minister demanded that China provides an explanation for the cancellation of two Canadian reporters’ visas. China approved the visas initially for the two journalists, but dismissed the applications later. Both journalists were reporters of New Tang Dynasty TV and were gearing up for joining the reporters group with Prime Minister Martin. In fact, they had received the approved visas, which were recalled later. Martin told a reporter, “It was a serious matter for us. Freedom of speech and journalism are our values and principles. We have been in negotiations regarding this incident with the Chinese Embassy in Canada.”
Ukraine: Film Portraying Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners at the Human Rights International Cinema Festival
2005-01-11The movie “Sandstorm” was shown at the Human Rights International Cinema Festival. On the 15th of December, a national Ukraine TV channel screened a brief report about “Sandstorm”. Scenes from the film depicting the torture used against Falun Gong practitioners were also shown.
Bulgaria: Practitioners Appear on a National State-run TV Show and Expose the Persecution in China
2005-01-10The presenter asked why Falun Dafa is persecuted in China. The practitioners explained that after estimating the number of practitioners to be 70 to 100 million in 1999, the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin personally ordered a campaign of persecution despite the disagreement of the other Politburo members...The practitioners went on to talk about how the Chinese Communist Party has never showed any regard for human life and has continually persecuted and oppressed the Chinese people since it came into power.
An Interview on England’s BBC Radio Leeds Focuses on Falun Gong and the Persecution
2005-01-06“You may remember listening to BBC Radio Leeds a few weeks ago when we featured the moving case of a Chinese woman who now lives here in West Yorkshire, in fact in the city of Leeds. She fled China because she says she was being persecuted there. She claimed that it was because she practised Falun Gong, a kind of self-improvement technique which its followers say is based on the three principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance."