Publications, Press Releases
Dutch Media Reports on Organ Harvesting in China
2007-10-07Citing Matas's report, the article said that many Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested for no reason, detained in prisons, tortured, and eventually lost their lives after their organs were removed for sale. According to the Chinese Communist Party, all organs used in Chinese hospitals or specialty hospitals come from voluntarily death row convicts. Matas said that this claim is ridiculous. Matas pointed out that there are about 8000 Falun Gong practitioners who die or disappear every year.
Article from German Newspaper: “I was crippled through torture in China”
2007-10-05“They forcefully split my legs until the hip joints broke apart,” said Zhen Wang. “The guards purposely turned away their eyes. After the torture I was not taken to the hospital for treatment.” The Chinese man was imprisoned because he is a devotee of the cultivation practice of Falun Gong which is banned in China and its members are persecuted.
SUOMEN KUVALEHTI (Finnish Magazine) Reports on the Activities of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-09-20"She said she has never protest before, until seven years ago when she started to know Falun Gong ... After coming to Helsinki, she came out to protest more often, every week at the railway station and also the Chinese Embassy. Falun Gong does not regard themselves as active members, but as long as the persecution does not stop, they will not stop protesting".
Falun Gong is Becoming Popular in Belgium
2007-09-18In July 2007, the “Wonderful Life,” a best-selling magazine in Belgium, carried a article entitled “Banned in China, but Falun Gong is Popular in Belgium,” which employed a contrasting approach to report about Falun Gong’s popularity in Belgium and the persecution of the practice perpetrated by the Chinese Communist regime in China.
Burasi Canakkale Newspaper (Turkey): "Falun Gong: Standing Rock Solid in Face of Inhuman Torture"
2007-09-09A large Turkish newspaper, Burasi Canakkale, published a series of articles by a famous reporter entitled, Falun Gong: Standing Rock Solid in Face of Inhuman Torture. The articles laid out systematically what Falun Gong is about, the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal persecution and the CCP's atrocities of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
France: The People in Guadeloupe Express Their Concern about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-09-02“Sandstorm,” a movie that exposes the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution against Falun Gong was played at the media centre in Gosier, the cultural centre in Saint Rose and the technology centre in Douville, Guadeloupe on May 25th, June 8th, and June 22nd, 2007. Among others, it was due to the support from the cultural service department of the city government which made it possible for the shows in Gosier and Saint-Rose to be played in such good venues. In addition, the invitations were sent by these departments.
Human Rights Torch Relay Largely Covered in the French Media
2007-08-23On August 22nd 2007 the newspaper Libération, one of the three main national newspapers in France, distributed in other French speaking countries in the world, published a three quarter page article on the occasion of the Human Rights Torch Relay that was launched in Athens on August 8th and reached Germany on August 18th. The article reveals the attempt by the Chinese regime to extinguish the Human Rights Flame in Athens and made it clear that the Greek police did not yield to the Chinese authorities’ pressure.
Serbian Magazine Reports Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2007-08-16At the beginning of July, the Serbian weekly magazine Revija 92 published a two page detailed report about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The title of the report read, “Shocking: The trade in organs from political prisoners”. The article exposed the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. The report also described how the world was shocked when it learned in spring last year about the concentration camps.
Spain: Falun Gong Practitioners Seek Justice in Court
2007-08-13Three Falun Gong practitioners from different countries testified in a Spanish court on July 30th 2007. They accused Chinese high ranking officials of genocide and cruel torture against Falun Gong practitioners. Spain’s largest free daily newspaper Twenty Minute thus interviewed these three practitioners in this regard. The paper reported that tens of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered by the Chinese Communist autocratic regime just because they follow the principles of “Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance”.
The Epoch Times: Global Human Rights Torch Relay Kicks Off in Athens
2007-08-12As dusk sets in, people from all walks of life, from all over the world, gather together in a circle in front of a podium, holding up flags of their home countries. There are banners with strong statements: "Human Rights Abuse Cannot Co-exist with Beijing Olympics," reads one. "Stop Harvesting Organs From Living Humans," reads another.
The Epoch Times: China’s Number One Public Enemy at the Brandenburg Gate
2007-08-11Since 1999, a hundred million Falun Gong practitioners, who meditate and live by the principles Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, were attacked as “Chinas public enemy number one.” About two thirds of people tortured in China are Falun Gong practitioners according to Manfred Novak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.
The Epoch Times: Chinese Justice in a Spanish Court?
2007-08-08In a groundbreaking case, Chinese victims of rights violations moved a step closer to seeing their abusers held to account when a judge in Madrid listened to their testimony on Monday. "When I was being tortured in labour camps in China, I told myself that one day I would make all of those perpetrators be responsible for what they were doing," says Zhao Ming, one of three victims who spoke. "Now I am doing what I intended."
EU MP Expresses Doubts about the Olympic Games in Beijing
2007-07-17Following a story in Denmark’s biggest daily newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, entitled “Denmark’s two parties demand that the Prince stay away from the Beijing Olympic Games”, Denmark’s biggest sport newspaper Ekstrabladet also carried an article, written by a Danish MEP, Gitte Seeberg, entitled “The Olympic Games in China”. The article was published on July 7th and focuses on the many human rights problems in China, asking what can Western society do about it?
HELSINGIN SANOMAT (Finland): “Chinese Communist Regime Limits Hong Kong Citizens' Rights of Election”
2007-07-04On June 29th, 2007, Helsinki newspaper HELSINGIN SANOMAT carried an article entitled “Chinese Communist Regime Limits Hong Kong Citizens' Rights of Election.” The article included a photo depicting one of Hong Kong practitioners' activities to raise awareness about the persecution of the practice in the mainland. Falun Gong is banned in China, however it is allowed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Several Turkish Media Outlets Report Falun Gong Protest
2007-07-03On June 25th, Turkish Falun Gong practitioners held a large protest outside the Chinese Embassy. A number of mainstream media outlets reported the event. Several TV channels also reported the protest. The report on Kanal Turk TV was twenty minutes long, giving a detailed introduction to Falun Gong, the persecution and organ harvesting atrocities.