Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Entire Family Persecuted in China Following Overseas Practitioner's Exposure of Jiang Regime's Crimes
2003-02-09This is evidence of Jiang's policy of "spiritually torturing them, physically destroying practitioners, and economically devastating them." None of my relatives practise Falun Gong. Yet now the brutal persecution and evil acts have extended to all practitioners' relatives.
Practitioner Is Arrested by Beijing Police for Riding His Bicycle Displaying the Sign, "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2003-02-08One day in late December 2002, Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Changze appealed for Dafa by riding his bicycle throughout the Huairou District in Beijing displaying a sign that said, "Falun Dafa is Good--Free Bicycle Repair." On the second day, he was abducted by police officers and sent to a detention centre. Presently he is still detained.
Former Deputy Director of Laser Research Institute and His Mother-in-law Are Kidnapped
2003-02-07This gentleman held a responsible position at his work. He integrated the universal principles of Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance into his life, yet the Jiang regime now say it is a crime to uphold these moral values. He didn't surrender to extensive pressure, and instead continued to steadfastly practise Falun Gong. At the beginning of this year, while he was on duty, Cai Zhigang was required to talk with some people, and in this way he was deceived into going to the brainwashing centre.
Exposed: Letter of Deceit Written by Lawless Officers to Entrap Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-04Recently the authorities have been using such contemptible means to arrest and persecute Dafa practitioners. By taking advantage of Dafa practitioners' compassion and trust in others, they entrapped practitioners who had left their homes into coming back to their hometowns, and then illegally arrested them.
Police Torture Non-Practitioner Relative of Dafa Practitioner in Jianping County
2003-02-01A practitioner's family member, a man over 50 years old, who does not practise Falun Gong, was kidnapped to the county detention centre. It is shocking that the police tortured him by hanging him up by handcuffs and then beating him. It is even more unbelievable that the Public Security intend to sentence him to thirteen years in prison. Such is the extent of the paranoia of the Jiang regime that someone simply associated with a Falun Gong practitioner is subjected to the same inhuman treatment.
Macheng City Officials Beat Practitioners and Demolish Their Houses
2003-01-25Because Li Xueqin refused to pay the illegally imposed fine, the lawless thugs demolished Li Xueqin's house on March 8, 2001. Li Zhengquan ordered all the officials from the village to participate in the demolition he asked Li Zhengquan for the reason why they demolished the house. Li Zhengquan said, "I tore it down for no other reason than because I wanted to."
Changchun City Police Fire Shots At a Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-05When this practitioner, who did not realise what had happened, came quickly, he realised that something was wrong. He immediately turned back, and ran for his life. During the frantic chase, the police shot at the practitioner three times, but luckily missed!
"I Miss Grandpa"
2002-12-30One day, a four-year-old girl, holding her grandpa's photo in her hands, wept in silence. When her grandmother saw her so upset, she asked her with great concern, "Xiaoxue, what happened? Why are you crying?" The little girl said, "I miss grandpa." Her grandpa is a Falun Dafa practitioner and was taken away from home and sent to a forced labour camp.
Police Break into Practitioners' Home like Criminals and Kidnap them
2002-12-29The police were afraid that the neighbours would come and stop their evil actions, so they stuffed the practitioners' mouths to gag them and threatened that if they made any noise, the police would carry them away in sacks. Thus Lin Xueyou and Hu Hongyu were forcibly arrested and are presently detained in the Xinjin Detention Centre.
Crimes Committed Against Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-23A Deputy Party Secretary said, We have specific orders from the highest source. No laws will be applied in handling Falun Gong practitioners: you have neither freedom nor rights. We will ruin your reputation, bankrupt you financially and destroy your physical body. We can torture you in whatever way we want!"
Cases of Illegal Arrest and Sentencing of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
2002-12-21Zhu Houyou had very poor health and suffered from various illnesses before practicing Falun Dafa. After practicing Falun Dafa his health improved and he found it a pleasure to help others. When Zhu Houyou was arrested, all his neighbours and people who knew him just could not understand why a good person like him should be taken away. It really did not make sense. Now Zhu Houyou is being tortured in the Benxi forced labour camp.
Even Non-Practitioners Are Persecuted by the Police!
2002-12-18When I was at a train station, a policeman stopped me and checked my ID. Once he saw my address, he claimed that I must practise Falun Gong and that I must be going to Tiananmen Square to appeal, and he arrested me. The police interrogated me daily, beat me and locked me up. They did not allow me to drink or eat.
Chengdu City Police Put Dafa Practitioners into Bags, then Abduct and Rob Them
2002-12-15Some police would rush up into the building [where practitioners lived] and, when they saw the practitioners, they would grab each of them and stuff them into a large gunnysack, then beat and kick him/her before carrying the bagged practitioner downstairs and throwing him/her into a police car.
Practitioners in Chengdu City Call for International Human Rights Organisations to Pay Close Attention to Ms. Liu Ying's Suffering
2002-12-13Liu Ying returned home since she missed her two-year old child. The local police station abducted her and locked her up. She protested by holding a hunger strike. When she came home, her husband, under pressure, forced her to have a divorce..
Thieves Become Police, Police Become Thieves - Persecuting Good People by Looting and Plundering
2002-12-12While arresting Dafa practitioners, wherever they found money or bank deposit books, regardless of whether a practitioner was carrying it with him or had it in their residence, whichever police officer found the money would hide the money in his waist pouch as quickly as possible. Not only would he not leave a receipt, he will also not report his find to the rest of the police who were doing evil deeds with him. The amount of money ranged from hundreds of Yuan to tens of thousands of Yuan.