Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Jiang's Regime Killed My Beloved Son
2003-05-31After July 20 of 1999, Jiang's regime began to persecute Falun Gong. Police agents started to come to my home, harassing and intimidating us. My teenage son was still in school. Under the tremendous pressure from school and society, he could not continue his peaceful cultivation in Falun Gong. His health quickly deteriorated. Four months after the persecution started, he sadly passed away.
Property Of Overseas Investors is Confiscated By Chinese Authorities Because They Practise Falun Gong
2003-05-29Mr. Cai asked the police why they ransacked his factory and seized the truck, since his company did not violate any law. Brigade leader Huang Jingwei replied, "This had nothing to do with you or your company. It is a political matter. You have to come here in person to claim your truck." Mr. and Mrs. Cai had always lived abroad and had never encountered such blatant law breaking activity by police. They thought it was like the recurrence of "the Great Cultural Revolution." They had no idea where to go from here.
Three Sisters Inhumanly Tormented by Shijiazhuang Police
2003-05-29On May 8, 2003, police from the Shijiazhuang "610 Office" arrested Li Huiqi's other sister Li Huixin (who had been forced into homelessness in order to avoid being arrested). They then dragged Li Huixin to Li Huiqi's home, and arrested Li Huimin who was taking care of Li Huiqi at the time. Li Huimin tried to reason with the police: "Li Huiqi is completely paralysed and she needs constant care. If you take her caretaker away that is as good as killing her. If you take me away, who will take care of her?"
CCTV's Li Yuqiang Acknowledges That Part of the "Self-Immolation" Scene Was Staged
2003-05-27They mentioned evidence such as the example of Wang Jindong, who had been severely burnt, yet a Sprite bottle full of gasoline remained fully intact between his legs. Confronted with evidence and analysis Li Yuqiang had no choice but to acknowledge that they had laid the Sprite bottle between Wang Jindong's legs after he had been burnt, and that the scene was staged. She tried to argue that the scene was arranged in an attempt to prove to the audience that Falun Gong practitioners conducted the "self-immolation." She even admitted that had they known that someone would doubt its authenticity they would not have shot it.
Dafa Practitioner Forced to Jump from Building to Escape Shijiazhuang City Police Entrapment: Alive or Dead Unknown
2003-05-23On March 28, 2003, his supervisor suddenly told him to rest at home for a few days, in order to deceive him. On March 30, Shijiazhuang City police officers surrounded Liu's house to arrest him. Liu was injured after being forced to jump from the fifth floor to avoid entrapment. He was sent to the neurology department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Bethune International Peace Hospital, but we do not know if he is alive or dead.
Vicious Tactics Against Falun Gong Practitioners by Resident's Committee in Jinzhou City
2003-05-23At around 9:00 p.m., the director of the police station and others arrived at her home and wanted to take her away by force. Cao Yuhua refused to cooperate with the police and was carried away by 5 police officers from the 4th floor without a coat or shoes. The officers hit her hard on her head with a hard object and stated, "Let's torture her to death. Do not think of going home without [paying us] 30,000 Yuan." [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] The police then put her in a detention centre
Facts of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Hubei Province During the Past Four Years
2003-05-19Twenty-seven people were illegally sentenced to forced labour camps, with three of them being sentenced twice. To date, thirteen people are still being detained in prisons or forced labour camps. One person's situation is still unknown, after having been taken away by the police on July 20, 1999. One was fired from a government position because he went to Beijing to appeal. Police and work units have pressured family members of Falun Gong practitioners. Nine were pressured into divorce.
The Walls of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Separate Family Members
2003-05-12Since Luo Li's kidnapping, her aged mother missed her deeply and was in constant misery and depression. To see her daughter, the old woman, who suffered from chronic pains, travelled a long way from Liaoyang City to Masanjia Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Jilin province. However, the policemen at Masanjia kept the elderly woman out of the gate and did not allow her to visit her daughter. The old woman begged and begged, but to no avail. She cried from grief until she was hoarse. In the end, this tragic old woman fainted outside the reception room of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp...
Heartbreaking Suffering of Family of Hebei Province Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-03Then they kidnapped and detained Falun Gong practitioners in the freezing garage. Meanwhile, the corrupt police ordered a feast for themselves, eating and laughing wildly. Some of them said that the Police Station Director would soon receive an award. The following morning, the police sent the wife to Yanshan County Brainwashing Centre, where she remains today. Back home, one child of the elder brother is left to look after the 80+ year-old grandma and two young cousins.
Brainwashing Centre Official Betrays His Own Family Members
2003-04-19The agents swarmed into the house, kidnapped Xing's mother and sent her to the Xiajiadian Brainwashing Centre in Shiyan City. Xing's sister stepped forward to try to stop the arrest and yelled for help. Xing Xu then ordered two doctors to forcefully give his sister an injection.
Family Arrested in China after the Jiang regime's Crimes are Exposed (Photo)
2003-04-16Ms. Wang said, "When my younger sister was taken away, the police ransacked her house. Her two sons, aged 2 and 15, were at home and cried to ask the police to release their mother. Now, my sister's poor two-year-old son is being taken care of by a neighbour in Guangzhou. The 15-year-old son went back to Harbin to look for his mother. The boy is unable to go to school. My elder sister was arrested in Manzhouli, Jilin Province and escorted to Harbin.
Family of Tortured to Death Falun Dafa Practitioner Harassed and Intimidated by Daqing City Prison
2003-04-13Before the cremation, Mr. Yu's son who went to school in another city came back to the city. The police informed the funeral parlour to stop him from seeing his father. However, the employees at the funeral parlour did not comply with the police's request. When the child offered his respects to the father, the personnel from Daqing City Prison insisted on being present for the whole time. A police officer from Daqing City Prison shed tears of sympathy when he saw Yu's son kneel down in front of his father and burn some paper money.
Mafia-Style Henan Province Police Extort Money From Falun Gong Practitioner For His Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-10The detention centre forced us to lie about our conditions to the inspector that came to check on us. We were forced to work long hours every day. After we were released, the Political and Security Section Chief illegally ordered us to pay a 6,000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] as a "fine."
Female Practitioner is Beaten and Abused in Long Term Detention
2003-04-05According to rough calculation, since the start of the persecution, greedy police extorted 10,490 Yuan from my family, who wished to rescue me from detention! This was a huge financial burden to us: My single mother is jobless and the only income was a little retirement money from my grandmother.
Compassionate People Cannot Find an Inch of Peaceful Soil in the Land of China
2003-04-02After my parents were released, the township government, police substation and Party committee of my village harassed us and ransacked our home. Only a few months later my mother was forcibly taken to a brainwashing class and my father had to leave home. I had to live by myself again. I had nightmares almost every night. I felt so afraid whenever I saw a police car.