Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Fushun City Police Kidnap, Beat Practitioners, Loot Their Homes
2003-03-30In order to cover up their illegal act, they fabricated and told several lies to Mr. Ding's workplace, saying that he had hidden a photocopier, and even that he had beaten them up, and they thus asked his workplace to take deductions from his wages to compensate them. By this deceptive means, Nie wrongfully extorted Mr. Ding's work wages. In order to provide incentive for the public security officers to arrest more Falun Dafa practitioners, the politics and law department used an 'award' of 500 Yuan for the arrest of each practitioner. The greedy policemen gave up their own humanity in order to get more money.
Case of News Fabrication: 30-Yuan Reward for Playing a Dafa Practitioner in Handcuffs
2003-03-30One day a journalist came to their work site to make a news film. The journalist asked the workers, "Can you help to make the news film? If you play Falun Gong practitioners and say that Falun Gong is not good, you will get paid 30 Yuan if you put on handcuffs and 20 Yuan without handcuffs." A few of them worked for the journalist to earn the money. The others refused and said, "We should not make money without conscience. Money can't bribe us to slander Falun Gong."
Corrupt Qinglong County Officials Hire People to Pose as Practitioners and Defame Dafa on TV
2003-03-27Shortly before the Spring Festival, the Qinglong County Public Security Bureau of Hebei Province, local 610 Office, and other township governments recruited two dozen people to distort, defame, and attack Falun Dafa on TV. Many of them have never practised Falun Gong before. For 50 Yuan and with their travel expenses covered, the participants were made to commit these crimes.
Deputy-Director of a University English Research Office Kidnapped by Police
2003-03-25On December 29, 2000, the department head tricked her, asking her to come to his office. When she arrived, the police kidnapped her. "I've been tracking Zhou for more than one month," a police officer said. Ms. Zhou was illegally arrested because she had donated money to produce materials that explain the facts about Falun Gong.
Dangerous Conditions for 30 Practitioners Seized and Persecuted from Mengyin County
2003-03-21Because she appealed in Beijing, all four members of her family (her mother, brother, and sister) were detained and persecuted by the government of Tanfu Town. Mother Hui Zenghua and brother Gong Pibing were put into labour camps because they wouldn't give up Falun Gong, they had appealed in Beijing, and they had let homeless practitioners stay with them. Sister Gong Shuqin was denied entry to university after taking the entrance exams just because she had appealed in Beijing.
Reign of Terror Denies Human Rights in Hebei Province
2003-03-07Liu Chunye is a 36-year-old lady. After July 20, 1999, her family suffered great hardship after being fined 2000 Yuan. At the township office she was hung up with ropes and tortured, then further tortured at the Xuanhua Detention Centre. Her husband and children were terrified. She was forced to report to the village office three times per day.
Base Police in Xuanhua Train Station Force Travellers to Step On the Portrait of the Founder of Falun Gong During the 16th Party Congress
2003-02-27This kind of behaviour is not only to persecute Falun Dafa, but also to insult those who wish to travel from this station. Perhaps the police have come to understand that this behaviour is not right, as they now hide out of sight to observe what is happening. They are no longer as blatant in their actions as they used to be, when they acted without any ethical consideration whatsoever. Their actions now show their fear.
Jiang Regime Distributes Fabricated Materials and Lies to Elementary and Middle School Students
2003-02-22The schools force all students to buy the books that slander Dafa. Taking advantage of the young students' lack of ability to differentiate between fact and fiction, the government takes all means to plant the seeds of hatred toward Falun Gong in their innocent minds.
Female Practitioner Arrested: Her Elderly Mother Suffers Severe Harassment by Police
2003-02-21After learning that Lili went to Beijing to appeal, her older sister said with emotion, "Aren't people practising Falun Gong trying to become better people? Aren't people simply seeking justice when they appeal in Beijing? I hope she will succeed and come back soon." The fact that Lili was persecuted for her appeal made her family further realise the irrationality of Jiang's regime in persecuting Dafa practitioners.
Lawless Officials Falsely Claim Appellants Are Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-21They were going to complain about the local government's corruption and to get their money back. Before the train departed, someone reported them to the local government. It was too late for the government officials to stop them, so the government officials contacted the Xinxiang city police, saying there were hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners going to Beijing to appeal, and requested that they be stopped.
Thug-Like Officials Wantonly Persecute and Rob Practitioners in Shandong Province
2003-02-19The official tried to force the couple to say where they got Falun Dafa materials. When they refused, he brutally twisted their arms behind their backs and then he punched and kicked them. As a result, their arms were hurt so badly that the couple could not work for several months. At last the thugs forced the practitioner's husband to pay 4,000 dollars for the release of his wife.
Mass Abduction of Practitioners to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-16The practitioners sternly rejected their demands. How could honest people accept statements that are blatently untrue? Among the 14 abducted practitioners, 11 were sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Their families were not notified, and no one knows the current status of these 11 practitioners. We have no information about whether they are alive or dead.
Practitioner Feared for His Life in Brutal Interrogation at Hailun City Police Station
2003-02-15They made many threats to the practitioner's life, and claimed nobody would know anything even if they killed him. "Nobody in Hailun City knows you are here, and we asked about you at your work place and your family. Already, the police station, the linen factory and Department of Economics are looking for you." Chen Jingming also said to him, "You have never seen people thrown into a smelting pit, right?"
Woman Dragged off to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp: Young Child Left Motherless
2003-02-14The cold-hearted police pushed the mother and daughter-in-law out of the door amidst the crying of the young boy, and then forced them into the police car They did not know how to cook. In the beginning, kind-hearted neighbours brought some meals to the young boy, but he always thought about his mother, and often cried himself to sleep. The effect on his little heart was detrimental.
Greed Drives Beijing Police Officers to Try All Means to Abduct Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-11During the persecution of Falun Gong he had accepted numerous cash awards for arresting Falun Dafa practitioners in the area. The police officer complained that it was increasingly more difficult to catch practitioners... His dirty income had dropped severely. When he learned that the housekeeper once practised Falun Gong, he was overjoyed. He planned to arrest her immediately and turn her in for the cash reward.