Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Germany: Commemorating the April 25th 1999 Appeal Outside the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg
2005-05-08Six years have passed since the peaceful appeal in Beijing. Therefore, Falun Dafa practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg’s Elbchaussee. To call attention to the unending persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, we sent righteous thoughts and practised the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.
Spain: Introducing Falun Gong at Tacoronte City in the Canary Islands
2005-05-07Most of the people who practised the five exercises looked radiant afterwards. One lady said that her whole body felt easy and free. Another said that she would tell her husband to practise Falun Gong and would share this good thing she had found. A young girl said that this was the third time she had done the exercises and she felt great.
France: Falun Gong Association Representative Invited to Armenian Rally
2005-05-07Chairman of the French Falun Gong Association was invited to a rally and press conference. Organised by the General Association of Armenian Descendants in France, the activities were entitled “Celebrate the 60th anniversary of the liberation from Nazi concentration camps and commensurate the 90th anniversary of the holocaust of Armenians in Turkey.”
Germany: In Commemoration of April 25th 1999, an Information Day and Anti-torture Exhibition were held in Hamburg
2005-05-06On April 25th 2005, exactly six years after 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners in China went to peacefully appeal for freedom and justice, North German practitioners held activities to call attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China. It has been a long time since practitioners encountered such a sympathetic public as the one they found that day.
Spain: Practitioners hold Activities to Commemorate April 25th 1999
2005-05-06On April the 25th, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners held a photo exhibition at Socodover Square in Toledo city centre to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the April 25th peaceful appeal. They showed the peace and beauty of Falun Gong and the persecution practitioners are suffering in China, and they called on people to be concerned and make efforts to stop this persecution.
Turkey: More and More People are Cherishing Falun Gong (I)
2005-05-06There are already six practice sites in Ankara where Turkish people can learn the Falun Gong exercises for free and then practise together with other Falun Gong practitioners. More and more Turkish people have become practitioners; more and more people have been paying attention to Falun Gong and calling for an end to the persecution.
Ukraine: Art Exhibition Aroused Good Nature in People’s Hearts
2005-05-06From the 21st to the 24th of April 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from several cities in Ukraine went to the Art Museum in Vinnitsa city to hold the “Journey of Falun Dafa” photo exhibition. The exhibition was a great way for people in the city to find out what Falun Gong is and why the peaceful practice is being violently persecuted in China.
United Kingdom: Practitioners Call on the Singapore Government not to Persecute Falun Gong
2005-05-05Falun Gong practitioners rallied at the Singapore Embassy in London. They appealed to the Singapore Government against the unfair trial of two Singapore Falun Gong practitioners, Huang Caihua and Cheng Lujin, calling on the Singapore Government to stop trying to please the Chinese Communist Party by persecuting Falun Gong.
Ireland: Memories of “4.25” - Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Dublin
2005-05-05On April 25th, Irish Falun Gong practitioners appealed at the Chinese Embassy in Dublin to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the April 25th peaceful appeal in Beijing. They called on the Chinese Government to stop their persecution against Falun Gong and its practitioners immediately.
Ukraine: “The Journey of Falun Dafa” Exhibition in Globin City
2005-05-05Practitioners held the “Journey of Falun Dafa” exhibition in Ukraine’s Hlobyne. The exhibition displayed several photos about Falun Gong’s popularity in over sixty countries, as well as practitioners’ extraordinary perseverance in their peaceful struggle against the cruel persecution launched by the Jiang regime.
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at the Singapore Consulate
2005-05-04Irish practitioners held a peaceful appeal at the Singapore Consulate. They called upon the Singapore Government to immediately revoke the groundless prosecution and sentencing of two innocent Singapore practitioners. They told the Singapore authorities not to bow to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
United Kingdom: To Commemorate the “4.25” Appeal, Practitioners held a Photo Exhibition Exposing the CCP’s Atrocities against Falun Gong
2005-05-04The photos revealed how Falun Gong practitioners in China are being subjected to brutal persecution. They also conveyed the reason behind the persecution: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is notoriously known for its “falsity, evilness and violence”, principles that are very different from Falun Gong, which is based on “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.”
Slovakia: People of Partizanske show Support for Falun Gong Practitioners’ Human Rights
2005-05-04People in Partizanske found it hard to believe that these popular exercises could be the target of persecution, even though the older generation could remember the harm caused by the communists in Slovakia. People advised us wholeheartedly to stay longer, because there was going to be a cultural event in the city that afternoon.
Ukraine: Candlelight Vigil Commemorates the April 25th Peaceful Appeal
2005-05-03On the 25th of April, Ukrainian practitioners held an activity outside Kiev Chinese Embassy to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the peaceful “4.25” appeal in 1999, when ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners protested for the right to freely practise “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.”
United Kingdom: Candlelight Vigil at the Chinese Embassy to Commemorate the 6th Anniversary of the “4.25” Peaceful Appeal
2005-05-03On April the 25th, UK practitioners held a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the “4.25” peaceful appeal. Many people showed their support for practitioners' efforts to end the persecution happening in China.