Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Germany: People of Aurich Show Concern for the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (photos)

    Throughout the information day, practitioners talked with a lot of people. It was clear that more and more people want to learn about Falun Dafa and the true facts behind the persecution. Some watched the exercise demonstration, some read the information boards and others expressed their indignation at the Chinese government’s persecution and murder of Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Italy: Young and Old Learn the Truth During a Visit to a Venice School

    One practitioner painted the Chinese characters “Zhen – Shan – Ren” for the schoolchildren. Practitioners told the staff of the school about the persecution of Falun Dafa that is occurring in China today, and how the Jiang regime has used wicked and illegal means to suppress practitioners.
  • Romania: A letter from Artist Zhang Cuiying

    "I was recently invited to Romania to hold an exhibition and introduce Chinese painting and art to the people here. I never expected that the Chinese government would harass me in front of the media and the public, without any dignity or decorum. I feel sorry and ashamed for these overseas representatives who act on behalf of the Chinese government."
  • Iceland: Senior Officials Receive Information on Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    Dafa practitioners sent information about the persecution in China, and copies of the lawsuit against Jiang for the crimes of genocide and brutal torture, to the Icelandic Government. Hopefully, the senior Icelandic officials and also those who offered to help Dafa practitioners can gain a better understanding of the true nature of Falun Dafa and make correct decisions on this matter in the future.
  • German Practitioner: “Let's Stop this Persecution Together”

    "As long as the illegal persecution of innocent people continues, we will continue to make open and peaceful appeals. These appeals have received support from a large number of citizens and VIPs in political circles of this country. We hope that last year’s violation of human rights can be atoned for by way of a serious apology, and we can try to stop this persecution together.”
  • Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding the Lawsuit Against German Police (photos)

    During Jiang Zemin's state visit to Germany in 2002, Falun Gong practitioners' constitutional rights were infringed upon by German federal agents and the Berlin police. Recently, practitioners have been planning to file lawsuits against the German federal police's actions, to the administrative courts in Berlin and other areas. The goal of the lawsuits is to establish facts of human rights transgressions against Falun Gong practitioners during Jiang's state visit in Germany in April 2002, so as to prevent such acts in the future.
  • Germany: Appeal Outside the German Parliament Building Enters its Second Day

    On April 1 2003, our appeal activity outside the Germany Parliament Building entered its second day. Falun Gong practitioners explained the facts of the persecution and called upon the German Parliament to issue an urgent resolution to help stop the severe persecution that has been going on in China against Falun Gong and Its practitioners.
  • Germany: City Government of Wuerzburg Supports Falun Gong Photo Exhibition

    The Principal of the Wuerzburg Adult University hosted the opening ceremony, and the Vice-Mayor of Wuerzburg made a speech. They hoped that through this photo exhibition, more Wuerzburg residents could form a better understanding of Falun Gong and show concern for the current persecution in China.
  • Switzerland: Dafa practitioners Yuzhi Wang and Jane Dai Reveal the Truth During the United Nations Commission on Human Rights

    Falun Dafa practitioners and victims of the persecution in China, Yuzhi Wang from Canada and Jane Dai from Australia [left] appealed to stop the cruel persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China during the 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
  • Austria: Falun Gong at an Information Day in Traunsee

    One lady was so happy and surprised to meet someone who follows the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance that she almost cried. When I told her about the cruel torture that the Jiang regime has inflicted on Chinese Falun Gong practitioners, she was shocked. She expressed her thanks for our conversation and wished us a successful day, hoping that conditions in China will improve quickly.
  • Ukraine: Great Media Interest in Dafa Practitioner’s Painting Exhibition

    The national Ukrainian news agency in Kiev held a press conference, where the artist told the media that she has received support for her exhibitions in more than 30 countries. After the press conference, many reporters expressed their interest in getting to know more about Falun Gong. Many TV stations featured several reports on the painting exhibition.
  • Belated Photo Report: Practising in Front of the United Nations Building in Geneva

  • Romania: Once Again, The Truth is Revealed to the World

    Artist and Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Cuiying was recently invited to Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to display her paintings at a city centre theatre. Two hours before the opening ceremony, a representative from the Chinese Embassy and a few other Chinese men came to the exhibition hall. They rudely made a lot of noise and trouble, trying to stop the exhibition from taking place. When they found that their own illegal deeds were being videotaped, they felt guilty and frightened, and tried to grab the video camera. At this time, the representative from the Chinese Embassy revealed his true violent self.
  • "We Want to Tell the Whole World" - A Belated Report from Geneva

  • Switzerland: “When will you demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises? The children are very interested!”

    The teacher said to me excitedly, “Falun Gong is so great. I felt that the energy field is very good.” He also expressed hope that we could continue to go to their school and teach the practice. This created a stark contrast with the schools in China, where children are fed lies about Falun Dafa to conceal the Jiang regime's persecution.