Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
From Germany: A Friend and His Class Presentation
2002-05-31 -
A Westerner' s Letter to All the Employees of a Chinese Hotel in Beijing
2002-05-31 -
Falun Dafa Practitioners' Peaceful Appeal as Chinese Dignitary Visits UK
2002-05-28Chinese dignitary, Mr Li Ruihuan, is paying a visit to the UK. On 27th May 2002, his itinerary included a visit to 10 Downing Street, London: Falun Dafa practitioners thought that this would be a good opportunity to make a peaceful appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa as well as clarifying the truth to the public.
Sweden: Teachers and Students Learn Falun Gong in Arvika
2002-05-28 -
Promoting Falun Dafa at a Holistic Health Day in Leicester, UK
2002-05-28 -
Practitioners and the World Organization against Torture Hold Press Conference Regarding the Lawsuit against Deputy Chief of "610 Office"
2002-05-28At the conference, executive director of the World Organization against Torture Attorney Sklar explained the importance of this case. The defendant in this case has the highest rank among those being brought into court abroad in the China's Communist Government.
German Practitioners Participate in Hanover Supernatural Expo (Photos)
2002-05-26"A gentleman from India came to our booth on the first day and learned exercises. He came back later on and stayed over 3 hours at our booth. On the last day he came again and told us that he practiced outside the building and felt very good.".
UK Dafa Practitioners Demonstrate Falun Dafa at "Life Styles Show"
2002-05-25 -
Falun Gong Practitioners from Cambridge, England Hold Photo Exhibition Entitled "Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day"
2002-05-25 -
Practitioner's Statement to the President of the Italian Republic on occasion of the visit of Li Lanqing, Vice Premier of the China State Council
2002-05-25 -
Latvian Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil Commemorating Practitioners Killed During the Persecution (Photos)
2002-05-24Watching practitioners teach some children the exercises, a policeman said, "It is good to teach them Falun Gong. If they practise Falun Gong, they will not use drugs or violate the law. And I know they will not only obtain good health, but also become good people."
Sweden: Senior citizens learn Falun Gong
2002-05-24On Wednesday 22 May, some forty senior sitizens from Karlstad came to visit the practitioners in Arvika. Earlier this spring they had asked if they could come and learn about Falun Gong.
Promoting Falun Dafa At German "Exercise Festival"
2002-05-23 -
Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition is Ceremoniously Held in Salzburg, Austria (Photos)
2002-05-23 -
German Polices Public Mission Statement: The Police, Your Friend and Helper