Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Mr. Ai Lihua and His Family Brutally Beaten and Sentenced to Forced Labour
2009-09-27Mr. Ai Lihua, his wife Ms. Gu Junqing, and daughter Ms. Ai Xuelian, were arrested on July 30th, 2009. At the police station, the police began roughly taping Mr. Ai's ankles together, then used his belt to tie his hands behind his back. After that, they taped his arms close to his body then brutally beat Mr. Ai, while they tied him to the "tiger bench". While Ms. Ai was being interrogated, she was slapped on the face over ten times then dragged by her hair and slammed into a wall. An Chunfa slapped her face an additional ten-plus times then kicked her and hit her with a water bottle. Later, Mr. Ai Lihua was sentenced to 15 months of forced labour, and Ms. Ai was sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Qu Mingzhu Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labour, Her Family Broken Up
2009-09-27On July 3rd, 2008, police raided the workplace of Ms. Qu Mingzhu, found Falun Gong materials and arrested her. During her detention at the labour camp, Ms. Qu and other practitioners were forced to do hard labour every day for 12 to 13 hours. One time the work involved hand selecting toothpicks. If the workload was not finished at the end of the day, captain Huo Shuping ordered everyone to bring their work back to their cells and continue to work on it until midnight. During Ms. Qu's detention her husband could not stand the pressure from various authorities and left home with their child to live in another city.
"Stop the Persecution and Restore My Freedom of Belief"--The Account of a Senior Practitioner
2009-09-27On April 30th, 2001, when I went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, the Beijing police arrested me. After a body search, they held me in Dongcheng Detention Centre for 15 days. Those in charge used violence to force me to wear the prison uniform. One of them hit my neck with a high voltage baton so hard that I dropped to the floor instantly. In a Beijing police station, police tortured me. Two men lifted my arms upward until my shoulder joints were almost dislocated. One used a barbed stick to hit my back, buttocks, legs, and feet. He also kicked my lower back. He swore at me while he tortured me, saying "It's no big deal if you guys die--you'll die for nothing."
Relentless Persecution of Ms. Ma Yan by Li Jianbin, Head of the 610 Office in Changyi, Shandong Province
2009-09-26On September 4th, 2009 when Ms. Ma Yan was not at home, Li Jianbin, Head of the 610 Office, combed through her house and took 1,800 yuan, the only money she had to support herself and pay her bills. In September 2007, Ms. Ma was arrested by Li Jianbin and his cohorts when she was at home. They hit her in the face, used a towel to muffle her mouth, and handcuffed her behind her back. In this robbery alone, the police took money and property belonging to Ms. Ma worth about 100,000 yuan in total. Ma Yan was then held in Changyi Detention Centre for eleven days. She was tortured until she could not eat or drink, and threw up blood. Although she had already been brutally treated, Li Jianbin sent her to Shandong Province Zibo No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp for further torture.
Practitioner in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Arrested by National Security Bureau
2009-09-25On September 8th, 2009, the National Security Police arrested practitioner Mr. Cao Feng while he was working in Shanghai and took him back to Duolun County. He is now imprisoned in the Duolun County Jail. In past years, he and his family were continuously persecuted by the police. In 2003, a warden shocked him with electric batons. His neck and face swelled up with large blisters. He was subsequently extorted out of 4,500 yuan before his release.
My Mother Hu Qili's Story
2009-09-24My mother's name is Hu Qili. She is 48 years old. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 21st, 1999, and was fired by the hospital director and Communist Party Secretary two days later. During the last ten years, my mother has been detained three times and sent to a labour camp twice. She is again facing sentencing. I cannot fully describe my mother's suffering. The type of physical and mental torture can only be understood by those who have personally experienced it.
Police from Cangzhou City and Huanghua City Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-09-24On the evening of September 7th, 2009, the Cangzhou City and Huanghua City Police Departments in Hebei Province arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners. On September 7th, more than a dozen police officers broke into the home of Ms. Pu Shuhui, 62. They ransacked the home, and confiscated all of Ms. Pu's Falun Gong books and materials, as well as a personal computer. The police also threatened Ms. Pu's children. Eventually Ms. Pu was released on bail awaiting trial.
Call to Rescue My Mother Ms. Chen Zhenping
2009-09-23My mother, Ms. Chen Zhenping, was sent to the Zhengzhou City Detention Centre. The practitioners there were forced to do 15 hours of forced labour daily, and they were forbidden from talking or using the toilet during that period. They usually held one position for more than ten hours, and were forced to make 2,000 to 3,000 lighters per capita every day. Many people's hands peeled layer by layer, which brought them burning pain at night. Some criminal offenders couldn't tolerate the hard labour, and committed suicide. Although my mother was already in her later fifties, she had to finish 3,000 lighters every day, the same quota as the younger detainees. Moreover, she suffered abuse and was severely beaten at any whim there.
I Was Arrested and My Husband Died From Shock - First-Hand Report of How I Was Persecuted
2009-09-23I was not even in my 50's and yet I had to retire and stay at home due to illness. In March 1995, my husband started the practice with me. We both experienced tremendous improvements in health and fitness. In December 2000, police deceived me to leave my house. They dragged me into a car and took me to the Shizui Brainwashing Centre to be incarcerated for more than two months. During my incarceration, my husband was under extreme mental pressure and he cried every day. He used to be very healthy but suddenly his health deteriorated. When I was arrested again my husband had a stroke. On September 30th, 2004, my husband passed away due to shock and fear.
Mr. Liu Zhongquan Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment; His Wife Sentenced to Forced Labour
2009-09-22On August 12th, 2008, Mr. Liu Zhongquan and his wife Ms. Liu Zhenxian went to visit Mr. Wang Jinglun. As they were reading the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun at Mr. Wang's home, they were arrested by police. That night, Mr. Wang's home was ransacked. Mr. Liu was detained and held in the First Detention Centre of Bin County. Ms. Liu Zhenxian was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour and is being held in the Qianjin Labour Camp of Harbin City. Their son, now in secondary school, has been left home alone to fend for himself. On December 1st, 2008, the Bin County Court brought Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Liu Zhongquan to trial. Despite the defence, judges sentenced Mr. Liu to four years of imprisonment.
Recalling the Unimaginable Abuse I Survived Along with Fellow Practitioners in a Detention Centre
2009-09-21In July 2000, I was 22. I was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and put in a detention centre for going to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. You can hardly imagine how evil the environment is unless you are in it and experience it yourself. What you heard every day were the guards beating and cursing the inmates, the sound of the electronic batons, and the cry of pain from the victims. A male practitioner insisted on doing the exercises and was shocked with electric batons, beaten by inmates, burned with cigarettes, and his fingernails were stabbed with needles. I was also tortured with a torture device called the "iron chair. When I was released I could not walk.
57-Year-Old Ms. Zhang Shufen's Account of the Mistreatment She Endured in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2009-09-21Ms. Zhang Shufen was sentenced to imprisonment in 2002 for refusing to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. She was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison and suffered five years and eight months of torture. In prison, police incited the criminals to brutally torture Ms. Zhang. In July 2004, thirty of us were hung up. Three hours passed, but we were still hung up. I passed out due to the pain. When I became conscious, I was still hanging. Another time my hands were handcuffed together in this painful position called "carrying a sword on the back." Inmates were incited to kick and punch me.
My Experience at the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-09-20I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour in 2008, and imprisoned at the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labour Camp. The labour camp was overcrowded. The younger ones had to sleep on the floor. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imprisoned many people in the labour camp in order to make money through free labour. The labour camp had many orders to fulfil. Some were for toys, some were for mobile phone cases. Inmates had to work more than ten hours a day, seven days a week. Some inmates' wrists and fingers were injured by the repetitive labour. Some had friction burns on their hands, some had swollen legs. Inmates had to ask for permission before using the toilet.
Shandong Province Men's Second Forced Labour Camp Uses Unknown Drugs to Harm Practitioners
2009-09-20During 2008 and 2009, approximately 300 male Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Shandong Province Men's Second Forced Labour Camp. The camp guards instructed other inmates to mix unknown drugs into food that was fed to practitioners. The unknown drugs caused symptoms that included headache, dizziness, body numbness, and nosebleed, along with swelling of the face, feet and legs. The prison guards' motives were to destroy the will and spirit of the practitioners and force them to renounce Falun Gong.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Judge from Longjiang County, Heilongjiang Province Warns: Appealing (Unjust) Sentence Means Extended Prison Term
2009-09-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Jinghe was arrested on May 8th, 2008 by police from Longjiang County. On June 11th, 2009 he was sentenced to three years in prison. The judge at the Longjiang County Court threatened him, "Don't appeal your case. If you do, your case will be handed back for re-trial and you will receive an extension to your prison term." Nonetheless, seeking justice, Mr. Yu's younger brother filed an appeal with the Intermediate Court of Qiqihar City on August 4th, 2008. Due to unclear facts and inadequate evidence in Mr. Yu's case, the court called off the original judgement and ordered a re-trial at the court where Mr. Yu was originally convicted.