Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Li Juhua Detained at Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre in Wuhan City
2009-09-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Juhua was arrested by local 610 Office personnel Hu Shuzhi and others. They also searched her home. Currently, she is detained at Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre. When her family asked Hu Zhishu for her whereabouts, he responded viciously and yelled, "Get out of the office!" One week after Li Juhua's arrest, her family finally discovered her whereabouts.
Ms. Du Zhiheng, in Her 70s, Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2009-09-06Since July 20th, 1999 when Jiang Zemin, the then head of the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Du Zhiheng has been arrested twice for adhering to her practice of Falun Gong. In September 2007, officials ransacked her home and took away many of her personal belongings, including cash and deposit books. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had considered Ms. Du Zhiheng a leader of the local practice group and wanted to sentence her to prison for seven years. At the end of April, 2009, Ms. Du Zhiheng was arrested by the police in Nanyang City. On August 18th, a court session began to try Ms. Du.
Health Gym Proprietor Arrested for Practising Falun Gong, Her Home Ransacked
2009-09-06At noon on August 17th, 2009, officials from the Hailin City No.1 Police Station in Heilongjiang Province broke into Ms. Zhou Huifang's health gym and arrested her. They sent out three police vehicles to ransack her home and confiscate her personal belongings, including printers and computers. Mr. Huo Jiuxian, Ms. Zhou Huifang's husband went to the No.1 Police Station to request his wife's release. However, officials there threatened their son and daughter-in-law to take Mr. Huo back home. Mr. Huo was severely persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the Cultural Revolution. Now his wife has been arrested by the police. Whenever he thinks about his wife's misfortune, he cries uncontrollably.
A Well-Regarded Person Arrested Again
2009-09-05On June 10th, 2009, a group of police officers went to the home of practitioner Wang Shenlun. Mr.Wang enjoyed helping people, and was often commended for his work. After they arrested him and took him to the detention centre, they took his key and ransacked his house when no one was there. They seized personal property, worth over 10,000 yuan. A few days later, Mr. Wang was taken to the Boyuquan Jail, but family members were not allowed to visit him. His eighty-year-old mother and other family members went to the National Security Squadron many times to request Mr. Wang's release, but they were rejected and were told that Mr. Wang would be prosecuted and sentenced to prison.
Imprisoned for Years for Refusing to Quit Practising Falun Gong
2009-09-04My name is Qu Lihua and I am forty-four years old. Because of my perseverance in practising Falun Gong, I have been arrested, locked up, fired from my job and put into forced-labour camps in the past ten years. Now I have been forced to be homeless for almost two years. In the detention centre, us Falun Gong practitioners started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards and prisoners dragged us out while beating and kicking us and force-fed us. We were pressed down to chairs with our arms twisted behind our backs. It felt as if my arms were about to break. Prison doctors held mouth-opening devices, pinched our noses, and force fed us highly salted corn gruel, which spilled all over our heads and bodies. Some fellow practitioners were injured to the extent that they vomited blood and some lost consciousness.
Ms. Wang Xiangju Is Sentenced to Four Years in Prison As the Court Warns, "The Greater the Defence, the More Severe the Sentence"
2009-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiangju was recently sentenced to four years in prison by the District Court of Yuanbao in Dandong City, Liaoning Province. During the trial, her lawyer questioned the witness on the testimony he provided and made reasonable defence for her. However, he was threatened by the judge, who warned, "The more you defend her, the more severe her sentence will be. You have no choice but to have her plead guilty." Since the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Wang has been repeatedly arrested and sent to jail because of her unwillingness to give up the practice.
Secret Sentencing in Chengdu Court As Judge Lin Qiao Is Again Responsible for a Miscarriage of Justice
2009-09-04Chengdu Falun Gong practitioner Chen Changyuan sued the court after being sentenced to three years. On July 18th, he received a notice overruling his appeal and the unjust sentence from the first trial was upheld. He was taken secretly to Deyang Prison, but his attorney and family members were not notified by Judge Lin Qiao. After Mr. Chen's appeal for a hearing was accepted by the Intermediate Court, Lin Qiao tried many tactics to thwart Mr. Chen's attorney, first by preventing him from copying the notes from the first trial; second, by informing the attorney that it would be a "written trial" and not heard publicly; and third, by insisting the attorney hand over his speech for the defence prior to the case being heard.
Mr. Feng Gang Arrested Again in Dalian, His Whereabouts Unknown
2009-09-03Falun Gong practitioner Feng Gang was detained and tortured at a detention centre for more than one month and was in critical condition. He was taken to the hospital on August 10th. Despite the pain he was in, Feng Gang left the hospital to escape the police. It was said that Feng Gang was arrested by police at a supermarket, after returning home from the hospital. Feng Gang's family members went to a local police station and policeman Li Hongqiao told them: "Feng Gang will die within a few days."
Married Couple Mr. You Changbao and Ms. Gao Wencheng Arrested Again in Harbin City
2009-09-03On August 14th, 2009, police Mr. You Changbao while he was on his way to work. He was taken back to his home. The police confiscated dozens of Falun Gong books, one laptop computer and 2,000 yuan in cash. When asked if they had a search warrant, the officers replied: "There is no need for a search warrant for people like you (those who practise Falun Gong)." Mr. You's wife, Ms. Gao Wencheng, ran out of the house, but the officers caught her. They grabbed her by the hair and the ear and took her to a police car. Mr. You and Ms. Gao are now held at the Tonghe County Detention Centre.
Brutal Persecution in Lingqing City, Shandong Province
2009-09-02On August 2nd, 2009, the Linqing City Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province gave orders to the police in townships and villages under its jurisdiction to harass, arrest Falun Gong practitioners, and ransack their homes. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Lin was arrested from her home on August 3rd by police. They confiscated a computer, printer, a taxi tricycle, and tools. Ms. Wang was taken to a detention centre where she was so brutally beaten that her cervical spine was fractured, which caused her to lose consciousness. She was sent to the 2nd District Hospital in Liaocheng City.
Sentenced to Six Years in Prison, Mr. Zhang Deming Repeatedly Persecuted
2009-09-02Since 1999, Mr. Zhang Deming has been arrested, detained, and sent to brainwashing centres several times. On March 10th, 2008, the police arrested Mr. Zhang in his home, and confiscated a large amount of his personal property. On February 13th, 2009, the Baobeidian City Court sentenced him to a six-year prison term. On March 18th, two attorneys hired by Mr. Zhang's family, defended Mr. Zhang's innocence. However, on June 10th, the Baoding Intermediate Court disregarded the attorneys' appeal. When the attorneys told the court that the sentence was unreasonable, the court personnel replied, "We are unreasonable to begin with!" On July 15th, 2009, Mr. Zhang was sent to Jidong Prison.
Mr. Wang Zhige Blinded in One Eye Due to Torture
2009-09-01Fangzheng County police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhige from Yilan County and detained him. They savagely beat him and brutally force-fed him, which resulted in blindness in his left eye. The court later slapped him with a three-year sentence and sent him to the Hulan Prison. He was forced to stand from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. daily for ten days. Guards incited inmates to violently beat him.
Chen Jingyu Suffered Gross Mistreatment at the Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp
2009-09-01Ms. Chen Jingyu is a Falun Gong practitioner who suffered gross mistreatment in the local police station, detention centre and labour camp. She details her plight, as follows:"As soon as I arrived at the labour camp, the guards attempted to "reform" me. I knew deep in my heart that there was nothing wrong for me to practise Falun Gong, so I firmly refused to listen to them. They then found several "helpers" who were sent in by 610 Office agents. They forced me to watch videos slandering Falun Gong. One "helper" talked to me day and night, trying to get me to practise other beliefs. These guards and "helpers" ordered practitioners to write "four statements to denounce Falun Gong". Everything they used were deceptions and intimidations, which they didn't dare to reveal to the public.
Miss Xu Yiwen Detained Again, Her Family Repeatedly Persecuted
2009-08-31It was said that around 5 a.m. on July 30th, officers from the Domestic Security Division took Xu Yiwen to the Baishan Forced Labour Camp. So far, this report has not been verified. As Xu Yiwen's parents, Xu Dongcheng and Wang Shu'er, are Falun Gong practitioners, the high school she attended expelled her. Previously, on April 16th, 2009, policemen broke into the home of Wang Shu'er's mother. They again arrested Xu Dongcheng, Wang Shu'er and their daughter, Xu Yiwen, who were taking care of their ill grandmother. They confiscated a computer and other items. They detained the family of three in the Linjiang Detention Centre. Xu Yiwen was detained for fifteen days.
Police Beat Ms. Zhao Qunlan and Arrested Practitioners Who Attended Her Trial in Yueyang City Court
2009-08-31On August 4th, the Junshan District Court in Yueyang City held a court session to try Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Qunlan. During the session, the police harassed Ms. Zhao's two lawyers, threatened and arrested practitioners who came to watch the trial, and shocked Ms. Zhao with an electric baton after the trial. The two lawyers pleaded not guilty for Ms. Zhao, and praised Falun Gong practitioners as true heroes.