Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Crimes Committed by the 610 Office of Xuanhua City, Hebei Province, in Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-02-14On November 27th, 2006, Ms. Lei Wenxia was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa to people in Xuanhua City. She was arrested by the police from Nandajie Police Station and taken to the Detention Centre of Xuahua City, where she has been detained for over two months. When Ms. Lei Wenxia was first sent to the detention centre, she could eat and do things well. Later, her health declined. She was unable to eat, vomiting if she tried. The detention centre gave her intravenous injections against her will.
UK Resident’s Sister is Illegally Imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party
2007-02-13Mrs. Wenjian Liang is the younger sister of UK citizen Mrs. Jane Liang. In February 2000, Mrs Wenjian Liang was illegally arrested because she practises Falun Gong and is against the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the practice. She was been sentenced to 2 years in a forced labour camp by Guangzhou police station without any legal trial. We are calling for the international society to help rescue Wenjian Liang and Zhiyong Lin, and to condemn the CCP’s evil conduct.
Recent Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-13In September 2006, the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp "borrowed" a gang of guards from several other places. These guards colluded with the local Masanjia female guards to torture, using excruciating means, the practitioners who refused to be "reformed." The guards handcuffed practitioners to two metal beds, stretching their hands as much as possible in the process. Some practitioners' hands were bound to their calves, forcing them to bend down without the ability to stand straight or sit down. Over time this is extremely painful, as all the body's weight is concentrated on the handcuffed positions
Lawyer from Jinan City, Shandong Province, Mr. Liu Ruping, is Tortured at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-12Mr. Liu was sent to the No. 2 Forced Labour Camp (Wangcun Forced Labour Camp), after publishing an article entitled, "Stop the Brutal Brainwashing of Falun Gong Practitioners. He was subjected to brutal torture. Mr. Liu was forced to sit on a small bench in the freezing cold hallway from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. After an extended period of time like this, his buttocks were bleeding and torn flesh stuck to his trousers. However, the guards did not even allow him to take a shower or wash his clothes.
Mr. Tian Shuangjiang Recounts the Persecution He Experienced at the Keerqin District Detention Centre in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia
2007-02-12"I was detained in a detention centre for one year, then I realised that it was wrong to suffer this persecution, and I refused to wear the prison uniform. Guard Liu Xixian put me in a "pig shackle," handcuffs and shackles soldered together with a short iron shackle. One cannot stand up straight, and can only take small steps while bent over. One cannot even undo one's trousers to use the toilet without someone's help. Later they put another tool on me made of iron pipes with shackles on the upper end for the hands, and shackles on the lower end for the legs. After being secured one cannot even move. They made the shackles very tight, even cutting into my muscles. I spent four days and nights like this; it seemed worse than death."
Women's Division of the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp (Heilongjiang Province) Brutally Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-02-11As soon as the guards had selected a victim for torture, that person would be subjected to a very cruel torture method, called the "forced back-bend" position. This is an extremely painful torture. One arm reaches down the back from behind the head and the other hand meets it from the lower back. The two hands are then cuffed together to the bedside. The victim is forced to sit on the floor in a right angle and not allowed to bend the legs. While being subjected to this torture method, guards and criminal inmates constantly twisted and pulled the victim's hands, resulting in excruciating pain. The hands swell within a short time and the handcuffs cut into the wrists. The victim is short of breath, suffers accelerated heart beat, and is soaked with perspiration.
How Practitioners Are Persecuted in the Second Forced Labour Camp in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
2007-02-11The second group often casually prolongs the sentences of the practitioners. They often do not inform the practitioners beforehand and use excuses such as "practitioners did not listen to their orders," "they practised the exercises," "they went on hunger strikes" and so on, to extend practitioners' sentences. The extension can be for five days, ten days or even up to several months long. During the extension of sentences, if a practitioner protests, the police threaten to extend the sentence even more. Falun Gong practitioner Liu Cheng had almost completed his sentence, but was informed that his sentence was extended for another ten days.
Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqing from Jilin City Imprisoned in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-02-11On January 4th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqing was reported to the authorities by security while she was giving out CDs exposing the persecution in the Chuanying District. She was arrested and taken to the Jilin City Detention Centre. On January 24th, 2007, the Detention Centre Administration took Ms. Sun Shuqing to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City without informing her family members. According to Ms. Sun, during the 20 days she was imprisoned at the detention centre, her health became very poor.
Ms. Gu Zhengfen from Sichuan Province Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in Yunnan Province
2007-02-11Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Gu Zhengfen persisted in her belief in Falun Gong and "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance." As a result, she was persecuted many times. Between 2000 and 2003, she was detained twice and sent to a forced labour camp for over a year. While at the detention centre, she was brutally beaten by police. Several of her front teeth were knocked out, and her mouth was taped shut. She wrote a letter to her employer to explain the facts about Falun Dafa, and later her home was broken into and she was arrested on February 28th, 2004. She was sentenced to five years in prison in January 2005.
Practitioner Ms. Li Dafan Persecuted at the Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-1057-year-old Ms. Li Dafan was sentenced to two years of forced labour and taken to Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp on July 25th, 2006. She said she would continue to practise Falun Dafa. She was not allowed contact with people, had to get up at 5 a.m. each morning and go to bed after midnight, and bombard with daily, endless brainwashing sessions and forced to watch slanderous TV programmes.
Practitioner Mr. Chen Donglin of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Tortured in Hongze Lake Prison
2007-02-09Practitioner Mr. Chen was sent to Hongze Lake Prison, where the prison had established tactics to "transform" practitioners. They first of all studied an imprisoned practitioner's background and then asked former practitioners, who turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture (collaborators) to go to the practitioner's home to pretend to comfort his family members. The whole process was videotaped and then shown to the practitioner involved, in an attempt to "transform" that practitioner by taking advantage of his affection for his family. Then they ordered the collaborators to force the practitioner to watch slanderous DVD programes and share their "understandings."
A Practitioner Exposes the Crimes Committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) After Her Memory Is Restored
2007-02-08"I once lost my memory due to the brutal persecution I endured. I was arrested at home and forcibly taken into detention. I was brutally beaten while my arms were handcuffed behind my back and my head was covered by a thick blanket. Officer Xu forced powdered red pepper into my nose, eyes and mouth. Officer Guo inserted two lit cigarettes into my nostrils. They shocked me with electric batons and repeatedly kicked me with heavy boots. Both of my arms were broken from the beating, and I lost feeling in both hands. I fainted several times during the ordeal."
Report on the Unjust Trial of Mr. Ye Zhenghui and Mr. Mao Dexing Held at Mishan Court in Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-08On January 12th, 2007, Mishan City Court held an unjust trial of two Falun Dafa practitioners, Mr. Ye Zhenghui and Mao Dexing. When the judge asked Mr. Ye Zhenghui if the public prosecutor’s statement was true, Mr. Ye replied that Jixi City National Protection Team agents had extorted a confession from him via torture. They had beaten him by putting an electric baton into his mouth and shocking him, and shocking his genital areas and other sensitive areas with electric batons. The presiding judge interrupted him crudely and asked why he insisted on practising. The presiding judge had been breaking the law during his executing the law, and he declared that Mr. Ye Zhenghui was guilty.
Ruthless Persecution by 610 Office and Police in Weihai, Shandong Province
2007-02-08I am a woman in my 60's. Because I practise Falun Gong, I have been arrested, and my home has been ransacked numerous times by officials from the Weihai 610 Office, the Weihai Zhudao Police Station, and the Weihai Huangguan Police Station. I have been detained, fined and sentenced to forced labour, and the authorities tried to brainwash me. Policemen cruelly tortured me, and I have suffered mental and physical harm, bringing irretrievable losses to my family.
Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-07On December 16th, 2006, twelve Falun Gong practitioners were sent to the intensive training team at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. Four of them were forced to sit on the "iron chair" that day and were tortured, and the other eight were hung up by their handcuffs, beaten, and shocked with electric devices on the afternoon of the following day, all because they refused to write the "three statements" promising to give up Falun Gong. Practitioners were also shocked on their mouths with electric devices for shouting "Falun Dafa is good!" In order to assist in the persecution, the nurses and doctors in the forced labour camp worked overtime, and more guards were dispatched to provide support.