Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Please Help Me Save My Mum
2008-09-22My dad, Mr. Zhang Xingwu, who is over 60 years old, and my mum, Ms. Liu Pinjie, have both been detained for more than a month. There is nobody at home to pick up the phone. I don't know how long I will have to wait before I can hear their voices again. I feel a great sense of hollowness. I try to not think about that phone call or happy memories. But, I am not able to stop thinking about my mother's voice from our last phone call before she was arrested. She had said only one sentence, but I will never forget it.
A Teacher from Jilin City Arrested and Tortured
2008-09-22Ms. Li Liwen is a 50-year-old primary schoolteacher from Jilin Province. She helped the most undisciplined kids in the school to become straight "A" students with the principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that she learned from Falun Gong. Yet this good teacher was arrested by police officers just before the opening of the Olympic Games. After being tortured for 42 days, she could barely walk and can no longer take care of herself.
Zhang Lianhe from Kaifeng City Arrested--Happy Family Torn Apart
2008-09-22On July 21st, 2008, at about 8:00 p.m., practitioner Zhang Lianhe was on his way back to his home town Kaifeng from Zhengzhou City after getting off duty. He called his family and told them that he was on a city bus and would be home soon. But at about 9:00 p.m., his family got a text message from him, which stated, "The company asked me to go back to Zhengzhou, my mobile phone battery is going to run out, and I will contact you later." However, Zhang Lianhe had actually been arrested. Zhang Lianhe has been in custody for more than a month without his family hearing any information about him.
Torture Methods Used to Force Practitioners to Renounce Falun Gong at the Shandong Province Number Two Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-09-21Practitioners have to endure daily long hours of slave labour, in addition to brainwashing. They worked from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., sometimes till midnight. Aside from going to the toilet, taking half an hour to eat lunch, or doing stand up work, everyone sits on a small bench the entire day. Guards forbid them to talk or to walk freely. Many practitioners who have been detained here, too numerous to mention, have died as a result of torture, suffered a mental collapse, were injured, disabled or came down with various illnesses in recent years.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liu Hailan of Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province, Arrested at Gunpoint
2008-09-21While Ms. Liu Hailan and five other practitioners were distributing information exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in a town on the evening of August 21st, 2008, they were chased by a police patrol car. Three of the six practitioners managed to escape. When the police intercepted the remaining practitioners, three officers jumped out of the patrol car and drew their guns. The practitioners were immediately arrested, put in the patrol car, and driven to the Erlongshan Town Police Station. Ms. Liu, who is almost 60 years old, is being held in the Fujin City Detention Centre.
Mr. Cui Dejun's Whereabouts Unknown and His Relatives Arrested
2008-09-21On May 12th, 2008, Mr. Cui Dejun, who was held in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. After 23 days, he became unconscious and then became incontinent for two days. The labour camp did nothing to treat him. It is said that Mr. Cui successfully escaped from Masanjia Labour Camp on August 11th, 2008. However, Mr. Cui's whereabouts and physical condition are currently unknown. On August 14th, 2008, his sister-in-law was arrested at gunpoint by the police. On August 15th, Mr. Cui's fourth brother and his wife were also arrested at gunpoint by the police at the store they own.
Ms. Xin Shuhua Tortured and Force-fed Poison at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2008-09-20In March 2008, practitioner Xin Shuhua was detained at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. The guards used all kinds of methods to torture her in attempt to make her give up Falun Gong. Xin Shuhua had been once before been detained at Masanjia for three years. She was imprisoned for explaining the facts about Falun Gong to the public. Because she did not give up her belief, refused to work and went on hunger strike, the guards beat her with electric batons. Then they hung her up, bound her on to a "dead person's bed", and locked her in a dark cell, where she had to squat. The guards used an iron support to hold her mouth open and poured in poison, making her jaw disjointed four times. They injected poison into her and forced her to sit on a "tiger bench".
Wei Haiming and His Wife Zhao Zonghua Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison in Secret Trial
2008-09-20In July 2008, officials at the Datong County Court in Xining City, Qinghai Province sentenced Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wei Haiming and his wife Ms. Zhao Zonghua to five years in prison without a public trial. They are now incarcerated at the Menyuan Prison in Qinghai Province. Datong Court officials were afraid of letting the public know of the trial. The court did not inform their families, nor the defence lawyers the families had hired before the trial. The lawyers told the families afterwards, "Datong Court officials did not follow official legal procedures." Wei Haiming and Zhao Zonghua's families asked why they were not informed of the trial ahead of time. The court officials replied sarcastically, "Why did we need to?"
Shijiazhuang City Court Plans Second Trial for Liu Lina; Her Whole Family Has Been Persecuted
2008-09-19Shijiazhuang City Court officials in Hebei Province plan to hold another trial for Ms. Liu Lina next week. The exact date is unknown. On February 15th, 610 Office agents arrested her at home. They also arrested her husband and her brother and took away her computer and printer. The policemen fabricated evidence and a confession and forced her family members to sign the documents before releasing them. Twelve days later, using the falsified confession as proof, they officially arrested Ms. Liu. Currently, she is detained at the Shijiazhuang City No.1 Detention Centre.
Paralysed from Torture, Ms. Xiao Yunying Arrested Again
2008-09-18Ms. Xiao Yunying, 58 years old, started practising Falun Gong in 1997. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Xiao Yunying was detained numerous times in a brainwashing centre, but she firmly refused to write the three statements denouncing her belief. During her detention, both her legs became paralysed due to being tortured, and she has needed special care ever since. During the Olympic Torch Relay in Anyang City, Henan Province, Ms. Xiao Yunying was subjected to more persecution, and was sent to the Xinxiang Women's Prison on July 23rd, 2008.
Li Wenhe's Family Members Persecuted in Mancheng County, Hebei Province
2008-09-18On the evening of August 7th, 2008, Li Zhenxing, the eldest son of Mr. Li Wenhe, and Ma Liuquan were arrested by Chinese Communist Party officials when they were distributing Falun Gong materials about the persecution in a village. The two were beaten in the Xiantai Rural Police Station. In the materials describing the local persecution, Yang Ping, deputy leader of the Rural, was described as talking about when Li Wenhe's home was ransacked. Yang Ping got very angry. On August 8th, Li Wenhe's home was ransacked by police. Mr. Li Wenhe, his wife Zhou Wenfang, and a younger son, Li Zhenning, were arrested.
Police Shut Down Pharmacy Run by a Practitioner - Customers Outraged
2008-09-18On August 1st, 2008, Liu Fa, a Communist Party official entered the Tongxintang Pharmacy in Weixian City. He wanted to confiscate Dr. Gong's identity card. This is a card needed to do bank transactions, make purchases in shopping centres and conduct many business-related activities. Hence, Dr. Gong refused. As a result, Liu Fa called for police officers and had the pharmacy surrounded. Many of Dr. Gong's patients were scared and left the pharmacy. Police confiscated all the medicine and equipment in the pharmacy. They also arrested several employees and ransacked some of their homes. Dr. Gong Zhe, and his staff have been sent to the Zhangjiakou brainwashing centre. One customer said, "Closing the pharmacy has brought harm to many families. This act is truly sinful."
Elderly Ms. Tang Liwen Brought to Trial by Inner Mongolia Court
2008-09-18Ms. Tang Liwen, 68, has been detained for more than eight months and was brought to trial by the Inner Mongolia Tonglia Court. During her detention she was taken to the hospital against her will to be force-fed and was injected with unknown drugs. Her family members have travelled to and from many departments asking for her release. Her husband, 78 years old, is under surveillance and monitored by police officers. People from the local community management committee and the police station have taken turns going into his home to harass him, which has made it very difficult for him to live a normal life.
Married Couple Ms. Li Mingyan and Mr. Meng Xianwu's Experiences of Being Persecuted
2008-09-17On the morning of June 17th, 2008, Mr. Meng Xianwu, an internal medicine doctor at a factory hospital, was arrested by officers from the Xijie Police Station in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. At noon, three policemen knocked at Ms. Li Mingyan's door, (Li is Meng's wife), and claimed that they were there to collect the electricity fee. Li Mingyan refused to open the door. The officers threatened, "If you don't open the door, we'll break into your house through the windows. Once we are in, we are going to beat you to death."
Practitioners from Jiamusi City Sent to Forced Labour Camps
2008-09-17On the morning of July 30th, 2008, practitioners Ms. Wang Guizhen, Ms. Fan Shujuan and Ms. Sun Hongwei, were arrested by police from the Jiaxi Police Station because they had told many people about the persecution of Falun Gong. The police also ransacked their homes. Later, their family members went to the police station and asked for the release of these practitioners. The police refused to release them and they used the excuse that the arrests were necessary for the "security of the Olympic Games."