Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Woman Detained and Sent to Brainwashing Centre for Enquiring About Her Mother's Situation at the Police Station
2008-01-22On January 8th, 2008, Liu Jing went to the National Security Team of the Sanhe City Police Department to enquire about the situation of her mother, Yang Huirong. Her mother had been arrested by the National Security Team a couple of days earlier. On the night of January 2nd, 2008, Ms. Yang Huirong, in her 60s, and Ms. Wang Lanhua, in her 40s, were taken away. Liu Jing intended to take her mother home. However, Liu Jing herself was detained. Then the police from the National Security Team ransacked her home and searched her mother's home again.
Arrested by 610 Office, Zhu Guilin is Persecuted Again in Changde City Brainwashing Centre
2008-01-22On October 18th, 2007, when Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Guilin was going downstairs in her home, 610 Office agents, who had been waiting downstairs, grabbed her and dragged her down. Zhu Guilin's clothes were torn and her upper body was exposed. Zhu Guilin shouted that officials were arresting an innocent person. A number of bystanders witnessed the arrest, and many of them denounced the officials' conduct. In spite of sharp criticism from the bystanders and the protest of her family, these people forcibly took Zhu Guilin to the Changde City Brainwashing Centre. Zhu Guilin started a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was brutally force-fed.
Corrupt Mishan City Police Send Two Practitioners to Labour Camps After Extorting Money from Family
2008-01-20On July 28th, 2007, police from the Dangbi Township Police Station arrested practitioners Mr. Zhang Chuanfu, 21, and Mr. Xue Yanrong, 33. Police officers not only extorted 5,000 yuan from the practitioners' families but also sent the practitioners to a forced labour camp. On October 17th, Mr. Zhang Chuanfu's father came to the police station and asked for permission to see his son. Han said, "They are gone." Zhang's father, "Why? Where did you send them? What law did he violate?" Han said, "He distributed Falun Gong flyers, and that was against the law. I have no idea where they were sent."
My Experiences in Tianhe Detention Centre in Guangzhou and Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai
2008-01-18In Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai, I was first forced to do various kinds of work, making trousers, miniature British national flags, knitting sweaters, sewing Korean clothes, doll clothes, coverlets, covers for quilts, small cotton mats, etc. The guards' bonus is directly connected with our production profit, so prisoners become their tools for making a profit. Each prisoner has a production quota and must fulfill it in the stipulated time. If the quota isn't met, the prisoner would be punished by having to copy the rules of the prison all night, put in isolation or forced to do aerobic exercises under the burning sun, prohibited from buying some of the relatively better food items, restricted in buying commodities, not be allowed to take a bath, etc.
Police Kidnap and Rob Several Practitioners from Dafangshen Town, Dehui City, Jilin Province
2008-01-17On December 17th, 2007, Mr. Liu Guiqing's home was surrounded by three police cars. Police forcefully dragged Mr. Liu Guiqing on to the street and put him into a police car. The police also attempted to kidnap Mr. Liu Guiqing's wife. Mr. Liu's wife argued strongly and interrogated them, "I have not violated any laws. Why do you try to arrest people illegally?" She held the door-frame and would not let them bring her away. After they confiscated their Falun Gong leaflets they detained Mr. Liu. Currently, Mr. Liu is still imprisoned in the Dehui Municipal Detention Centre.
Ms. Yang Huirong and Ms. Wang Lanhua from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, Arrested
2008-01-16On the evening of January 2nd, 2008, Ms. Yang Huirong, in her 60s, and Ms. Wang Lanhua, in her 40s, from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, were arrested by local authorities. On the morning of January 3rd, Ms. Yang's home was ransacked, and her MP3 player, her tape recorder, and Falun Gong books were confiscated. The two women were taken to Sanhe City Detention Centre. Previously, Ms. Yang's daughter, Liu Ying, also a Falun Gong practitioner, became mentally ill and jumped off a building after being brainwashed.
The Persecution of a Graduate Student from Fudan University, Shanghai
2008-01-16I was arrested by police from Fushun Police Station and was detained for five days and nights, during which time I was not allowed to sleep. They severely beat me and tied my hands behind my back with thin ropes for long periods (the scars have remained). A policewoman made up an interrogation record, and tried to force me to answer questions about whether I practised Falun Gong and/or browsed Falun Gong-related websites. A doctor refused to treat me when he saw the bruises and injuries all over my body. Later I learned that the hospital's director was told by the police that it didn't matter if I died. The police handcuffed and shackled me and ordered inmates to beat me and to stop me from doing the sitting meditation. They force- fed me for thirteen days at the custodial station and then I was transferred to another cell and tortured there.
Ms. Han Guanrong, 63, Arrested Again After Suffering in a Forced Labour Camp for Six Years
2008-01-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Han Guangrong is 63 years old. She suffered from several chronic illnesses that disappeared within several months of practising Falun Gong. Ever since, she was determined to be a good person and live by Falun Dafa's principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." However, over the past 8 years, government officials have ransacked her home, arrested her, sentenced her to forced labour camps and prison, and withheld her pension. These perpetrators often harassed and monitored her. Now, Ms. Han has been arrested again. Her continuous suffering has brought great pressure to her entire family.
Saertu District Public Security Bureau Officers of Daqing City Refuse to Release Ms. Li Hui and Attempt to Sentence Her
2008-01-1438-year-old Ms. Li Hui, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested but then escaped on April 25th, 2007. Afterwards, she was arrested once again and taken to Daqing Detention Centre on September 20th. It has been over three months since her arrest. Police took turns torturing her cruelly for several days and as a result she suffered third degree burns. They forced her to sit in an Iron Chair and did not allow her to sleep for several days. According to inside sources, the Saertu Public Security Bureau authorities refuse to release her and they have attempted to bring accusations to sentence her. Her husband divorced her due to the long term economic and mental pressure from the CCP.
Latest Update on the Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province
2008-01-13Just before October 1st (China's National Day holiday), Liqingu Town police barged into Ms. Xu Tongyan's home, confiscated her family property, arrested her, and took her to the police station. That night she was hung up and beaten by police officers while she was handcuffed. Later, she escaped. Liqingu Town head deceived her family and said, "Have her come home. We guarantee it will be all right." Her family members believed him, so Ms. Xu was found, and she returned home. The Liqingu Town police promptly arrested her and still have her in detention.
Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province Residents Ms. Ma Ruizhen and Ms. Zhu Cuiying Arrested
2008-01-13On November 29th, 2007, two groups of police from the Shuozhou City Police Department, Shanxi Province, were sent to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. One group arrested Ms. Ma Ruizhen, who lives in the family compound of the city's party commission. The other group arrested Ms. Zhu Cuiying, who lives in the family compound of the Shuocheng District Bureau of Industry and Commerce. The police ransacked their homes, took away their computers, printers, and other personal items. Ms. Ma Ruizhen and Ms. Zhu Cuiying are now imprisoned at the Shuocheng District Detention Centre in Shuozhou City.
Police in Anqiu, Shandong Province Mass-Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-12On the evening of November 2nd, 2007, mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners took place in Anqui City. The police forced open the doors or windows of practitioners' homes, arrested people and seized private belongings. Arrested female practitioners are currently being held at the Anqiu City Detention Centre. A 15-square-metre cell holds 31 people, 21 of whom are practitioners. In the morning they are made to drink dirty dish water, at lunchtime they are given old vegetable leaves boiled in salt water and rancid pickles, and in the evening they have to crowd themselves together on the damp, cold floor. The space is so tight that they can barely turn over.
Persecution Suffered by Yang Guozheng in Qijiang County, Chongqing
2008-01-11Ms. Yang Guozheng, 58 years old, is a resident of Songnan Road in Qijiang County. Yang Guozheng suffered all kinds of persecution, including detention, extortion of money and having her house ransacked and property confiscated. Her younger daughter, Wang Jirong, was persecuted until she died. In March 2004, police ransacked her home, arrested her and detained her in the Country Detention Centre for 30 days.
Ms. Zhu Guoying from Heilongjiang Province, in Her Fifties, Arrested, Her Elderly Mother Has No Place to Appeal
2008-01-1051-year-old Ms. Zhu Guoying, a Falun Gong practitioner, was taken from her home by local police on December 2nd, 2007. Without showing any ID, they only claimed that someone had reported Ms. Zhu for speaking about the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong, and they said they had received orders from upper management to arrest her. In fact, this was just an excuse. The truth is that, with the year end approaching, they wanted to extort some money. Accompanied by relatives, her mother went to appeal but was threatened by official personnel.
I Have Been Persecuted for Eight Years and Am Now Disabled
2008-01-09My name is Wang Xiuqing. I live in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. Because I practise Falun Gong, I have been persecuted for eight years and have become disabled. The persecution of Falun Gong by the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its former secretary Jiang Zemin has not only disrupted my normal life but also brought tremendous pressure and harm to my family. The 610 Office agents have continually harassed my family and me. We have lived under constant fear, which has traumatised us physically and psychologically. During these eight years, I have been detained three times and held in a forced labour camp for a year and a half.