Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Falun Gong Practitioner Mei Jianqi of Shanghai is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2004-12-11Mr. Mei Jianqi, in his late twenties, entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a student in the School of Mechanical Engineering. University authorities expelled him from school in October 1999 because he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was then not willing to write the "Guarantee Statement" to give up the practice.
Elderly Ms. Liu Yingfu is Persecuted to Disability for Refusing to Become a Secret Agent
2004-12-08My name is Ms. Liu Yingfu and I am 58 years old. I live in Chongqing City. Because Jiang's faction persecutes Falun Dafa, the local police officers forced me to write a statement guaranteeing that I would not practise Falun Gong and I would turn in my Dafa books. Afterwards, they tried to get me to become a secret agent. Because I refused their demands, they took me to a brainwashing centre. Their persecution of my mother-in-law caused her death. The police officers asked my relatives to monitor me and the harassment never ceased. As a result, I eventually became disabled and unable to take care of myself.
An Account of the Brutal Crimes Committed by Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Reenactment Photos)
2004-12-07On January 30, 2001, more than 200 male prison guards, descended on the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp where Falun Gong practitioners were detained.They took all the practitioners to the corridor while beating and cursing at them. Some practitioners were thrown out into the corridor by a group of three guards, one grasping the hair and the other two holding the practitioner's thighs. The sound generated by electric batons, the prison guards' cursing and threats, and the sound of brutal beating, all mixed together. The prison guards tried to force Falun Gong practitioners to confess to fabricated charges.
A 65-year-old Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Disability at Baimalong Labour Camp
2004-12-0765-year old Ms. Yang Jusheng was sent to the Baimalong Women's Labour Camp in May 2004 for her belief in Falun Dafa. Since then, she has endured various inhumane tortures. She was forced to stand for an extended period of time, which caused a serious prolapse of her rectum and she was not allowed to sleep for 13 days straight. In addition, the long-term physical punishment left both of her feet disabled, and now she can barely walk.
Appalling Acts of Persecution at the Majialong Forced Labour Camp in Jiujiang City
2004-12-06Majialong Forced Labour Camp is located in Jiujiang City of Jiangxi Province. It is used for detention of Falun Gong practitioners. The labour camp perpetrators have abused, mistreated, tormented and tortured Falun Gong practitioners with shocking methods.
Practitioners Qiao Zhongjin and Zhao Hongli are Persecuted to the Brink of Death in the Wujiawa Detention Centre in Chaoyang City
2004-12-06Practitioners Qiao Zhongjin and Zhao Hongli from Jianping County, Liaoning Province, went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution and are now at death's door. Qiao Zhongjin originally weighed over 180 Jin (202 pounds), but is now only about 80 Jin (88 pounds). He may die at any time. Qiao Zhongjin's wife, practitioner Fu Minling, was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for further persecution.
The Terrorist-Style Persecution Tactics of the National Security Bureau 610 Office in Chongqing (Part II)
2004-12-05More than twenty police officers drove to Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Genhui's home in Dashiba. They broke the door down with axes, and many police rushed in. One of them tried to push the daughter Peng Zhaojun out through the window, while another bunch of them intentionally shouted downstairs "Falun Gong, don't jump off the building!" They tried to create an incident of a Falun Gong practitioner committing suicide by jumping off the building. Their plot failed because almost one hundred people came to the rescue.
Hong Kong Practitioner: Shanghai Police Abducted My Mother For Telling People the Truth about the Persecution
2004-12-05I am a practitioner from Hong Kong. My mother Zhu Wenxian is also a Falun Gong practitioner. On November 9, 2004, my mother was talking to people about the true situation of Falun Gong in a market in Shanghai when the Shanghai police abducted her. This is not the first time the police have abducted her. She is still being detained.
Exposing the Prisons, Detention Centres and Brainwashing Classes that Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City
2004-12-05Baofeng Road Women's Prison in Wuhan is located on One Baofeng Road of Hankou District in Wuhan. Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Dafa began, many women practitioners from downtown Wuhan City in Hubei Province and from other cities around Wuhan have been detained there. Many Dafa practitioners were tortured there.
Practitioner Ms. Fuli's Hands Disabled by Torture at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-12-04Forty-one-year-old Heilongjiang Province practitioner Ms. Fuli was arrested and sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in November 1999 because she appealed for freedom to practise Falun Dafa. In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Fuli endured inhuman treatment. She was hung by her thumbs, placed in solitary confinement, and tortured in many others ways. To hang her by her thumbs, the police tied rope around her thumbs and then hung her up by the rope. Her thumbs had to sustain the weight of her whole body! After being suspended like that for a long time, her thumbs became deformed and her hands disabled.
The Barbaric Torture I Endured at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-12-02"On November 22, 1999, my older sister and I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. From then on I was detained in detention centres and a labour camp several times. I experienced the most inhumane and debased torture and persecution that you could ever imagine, including beatings with electric batons, forced-feedings, holding extremely uncomfortable positions for long periods etc. Yet I was able to survive due to my faith in Falun Dafa."
"610 Office" Arrest a Doctor Who Refuses to Obey Their Unreasonable Demands
2004-11-30"610 Office" officials had brought a patient with psychosis to Falun Dafa practitioner Dr. Hu Jinzhao's office at the Yunnan Province Psychiatric Hospital. Seeking to slander Falun Dafa, they asked Dr. Hu to certify that the patient had become psychotic because of practising Falun Gong. He refused their request, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them. The "610 Office" officials saw the three words, "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance," under the glass on his desk, so they asked him if he practised Falun Gong. Dr. Hu said yes!
Practitioner Yu Ming Secretly Transferred Numerous Times for Suing Jiang While Detained in a Labour Camp
2004-11-30Falun Dafa practitioner Mr Yu Ming was admired and feared by re-education team leaders and custodians that monitored him the various labour camps he was incarcerated in. He wrote an appeal to sue Jiang Zemin for his criminal actions towards practitioners and their families and was detained by the team leader. In the end, Yu Ming walked out of the camp due to his upright state of mind.
An Appeal to Conscience on Universal Children's Day
2004-11-27In China, a great number of children have encountered discrimination and threats because their parents practise Falun Gong. Many have lost their parents and other relatives, as well as the opportunity to continue their studies. Some of them have been illegally imprisoned and beaten, some have been forced to become homeless, and some have even been tortured to death.
An Account of the Torture I Experienced at the Heizuizi Labour Camp and in a Mental Hospital
2004-11-20"In December of 2000, the police arrested me when I went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Later on, I was sent to Heizuizi Labour Camp. When I refused to recite the rules of the labor camp, one policeman shocked me all over my body with a high voltage electric baton for about 45 minutes. My entire body smelled of burned flesh and the pain was so excruciating that I could hardly bear it! I was sent to a mental hospital where I was injected with unknown drugs into my body. I felt all kinds of pain and experienced horrible visual hallucinations."