Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Details on the Persecution of Practitioners at Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2006-10-12Besides using forced labour to torture practitioners, they also force practitioners to attend "brainwashing sessions," where they use despicable, underhanded methods to persecute practitioners. Information about these crimes is tightly sealed, and even regular criminals or non-participating guards do not know what goes on inside. The more-than twenty practitioners imprisoned there are subjected to both physical and psychological tortures that are inhumane beyond words. They have been beaten with electric batons after midnight so that their cries and shouts are not heard. The guards handcuff the practitioner, put a motorcycle helmet on his head, and then shock him with several electric batons.
A Mother Goes to Visit her Son in Prison for Three Years but is Denied - Only For Him to Be Secretly Transferred by the 610 Office on His Release
2006-10-12During the three years of her son's prison detention Mr. Wu Zhiqiang's mother never gave up appealing for her son. On every family visiting day, she would arrive at the prison in the early morning and ask to meet her son. However, she was never allowed to see him until he was released. After his release on August 3rd, 2006, the director of the 610 Office Xie Guanchang, led a group of people to abduct Mr. Wu. He was sent directly to a brainwashing session for further persecution.
The Persecution Tore Apart My Family
2006-10-12In Guizhou's Zhongba forced labour camp, Falun Gong practitioners are forced to perform slave labour for long periods of time. Food rations are poor quality and scanty. Imprisoned practitioners work from 8:00 a.m until 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Sometimes, practitioners have to work all night, and the same routine continues the next day. All this time, prison guards and inmates constantly beat practitioners. The extended work hours and prolonged sleep deprivation damaged my brain. Now, whenever I think hard, I feel dizzy and get a headache.
18-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to Three years in Prison for Appealing for Her Father
2006-10-1118-year-old Zhu Xiuyun was working outside of her hometown and heard news that her father, practitioner Mr. Zhu Yanghe, was arrested, and sentenced to prison and that her home was raided. She could not understand why all of this took place. On August 19th, 2006, Zhu Xiuyun went to the county courthouse with an appeal letter. The courthouse contacted the head of the county 610 Office, Li Shilin, who called the county police station. Over ten police officers showed up and arrested the young girl without any documentation or just cause. She was sentenced to three years in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison.
Retired Couple from Tsinghua University Sent to Forced Labour Camp; Daughter in US Pleads for Their Release
2006-10-11Falun Gong practitioners 63-year-old Mr. Fu Yong'an and 63-year-old Ms. Liu Xianglan, both retired employees from Tsinghua University in Beijing, were sentenced to forced labour camps for two years. Ms. Liu's family members were allowed to meet with her for the first time on September 11th, 2006, after she had been detained for six months. The family met with Mr. Fu once at the end of July 2006. According to the family, Mr. Fu and Ms. Liu are both now very thin. From their conversations with the couple, the family learned that the conditions at Qinghe Detention Centre are very bad.
High School Student in Jilin Province Indicts Police for Arrest and Torture
2006-10-10On July 14th, 2006, 17-year-old high school student Zheng Yunlong, his father and his mother were taken to the Changjiang Road Police Station by eight police officers. They were interrogated and tortured to extort confessions. Police officer Li Chengbao beat Zheng Yunlong. He squeezed his mouth, punched his nose, and kicked his stomach, chest and legs. Several policemen kept kicking him while he lay on the ground and didn't allow him to sleep for 24 hours.
Practitioners Mr. Liu Mingyue, Mr. Liu Shuhua, and Ms. Yang Shengyun from Shandong Province Suffer Persecution
2006-10-10On June 9th, 2001, Ms. Liu Shuhua was tricked into the Xiadingjia Brainwashing Centre by her work place. On June 13th, her husband was also taken there. In the brainwashing centre office workers repeatedly played audio and video tapes that slandered Falun Dafa. The detainees were also forced to reprimand Falun Dafa and to write the so-called three statements. Those who refused to write would be tortured and starved, confined in a solitary compartment, put under surveillance 24 hours-a-day, deprived of sleep, as well as physically tortured. There are tens of thousands of elderly people like Mr. Liu Mingyue and Ms. Liu Shuhua suffering from persecution in China.
Mr. Li Jianbo and His Wife Liu Xiuyun Imprisoned – Their Eight-Year-Old Daughter Is Heartbroken
2006-10-08For refusing to renounce Falun Dafa, practitioners Mr. Li Jianbo and his wife Liu Xiuyun have been sentenced to prison for eight and four years, respectively. Mr. Li Jianbo was beaten until his head bled, and he still has a long scar on his head today. He was allowed to see his family only once before going to prison. Ms. Liu Xiuyun was fined 10,000 yuan. Their eight-year-old daughter cries every day, wishing to see her parents. She lives with her grandparents, who are both almost 70 years old, and do not have the ability to take good care of her.
The Arrest of a 65-Year-Old Practitioner from Shandong Province
2006-10-08On September 18th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Jianguo’s home was ransacked. Following this incident, he and his middle son were both detained at Shilihe Detention Centre. Police officers from the township police station participated in ransacking Zhang Jianguo’s home. Since the Jiang Zemin regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Jiang Jianguo’s family has been harassed continuously. He is the backbone of his family and the main breadwinner, as his wife is unable to work. Yet she is now alone.
Dalian City Police Arrest Practitioner Zhang Guoyu Again; His Family Can Find No Refuge from the Persecution
2006-10-08Xuanxuan, the 7-year-old son of Zhang Guoyu, misses his father very much. He wrote on a piece of paper: "There is nothing wrong with believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Give my father Zhang Guoyu back to me." On September 12th, 2006, police broke into Dafa practitioner Zhang Guoyu's workplace, arrested and detained him at a detention centre. Zhang Guoyu is now on a hunger strike to protest the unjust detention.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Cheng Disabled from Torture at the Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2006-10-07Guards attempted to make Mr. Liu give up Falun Dafa. They made him sit on a bed, and handcuffed him separately to each side of the bed's headboard. The officers then incited criminals to beat him. They beat his chest with their fists and used the bottoms of their shoes to hit his head and face. They further used a mop handle to poke his chest, knees and ankles and kicked his back. While this was happening, the guards electrically shocked Mr. Liu's face and neck. Following that abuse, the evildoers handcuffed him to a heating pipe in such a way that he could neither stand nor squat, and they continued to beat and shock him.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested by Police from Jilin Province
2006-10-07Police arrested practitioner Ms. Yang Zhonghong. Ms. Yang spoke about the facts of Falun Dafa to a family member of police officer Liang, and she was reported to the police. During the arrest, Tang Longping tried to coax Ms. Yang's four-year-old daughter into naming all the people that had met with her mother. The child was so frightened that she was trembling. The neighbours protested strongly against the abusive behaviour of these police. People say the police these days are worse than gangsters.
Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province Persecutes Practitioners by Locking Them in Dark Rooms, Burying Them Alive, and Leaving Them with Poisonous Snakes
2006-10-06Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. There were 103 electric batons used to shock practitioners' mouths and sensitive parts until their skin blistered. Practitioners were tied up with a rope until their shoulders dislocated and buried in holes in the ground until they almost suffocated. Guards wrapped practitioners' fingers with copper wire and ran current through it. The guards also used scissors to stab underneath the practitioners' feet, cuffed the practitioners and locked the cuffs to rings buried in the ground, and beat, kicked and electrically shocked practitioners who were physically weak. They also put poisonous snakes on the practitioners.
Practitioners Suffer Cruel Persecution at Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, Guangdong Province
2006-10-06Between 2002 and 2005, the Entrance Team of Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, which detains and persecutes male Falun Gong practitioners, four times enacted a procedure called "Attacking the Base," in order to "transform" practitioners by cruel torture. It labels practitioners as "class enemies" and uses electric shocks very frequently. For going on a hunger strike, practitioners are confined in a small room.
Practitioners in Huainan City, Anhui Province Sentenced For Steadfastly Believing in Falun Dafa
2006-10-0553-year-old Mr. Chen Xiu’an persisted in practising Falun Dafa and believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and was arrested in September 2005. During his detention in Huainan First Detention Centre, he was tortured and could no longer walk. In early December, 2005, the Tianjia’an District Court sentenced him to thirteen years of imprisonment. After torture his skin turned black, his eyes were sunken, and he couldn’t lift his legs.