Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Her Husband in Prison for Six Years, Ms. Liu Hong Arrested and Her Whereabouts Unknown
2009-04-04Liu Hong is a Falun Gong practitioner and the owner of a restaurant in Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. As she was going to work on February 24th, 2009, she was arrested by police. About seven officers from Wuhan City Police Department were involved as well. The police took her key and ransacked her home. Ms. Liu was take away by the police. Currently, her whereabouts are unknown and her family members have not heard any information about her condition or whereabouts for more than 23 days. Her husband, Shi Lei, is also a Falun Gong practitioner. He was sentenced to eleven years in jail. He is now in Fanjiatai Prison in the Shayang District and has been for more than six years.
The Torture I Suffered in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-03In November 2005, I was taken to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp for the second time by the police in Harbin City. I had already experienced different forms of torture there before. I was hung up and shocked by guards. They shocked me with two electric batons. After that they put me on the iron chair again. I was barefoot and was wearing only thin clothes, but guard Yao Fuchang opened the window in order to expose me to freezing temperatures. On the fourth day, before I had recovered from the torture with electric batons, guard Sun Qing pushed my head down and slipped an electric baton inside my clothes from the side of my neck, then shocked me all over.
Ms. Kang Aimin Arrested by the Jiamusi Police
2009-04-03On March 9th, 2009, police from the Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau and the Jianshe Police Station broke into the home of Ms. Kang Aimin's son and forcibly took Ms. Kang away. Under the direct order of the Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau, the Jiamusi Police Department arrested more than 20 practitioners with the excuse of searching for those who set up speakers to broadcast the facts about Falun Gong. They also listed the names of Ms. Kang Aimin and five other practitioners that were wanted. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, Ms. Kang has been repeatedly harassed, arrested, detained, tortured, and financially persecuted by the local police.
Mr. Lu Yonghe Arrested in July, 2008 in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, His Whereabouts Still Unknown
2009-04-02Mr. Lu Yonghe was sentenced to two years of forced labour in the Nanning City Forced Labour Camp in 2001. Because he would not give up his faith in Falun Gong, he was singled out and severely tortured by camp guards. After Mr. Lu was released, he was forced to leave home and become homeless in order to avoid further persecution and possible arrest. In 2008, he decided to go back to his home town to help fellow practitioners prepare leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. In July 2008, he was arrested again along with several other local practitioners. His whereabouts and the state of his health remain unknown.
Exposing the Persecution in the Shanghai Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-02On December 29th, 2004, I was arrested and detained by police due to reports made by people who did not know the truth of the persecution. I was transferred to the Shanghai City Women's Forced Labour Camp for eighteen months. I was forced to watch DVDs full of lies, as a means to brainwash me and force me to quit Falun Gong. Since I did not submit to their demands, I was forced to stay in a small cell, sit for extended periods on a small stool, and to write self-criticism essays. I was forced to do physical labour, which I resisted. The brigade captain grabbed my collar and dragged me to her office, where she kept slapping my face left and right, and kicking my whole body.
Cangxian Procuratorate Puts Five Practitioners on Trial
2009-04-01In early March 2009, the Cangxian Procuratorate in Hebei Province put practitioners Mr. Pu Jinfeng, Ms. Zhao Junfeng, Mr. Zhang Kanzhong, Mr. Li Bin'an and Mr. Liu Rujun on trial. It was learned that there was an organization specifically set up for persecuting Falun Gong within the Cangzhou City Intermediate Court. It was stipulated that the County Court must report all cases to the city's Intermediate Court within three days. All the appeals lodged by the practitioners, who had been sentenced by the lower court, were all rejected by the city's Intermediate Court.
Hunan Province Practitioner Ms. Luo Hong Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2009-03-29During a trial on March 3rd, 2009, the Shigu District Court of Hengyang City, Hunan Province and the Hunan Province Court sentenced Ms. Luo Hong to four years in prison. Ms. Luo plans to appeal to a higher court. During the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, the Hengyang City Domestic Security Section, the Hengyang City 610 Office, and the Renming Road Police Station arrested Ms. Luo Hong at her home for practising Falun Gong and possessing Falun Gong books. They searched her home, seized her computer, printer, printer paper, Falun Gong books, and other personal belongings, and also froze her bank accounts. Ms. Luo remains imprisoned at the Hengyang City No. 1 Detention Centre.
Ms. Cui Yuezhi and Mr. Wang Hongchao from Guan County Sentenced to Eight Years Imprisonment
2009-03-28On July 26th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Cui Yuezhi and Mr. Wang Hongchao were arrested. On February 18th, 2009, Mr. Wang was brought to trial in the Guan County Court. Mr. Wang's family members had hired a lawyer and asked the lawyer to plead 'not-guilty.' Using current Chinese laws, the lawyer was able to prove that Mr. Wang was innocent. The defence had no response and had to wrap up the trial in a hurry. On March 4th, 2009, the court, with complete disregard for the law, sentenced both Mr. Wang and Ms. Cui to eight years of imprisonment.
Ms. Lin Lihua Taken to Court after Seven Months in Detention
2009-03-28The Chinese Communist officials in the Chaoyang District forced the court to hold an open hearing on Ms. Lin Lihua. On February 19th, 2009, the Wenyuhe Court in the Chaoyang District in Beijing conducted a hearing on Ms. Lin Lihua. However, her family was not allowed to enter the courtroom and were told that all seating was taken. In fact, there were plenty of empty seats. Five police officers were in attendance. Before the hearing, Lin Lihua had been detained for over seven months.
More Than 100 Male Falun Gong Practitioners Held and Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2009-03-27Guards tortured practitioners and forced them to write statements to denounce Falun Gong. Those who refused to write the statements were tortured at night. The perpetrators threatened them, saying, "You will be killed if you do not write the statements. We have a death quota." The victims are tortured non-stop without being allowed to sleep. Practitioner Mr. Li Hailong suffered so much that he could not walk and could not get himself to the dining room without two persons to support him. Two months later, he remains in this condition. Mr. Cui Dejun was crippled from torture, but the guards insisted that he was pretending and grabbed his hair and slammed his head against a wall. Later, he was subjected to the death bed torture.
Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Shiliping Forced Labour Camp in Zhejiang Province - Compilation of Information Dating Back to 1999
2009-03-26To achieve its goal of "reforming1" all detained practitioners, Zhejiang Provincial Forced Labour Bureau personnel worked together with the labour camp to develop a series of tactics to physically and mentally harm practitioners. For instance, they forced practitioners to sit in a chair with their limbs tied to it and wouldn't let them sleep or use the toilet. At the same time, they turned on a speaker to its highest volume and broadcast their propaganda information. If a practitioner dozed off he would be burned with a cigarette and force-fed hot chilli pepper juice. They also forced practitioners to write statements giving up their cultivation and kept whoever refused to write them tied to the chair for a long time.
Ms. Zhao Qiuying Arrested by Four Policemen
2009-03-26On February 29th, 2009, 58-year-old Ms. Zhao Qiuying from Beijing was taken away from her own clothing booth by four policemen from the Dongsheng Police Station in the Haidian District. When the police arrived at the booth, they surrounded it, intending to take her away. Ms. Zhao did not cooperate with them, but they started a search and found two brochures that explained the facts about Falun Gong. Afterwards, they dragged her into a police vehicle. At around 4 p.m., the police vehicle arrived at Ms. Zhao's home. The police searched her home and took away a Falun Gong book, two brochures, and five or six CD's. That night, Ms. Zhao's family learned that she had been taken to the Qinghe Detention Centre.
Details of My Persecution by Harbin National Protection Team Leader Chen Yuhao
2009-03-26In October 2000, in order to speak the truth about Falun Gong, I went to Beijing to appeal. At the Beijing Qianmen Police Station, I was brutally beaten, leaving my entire body green and purple with bruises. After five days of torture, I was taken to my hometown by police and imprisoned in the Acheng District Second Detention Centre for twenty-five days. At around 7:00 p.m. January 24th, 2008, I went to a friend's to lend her my hair dryer. As soon as I entered her home, I was attacked by four or five policemen who were lying in wait. I was pulled and dragged into a police car, and taken to the Yuquan Town Public Security Bureau. The police took away my hair dryer and said, "This is a criminal device. We can't give it back to you." I was detained in the Acheng Second Detention Centre for eight days and inhumanely tortured.
I Have Personally Suffered the Same Tortures as Lawyer Mr. Gao Zhisheng
2009-03-25Nine years ago, when Falun Gong was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to appeal against the persecution. I was arrested and beaten, and then put into a detention centre. There I was persecuted severely, suffering many tortures. When we were taken to the detention centre, we were forced to stand along a wall all day long in the freezing cold. I was beaten severely by the guards for not telling them my name [Note: Because of the CCP's policy of implication, Falun Gong practitioners often do not reveal their name or address in order to protect family members, friends and co-workers from being harassed and persecuted by CCP officials]. The guard even used a belt to strangle my neck until the belt broke.
Police Arrest Supermarket Owners Mr. Qi Wanchuan and His Wife, Ms. Liu Bing'e, and Steal Their Money
2009-03-25Mr. Qi Wanchuan and Ms. Liu Bing'e, husband and wife, are practitioners in Kongjiazhuang, Wanquan County, Hebei Province. They were arrested at their supermarket by officers led by chief Li Fenglou from the Wanquan Police Department. Valuables from their home and the cash in the register, totalling more than 10,000 yuan, were stolen. The family was traumatized by the incident. Mr. Qi is currently detained in Wanquan County Jail. Ms. Liu is detained in Shisanli Jail in Zhangjiakou City. Ms. Liu is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and she is very weak.